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Male, 47 years, born on 16 January 1978

Considers offers

Aktau, willing to relocate (Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, Uzbekistan), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Project manager, Plant manager, Technical director

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 23 years 9 months

November 2020currently
4 years 5 months
"Kokshe-Cement" LLP


Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Technical director
Production and maintenance services management.
June 2019November 2019
6 months
ShymkentCement JCS

Shymkent, www.heidelbergcement.kz

Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Investment manager
Implementation of the investment projects (CAPEX)
August 2015May 2019
3 years 10 months
"CaspiCement" LLP (HeidelbergCement Group)


Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Investment manager
All cycles of investment projects realization of the company - from budget planning, resources required and deadlines to the acceptance of facilities in operation by acceptance committee and commissioning. Implementation of the control functions of the budgetary funds, control implementation of project managers of the functional duties, working with service providers, etc. Main implemented projects in 2015-2018 (total - 82): 1. Construction of the additional clinker storage (capacity - 80 000 ton); 2. Construction of shipment compartment for palletized cement into wagons (including rotary packing machine and palletizer); 3. Reconstruction of dispatch department, incl. installation of additional silo for production of the oil well cement (1000ton) and Big Bag packing machine (as a project manager). 4. Installation of equipment for crushing of lumps of chalk in the crusher hopper; 5. Reconstruction of bag filters (main, by-pass system); 6. Canteen construction for 65 seats; 7. Construction of accommodation container type camp. 8. Extension of the existing video surveillance system at the plant and terminals. 9. Installation of gas vessels ramp in Lab building (incl. Working draft). 10. Acquisition and reconstruction of the terminal for the receipt and shipment of cement (including access railway tracks). 11. Reconsrtruction of ball mill gas path (incl. abrasive protection by concrete and CDP). 12. Installation of additional weighing equipment, metering and control of technological parameters. 13. Installation of 2nd 110/10 kV 40 000 kVA power transformer. 14. Cement Mill Gearbox reconstruction (spareparts from BRAUER, Germany). 15. Construction of platform for slinger to ensure safe loading of Big Bags to 4 open wagons. 16. Other. Performing management functions related to obtaining permits and implementation of alternative fuels on the plant (oil sludge). Active member of CIP (Continuous Improvement Program). Discharge of professional duties of the General Director during his vacantion periods (8-10 times a year for the last 2 years).
February 2015August 2015
7 months
CaspiCement LLP (HeidelbergCement Group)


Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Permits and Alternative Fuels Manager
1 stage. Obtaining all necessary permits for the operation of the business (licenses, approvals, etc.), organization of preparation process of construction documents design organizations, participation in the construction of new sections in order to expand the company (Section of packing and shipping products. Storage of clinker, coal and additives). 2 stage. Project management of alternative fuels implementation to reduce production costs (replacing a standard fuel of dry process kiln for clinker production(coal), as the mineral deposit – with technogeneous products). Preparation of background information, including market research of potential suppliers, negotiation. Development of technology for the use of oil sludge.
June 2011February 2015
3 years 9 months
CaspiCement LLP (HeidelbergCement Group)


Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Production manager (chief technologist)
Preparation of the documentation required to start up plant in operation (overseeing the development of the working draft, dealing with the use of industrial hazardous equipment permits, including the examination of the industrial safety and the preparation of technical passports for equipment, working instructions and production regulations), preparation and coordination of the project and commissioning works of the plant , overseeing the development of the detailed design for the use of ionizing radiation sources (IRS: Cf-252, X-ray equipment), monitoring of works on obtaining permits and licenses, the establishment of industrial services, including staff recruitment and training, the plant acceptance and commissioning, production department management of "Preparation of raw material and clinker burning" , "Milling and shipment of cement," Transport department" ,” Railway department “ the formation of the budget and expenditure tracking, reduce costs and production costs. Achievements: reduction of specific fuel consumption for clinker burning 7%; reduction in specific energy consumption for the production of clinker by 4%, cement grinding by 5%. Increasing the rotary kiln productivity by 11%, cement mill by 12%, raw mill - by 9%, coal mill by 10%. Participation in Greenfield project (Non-EPC) before start up of the cement plant. The management of the team consisting of the environmental engineer, the power engineer, the mine engineer, the head of laboratory, the desalination plant engineer.
May 2008May 2011
3 years 1 month
"Bukhtarma Cement Company" LLP (HeidelbergCement Group)


Head of kiln department
Kiln department leading (4 rotary kilns, 4 coal ball mill, number of employees -116)
November 2001May 2008
6 years 7 months
"Bukhtarma Cement Company" LLP


Process engineer of kiln department
Portlandcement clinker burning process, organization and control. Execution of duties as deputy head of the department in terms of technology.
August 2000November 2001
1 year 4 months
"Bukhtarma Cement Company" LLP


Breakdown mechanic
Acting laboratory adjustment equipment engineer of chief mechanic department - 5 months. Acting supervisor of "Repair – mechanical department» - 4 months. Mechanic (fitter) - start work


Skill proficiency levels
Business Process Management
Cash Management
Account Management
Project management
Product Management
Negotiation skills
Start-up project
Business Planning
Team management
Точность и внимательность к деталям

Driving experience

Driver's license category B, C

About me

Traveling with family, hiking, mountains, off-road driving, photography, English, bike.

Higher education

Belgorodskiy State Technological University, named after Shukhov, Belgorod city.
Cement and composite materials technology. Chemical technology of non-metal refractory and silicate materials, Cement technology (engineer)
East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbaev, Ust-Kamenogorsk city.
Construction, Civil Construction and Management, Civil engineer



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter