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Male, 42 years, born on 12 July 1982

Not looking for a job

Aktau, not willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips

Environmental engineer or Environmental Advisor

500 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 16 years 5 months

March 2018November 2022
4 years 9 months
TotalEnergies GmbX in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Oil and Gas... Show more

Environmental Advisor
Total GmbX Dunga in Kazakhstan • Obtaining of Environmental Impact Permit, Gas Flaring Permit, Nature Use Permit such as Intake and Injection Permits; • Coordinate the development/adjustment of Allowable air emissions normatives and Allowable pollutant discharges projects including Environmental Impact Assessment project (EIA) and Environmental Protection Chapter (EPC) for construction and operations; • Act as the primary responsible person for setting Allowable air emissions normatives project; • Continuously interact with TEP’s internal stakeholder department (project teams, production technology department, regulatory affairs department, customer/initiator departments) to raise their awareness of the RoK regulatory requirements, plans for updating the permit, forecast changes in emissions normatives and the potential of their lowering; • Visit facilities to conduct required audits and inventory of emission sources, prepared follow-up recommendations, sent the recommendations to Supervisor; • Cooperate with controlling bodies, act as HSE representative during inspection of Company’s environmental activity, contribute to mutual understanding, represent TEP in relevant meetings with state bodies within his competence, participate in court proceedings as HSE representative; • Provide assurance that that the environmental aspects of all activities within TEP and waste management at TEP worksites is compliant with requirements, including, but not limited to: - Legislations and permits; - RoK Environmental Code; - Total waste management plan; - Total Corporate Policies and Standards; - ISO 14001 • Ensure that environmental spill (including leaks) response arrangements are appropriately managed, hereunder: - Maintain the TEP Oil Spill Contingency plan, including review and revision as necessary; - Develop and implement an annual test schedule for oil spill response; - Participate in incident investigations relating to oil spills and leaks; - Ensure that all reporting requirements (internal and external) related to spills and leaks are identified, documented and complied with; - Work jointly with operational department on TEP Leaks Reduction Plan; - Liaison with Government Relations department. • Monitor Company operational environmental performance, through: - Planned activities; - Management and control of environmental contractors; - Provision of environmental tax calculation data to Finance department; - Assuring validity of flaring measurement. • Ensure that all aspects of environmental permitting are managed, hereunder: - Supervision of environmental contractors, including documented scopes of work, tendering, cost and budget control, and quality assurance of deliverables; - All environmental reporting to authorities and Corporate (Pl@net environmental reporting system); - Coordination of environmental monitoring; - Liaison with Government Relations department; - Liaison with Operations in EIA development and obtaining emission permit. • Maintain and drive implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS), and it’s ISO 14001 certification, hereunder: - Environmental aspects; - Documentation; - Training; - Auditing and assurance; - Periodic review and revision. • Attendant in planned and unplanned Inspections by Environmental Regulator to represent Company. • Internal audits and inspection of Company operational and administrative facilities in order to ensure the compliance with internal standards and legislative requirements. • Assure compliance with relevant internal and external requirements within area of responsibility. • Provide support to ongoing operations and project, including documentation and compliance assurance. • Develop new policies and procedures as required. • Conduct trainings, drills, and campaigns as required. • Recommend actions and initiatives in support of the continuous improvement of environmental performance. • Compile and verify all relevant environmental data within area of responsibility, and ensure timely submission to internal and external stakeholders. • Maintain a good knowledge of Republic of Kazakhstan national and local environmental legislation and requirements. • Ensure timely identification of new and emerging environmental legislation and interpretation of its impact Company, and ensure that changes are managed appropriately. • Recommend resource needs, including personnel, training, consultants and IT/technical tools. • Environment cost and budget control
November 2014March 2018
3 years 5 months
JSC KazMunaiGaz / KMG Drilling & Services LLP / Teniz Burgylau LLP


Oil and Gas... Show more

Senior Environmental Engineer
- preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports and other ecological reports demanded by state authorities; - maitain all appropriate environmental permits such Nature use permit, Special Water use permit, and Gas Flaring Permit; - waste management system (hazardous and non-hazardous waste passports, Waste management programe); - attendance during planned and unplanned inspections by Local Inspectors, audits; - environmental permitting, reporting, monitoring and waste management systems managing; - ensuring corresponding to RoK environmental legislation requirements; - forecasting, preventing and reacting to environmental emergencies; - supervise sub-contractor's activities; - developing and introducing environmental procedures; - developing and conducting environmental training programs; - full support of environmental responsibility (outsourcing)
November 2012November 2014
2 years 1 month
Agip KCO Caspian North Operating Company, Offshore, Kashagan field


Offshore Environmental Supervisor
• Management and control of environmental contractors • Provision of environmental tax calculation data to Finance department (Calculation of Ecological payments) • Assuring validity of flaring measurement • Quarterly reporting of emissions data (Environmental Report Datasheet) • Coordination and organization of environmental monitoring • Develop and maintain good working relationships with Government Relations department • Ensuring the completeness of data submitted to contractor. Verification of deliverables. • Attendance during planned and unplanned Inspections by Environmental Regulator • Development and execution of Waste Management contractors’ annual inspection program • Provide support to ongoing operations project, including documentation and compliance assurance • Recommend actions and initiatives in support of the continuous improvement of environmental performance • Compile and verify all relevant environmental data within area of responsibility, and ensure timely submission to internal and external stakeholders • Ensure timely identification of new and emerging environmental legislation and interpretation of its impact on Company and ensure that changes are managed appropriately • Recommend resource needs, including personnel, training, consultants and IT/technical tools • Review of prepared reports, explanatory notes and cover letters and etc. • Provided technical and operational advice on environmental protection and waste management issues and support to site operational personnel on an as needed basis; • Promoted a better understanding of contractors and site personnel on company operations relating to environmental protection. Particularly by developing close interaction through regular site visits, TBT, networking, workshops, meeting etc; • Ensured that all wastes and sewage generated by Operations are properly segregated, transported and disposed of in compliance with RoK applicable legislation, permits and AGIP KCO Policies and Procedures; • Identified environmental hazards / non-compliance and organise remedial measures in a responsible and prompt manner; • Supported the Reporting and Permitting Teams in the preparation of relevant documentation, information, gathering of data necessary to compile statutory reports and to obtain relevant permits and certificates from local and national authorities; • Ensured Contractors and site personnel maintain a database / logbooks of monitoring results, air emissions data, water intake / discharge and waste disposal activities, thereby allowing the easy retrieval, analysis and identification of deviations; • Managed all relevant data for internal and external reporting needs and statistical process controls; • Supported in the supervision of environmental surveys and monitoring programmes with due attention to safety and technical consideration; • Assisted in the preparation of responses to enquiries and claims regarding company environmental protection and performance; • Advised management on any changes or variances regarding waste management regulations; • Developed procedures needed for the implementation of the HSE-MS as required; • Participated in investigation and reporting of incidents with Environmental implications; • Took part the implementation and maintenance of an ISO-14001 Management System within Agip KCO offshore operations.
November 2010October 2012
2 years
Kor-Tazh LLP


Chief Ecologiest
The organization and control of observance of the nature protection legislation in Company divisions; • Development of plans of nature protection actions, programs of production environmental control; • Registration of application materials for receiving permissions to issues in environment in MOOS RK; • Coordination in authorized bodies (MOOS RK, Ecology department of Mamgystau region) reports, plans and programs on nature protection activity; • The conclusion and control of performance of contracts on development of drafts of standards of issues, waste management and OVOS programs, performance of production environmental control, production and consumption recycling; • Preparation of materials and participation in permission of judicial ecological disputes; • Representation of interests of the company in state authorities within the powers (investors, banks, akimat, Maslikhat and etc.); • The organization of works on carrying out public hearings at discussion of ecological projects plans of nature protection actions; • Preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports and other ecological reports demanded by state authorities; • Registration of all necessary ecological documentation according to requirements of the legislation of RK.
February 2009October 2010
1 year 9 months
Head of Environmental engineer
• Works with environmental normative documents, with new projects. Traces and studies changes of laws, instructions, regulations, instructional guidelines by calculations. Reviewing and commenting on projects of new, ready for issue normative documents. • Participation in government inspections. Coordination of work conducted on government agencies requests. Develop and maintain good working relationships with government regulatory agencies, local community leaders and NGOs. • Represent company at Shareholder meetings, the Kazakhstan Petroleum Association, the Kazakhstan Nature User`s Association and with other oil and gas industry groups. • Coordination of reporting and permitting; • Maintain all appropriate environmental permits such Nature Use Permit, Special Water use Permit and Gas Flaring Permit; • Maintain timely development of PDV and PDS projects and all appropriate conclusions on them; • Maitain timely reporting; • Provide guidance to specialists on reporting issues; • Review of prepared reports, explanatory notes and cover letters; • Raise qualification all the time and update knowledge in environmental sphere. Take part in development of Environmental programs and researches. Learn best practices in environmental field applied by companies in Kazakhstan and worldwide, make proposals to apply positive experience and practices in the environmental group\within company; • Coordinate and provide supervision to HQ Environmental Group Environmental Data, Reports and Permitting Group Supervisor; • To prepare and conduct presentations environmental activities company and withoutdoors. To develop comparative graphs, diagrams, tables demonstrating dynamics of emissions, discharges and waste burying of company; • Environmental performance monitoring database and carrying out quality assessments on environmental monitoring reports; The Organization and carrying out of Public hearings; • Participating in Environmental Impact Assessment process for all principal project; • Input to Environmental Impact Assessments and Technical Project Documentation. Environmental Auditing;
February 2007February 2009
2 years 1 month
ProTechOil field servicesLLP/ Pacifico Drilling and Mining LLP
Environmental engineer
• Participation in working out of Production programs and plans concerning within the competence department; • Administration of production programs on ecological questions; • The Organization of working out, the coordination and realization of the ecological Projects of support of oil operations; • Monitoring and control of activity of the affiliated organizations after working out, the coordination and realization of ecological projects of support of oil operations (it agree the list of supervised projects); • Participation in the coordination of ecological projects with representatives State structures; • The Organization and carrying out of Public hearings; • Gathering, the analysis and storage of accounting materials under projects; • Business correspondences and managements of processes. • Review environmental and social policies in relation to existing operations and new projects; • Assist other departments on the environmental and social aspects of their business activities; • Keep up to date with the RoK laws and regulations on environmental protection. Get actively involved in the supervision of the spill response plan; • Preparation of all HSE related documentation for obtaining of various licenses and permits; • Obtain all work related environmental approvals; • Cooperate with any entity for the realization of any EAI study or spill response plan; • Participate in field trips for soil, air and water samples preservation Monitor the activity of all the field contractors through regular inspections in order to prevent any environmental damage.
July 2006February 2007
8 months
MyrzAbeK – ALTYN TAS group JSC
HSE Manager/Environmental-Engineer
- knowledge of ecological legislations, normative and methodical materials on preservation of the environment and rational use of natural resources, system of ecological standards and specifications, prospects of development of branch and the enterprise, the order of carrying out of ecological examination of prescheduled, redesign and design materials, - The order of carrying out of ecological monitoring, the order and terms of drawing up of the reporting on preservation of the environment on quarter (№ 2 ТP (air) protection of atmospheric air, the form № 3 toxic waste products, the form № 4-OS the current expenses for wildlife management, the form 870 and 871.00 payments current payments for environmental contamination) - Carried out the control over observance in divisions of the enterprise of the working ecological legislation, instructions, standards and specifications on preservation of the environment, - Participated on reduction of harmful influence of production factors (a dust, ecotoxics, an aerosol) on life and health of workers, - Took part in development of projects perspective and current plans on preservation of the environment, supervised their performance (the ecological passport, the project on waste products for the enterprise and the project «Systems of asperation and untidusting products of crushing the AS - 1, the AS - 2» - Took part in carrying out of research and skilled works on clearing industrial sewage, prevention of environmental contamination, emissions of harmful substances in an atmosphere, to reduction of technological waste products, rational use of ground and water resources, - Watched observance of ecological standards and specifications, behind a condition of an environment in area of an arrangement of the enterprise. Carried out instructing (introduction, initial on a workplace, off-schedule) and checked knowledge on a labour safety and under the safety precautions - Wrote technical part (HSE) of Tender’s documentation, held by Agip KCO Company for supply and transportation of high density rock and crushed stone - International standards: ISO 9001-2000 Internal audit of systems of the Quality management, ISO 14001-2004 Certificate of Management of Environment (CME), OHSAS 18001 Certification of Management of industrial safety and health protection (CMISHP)


Skill proficiency levels

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

• Microsoft Excel (charts, spreadsheets, calculations) – advanced level (courses) • Microsoft Word (tables, texts) • Power Point (presentations) • First Alert System – HS&E statistics, monthly reports • Corel Draw – painting, correcting drawings • MS office package • MapInfo • Basic knowledge in the sphere of oilfield industry. • Interpersonal and communication skills. Computer-literate. • Able to work/study under tight deadlines and to demonstrate positive attitude and commitment to teamwork. • A motivated, positive and diligent professional with a solid work ethic Driving skills: Category (B) Marital Status: Married Military: Degree Lieutenant 2001 - 2003 Hobby: Sport (footbal), reading and listenning a musicВ последние годы я работал по другой специальности. В данной специальности опыта нет.

Higher education (master)

KazNTU named after Satbayev
Oil and Gaz, Master of Geologist
KNU named after al-Farabi
Ecological, Master of Ecologist
KNU named after al-Farabi
Chemical, Bachelor of Chemist



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

New changes in the Environmental Code. Environmental reporting. State regulation in the field of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Environmental requirements for the protection of atmospheric air
Nurikon LLP / Almaty, Certificate
Changes in Environmental legislation in the field of waste management. current situation, current problems. Modern solutions, new technologies for recycling and processing of waste
Training Attache LLP / Almaty, Certificate
Changes and additions to the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Training Attache LLP / Almaty, Certificate
Going Live/Sweet Induction Going Sour Induction Offshore HSE Case Presentation SAFER – Awareness WRAP and TRIC PTW Level-2 Toxic Substance Storage, Handling and Use (COSHH) Safe Working at height Confined Space Entry (Junior/day) Authorized Gas Tester Senior – Practical Assessment Basic Safe Lifting Operation Manual Handling SeFTec Basic First Aid Advanced First Aid Medical Fitness Facemask Fit Test Incident Investigation and Reporting Prormasys Reporting Fire Technical Minimum
AGIP KCO Training Centre / Atyrau, Certificate
Labour protection and Industrial safety Methanol Storage, Handling and use
“Baitau Partness” LLP, Blue book certificate
Going Live/Sweet Induction Going Sour Induction Offshore HSE Case Presentation. SAFER – Awareness WRAP and TRIC PTW Level-2. Senior – Practical Assessment Basic Safe Lifting Operation Manual Handling SeFTec Basic First Aid Advanced First Aid Medical Fitness Facemask Fit Test Incident Investigation and Reporting Prormasys Reporting Fire Technical Minimum
AGIP KCO Training Centre / Atyrau, HSE trainings
Innovations of the legislation of RoK on environmental issues
Almaty/academy of development of human resources, Certificate
BOSIET – Basic Offshore Survival Emergency Training. Basic H2S OPITO Level-1. Advanced H2S Training Level-2
“YYK” LLP Training Centre, Certificate
Information system and system of electronic purchases «Е-proc». The Kazakhstan maintenance in the goods, works and services and methods of its calculation
"KIDE" LLP Astana city, Certificate
Ecological questions of production processes.A choice of suppliers
KAPUR, Almaty, Certificate
Safety rules in gas and Oil industry
GEP, Almaty, Certificate
Well Control at GasOilWater presents and fire Safety
Akberen LLP, Atyrau, Certificate
Internal Audit IMS ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:1999
ISAS LLP, Aktau, Certificate
Ecological expert and Nature Use regulation
Ministry of Environment, Astana, Certificate

Tests, examinations

The 1-st master’s scientific conference
KazNU after named аl - Farabi, 1-st place
The Participant of the project «ZeroCarbonCity»
Organised British Council, Almaty city , Excellent
The ScientificeEcological research
The Kazakh Agency of Applied Ecology , Excellent
The Participant of the Forum «Balkhash - 2005», Almaty
Local authorities , Excellent
The Participant of a seminar «the Problem of Aral», Almaty
Local authorities, Excellent
The Participant of Student's Scientific conference
KazNU after named al – Farabi, 1-st place
The best lecturer (58th scientific conference of young scientists)
KazNU after named al – Farabi, 1-st place
The urban and regional Olympiad on chemistry
Ministry of education RoK, 1-st place

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter