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ЗарегистрироватьсяБыла на сайте более двух недель назад
Женщина, 42 года, родилась 4 ноября 1982
Актау, готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Supply Chain
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 23 года 4 месяца
Апрель 2010 — по настоящее время
15 лет
Caspi Meruerty Operating Company B.V.
Актау, cmoc.kz
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Технической ассистент департамента Разведки и Разработки месторождения
CMOC B.V. is a Joint Operating Company performing Petroleum Operations under the Production Sharing Agreement for the Pearls Contract Area in the Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea.
HSE knowledge/ awareness and compliance. Comply with Goal Zero, Golden and 12 Life Saving Rules. Provide effective, efficient and timely operational support to the Exploration Manager & Technical Director in coordination of TD meetings, weekly/monthly reporting, invoice processing, cost control etc.; keep a record of all required G&G data, manage & control Exploration & Development document control system & file structure; coordinate the contract for core storage & biostratigraphy analyses, monitor and keep track of analyses; take part in geological data gathering activities and operations (coring, cuttings sampling & descriptions, wireline log and other data gathering) from exploration and appraisal wells; timely integration of geological documents related to wells for further submission to Partners and Competent Authorities (Zapkaznedra, Geology Committee); in charge of final closing books for the department.
Май 2020 — Август 2021
1 год 4 месяца
Wellbore Integrity Solutions Kazakhstan LLP
Актау, www.wellboreintegrity.com
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Supply Chain Lead
WIS Kazakhstan LLP is the new company established in 2019. Shareholder of WIS KAZ is a Wellbore Integrity Solutions LLC, an industry recognized leader for wellbore integrity, consulting engineering and products to manage risk profile of wellbores. Moreover, WIS delivers technology and quality products to the wellsite as well as product development and manufacturing.
Project Description:
WIS KAZ currently has 2 operating locations, Aktau and Aksay.
Report to: RCA Supply Chain Manager
• Receives, examines and processes requests; prepares bid specifications and other necessary documents related to the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment; locates source of supply, and places orders with appropriate bidder(s) using 1C ERP system.
• Compares costs and evaluates the quality and suitability of Suppliers, materials and equipment.
• Interviews and corresponds with Vendors; keeps informed of new products and market conditions and trends.
• Manage logistics & customs clearance process in line with Customs regulations and Company processes and procedures.
• Follow trade control and business ethics requirements.
• Confers with and assists officials of all departments to determine purchasing needs and specifications.
• In charge for local and international contracts (starting from screening up to conclusion of the contracts)
• Develop material costs forecasts, reporting and budgeting.
• Implement new or improved supply chain processes.
• Negotiate prices and terms with suppliers, including audit & evaluation, in line with cost reduction plans.
Февраль 2017 — Декабрь 2018
1 год 11 месяцев
KC Caspian Explorer LLP
Purchase & Logistics Coordinator
Project Description:
Offshore drilling of STPZ-1 exploration well. Client: Satpayev Operating LLP / Offshore drilling of appraisal well ZT-2. Client: Zhambyl Petroleum LLP.
• In charge for international/local purchase of GWS in line with technical details, estimated cost, desired time & quality requirements as per the Company policies and standards.
• Coordinate and expedite flow of materials on a daily basis.
• Communicate & interface with vendors, brokers, suppliers and the Operations Management to ensure timely purchase and delivery of GWS.
• Accept & check export/import invoices and packing lists for shipments.
• Analyze the received quotes & create comparison tables.
• Build and maintain strong vendor relationships.
Апрель 2007 — Апрель 2010
3 года 1 месяц
Caspi Meruerty Operating Company B.V.
Актау, cmoc.kz
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Технический переводчик
CMOC B.V. is a Joint Operating Company performing Petroleum Operations under the Production Sharing Agreement for the Pearls Contract Area in the Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea.
Reporting to Exploration Manager & Chief Geologist. Translation of all Project documentation (official correspondence, technical documentation, daily geological/drilling reports, contracts etc.) to/from Russian/English/Kazakh; interpretation to/from Russian/English/Kazakh during meetings, conference calls, audits, business trips, yard visits, training sessions, etc.;
Февраль 2006 — Апрель 2007
1 год 3 месяца
ERSAI Caspian Contractor LLC
Технический переводчик
Construction of ERSAI Caspian Yard under Investment project, Offshore projects: Piperacks and Piles & Flares for Kashagan Field Development Project - Client: Agip KCO, Kuryk Village, Karakiyan District, Aktau, Mangistau Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Translation of all Project technical documentation (drawings, specifications, estimates, standards, legal documentation etc.).
Апрель 2004 — Февраль 2006
1 год 11 месяцев
ABE Corporation/Zheldorstroi LLP
Технический переводчик
Project Description:
SGP Sulphur Recovery Unit; SGP OffPlot Civils (North) - Client: Parson Fluor Daniel International LLC (PFD) owned by Tengiz Chevroil (TCO), at Tengiz, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Sulphur pit construction (sheet piles driving/extracting, reinforcing & concreting works); Bullets construction (pouring of Bullets foundations, scaffolding, de-watering), Steelwork erection on Piperacks, Substations, HPFGC buildings; Construction of Tank foundations, Electrical & Mechanical works, Concrete works in winter time, Pipeline works (welding, hydrotesting) and etc.
Responsibilities: Translation of all Project technical documentation and interpret at site during the above mentioned operations.
Сентябрь 2001 — Декабрь 2003
2 года 4 месяца
Zheldorproject LLP
Project Description:
Design of geological & topographical works - Client: KPO B.V.
Location: Aksai, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
Translation of all technical & office documentation (drawings, specifications, estimates, MOMs, correspondence, etc) & weekly business trips to Aksai for progress meetings.
Февраль 2003 — Апрель 2003
3 месяца
ABE Corporation/Temirzhol Kurylys Atyrau LLP
Project Description:
Access Road-Phase II; Road bridge at the intersection with Railroad; Construction of railroad, railway station, bus terminal - Client: Agip KCO
Earthworks, soil embankment, frost blanket laying, crushed rock subgrade, pavement, installation of culvert treatment, de-watering, pile driving & cropping, concrete & rebar works.
Responsibilities: Translation of all Project technical documentation and interpret at site during the above mentioned operations.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории BОбо мне
Professional Goal:
To obtain a promising position that offers both a challenge and a good opportunity for growth.
Trainings & certificates:
Shell Open University (Nam Training Center) – Assen, Holland
GO100 – Operations Geology
Petroskills – Aberdeen, Scotland
Foundations of Petrophysics (FPP)
Schlumberger (SIS Cairo Training Center) – Cairo, Egypt
Petrel 2009 Software
PIECE – London, UK
Geology for Non-Geologists
EP0a4 – Rijswijk, Holland
Overview of the EP Business
KBTU – Almaty, Kazakhstan
G&G support while drilling
Nurikon – Almaty, Kazakhstan
Reserves Estimate
Moscow International School of Translation and Interpreting (MISTI) – Moscow, Russian Federation
Consecutive & simultaneous interpretation, bilateral negotiations
Personal traits Well-organized, excellent communication skills, competent, strong team player.
Высшее образование
Переводческое дело, Референт-переводчик
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения