OMV Petrom S.A. Branch in Kazakhstan
Aktau, www.petrom.com
General Director KOM-MUNAI LLP
Be legally responsible for the Asset and its employees and contractors. Ensure that all Legal and Regulatory requirements of the Asset are met, including all Licenses and Addendums, Work Programs, Permits, and other required Documents are in order, up to date, and safely and centrally stored. All relationships, contacts, and reporting with the National, Regional and Local Authorities in a timely, efficient and fully integrated manner. Developing all community relationships in an efficient, effective and integrated manner to achieve "Good Neighbor" status for the Asset. Building relationships with third party local infrastructure owners to ensure efficient and continued operations. In accordance with the Law manage the industrial, administrative, financial and economic activities of the Company. Shall be fully responsible for the consequences of the taken decisions, for security and efficient use of the Company property, and for financial and administrative performance of the Company. Determining and developing the Company`s activity policy, the strategy and relevant methods of implementation. Shall be in charge for conclusion of contracts, making transactions, transactions with the third parties or with other legal entities, shall issue Instructions, Orders, represent the Company at the business meetings. Guiding work and effective interaction between all functional subdivisions, direct and lead their activity to ensure development and improvement of the flexible and mobile production of Goods and Services; to be accountable for quick respond to the innovations and changes in the market conditions taking into account the social and market priorities. Ensure enhancement of the efficiency of the Company activity, growth of sales of goods and services, profit growth, to be in charge for improvement of the quality and competitiveness of the goods produced (services); shall ensure compliance of the goods and services with the state standards, and with the standards of the highly developed countries and of the best companies to capture the international and domestic markets. Direct & supervise involved departments to ensure that the Company fulfills its obligations to the State Budget, Pension Saving Fund and Insurance Funds, Suppliers, Customers and Creditors, including banks; and to ensure execution of the Administrative and Labor Agreements (Contracts); ensure that the targets of indicative plans and business plans are met. Organizing and leading the production (operated) and economic activities of the company departments using up-to-date equipment and technology, progressive management and labor organization forms, the available scientifically proven standards of material expenses, financial and labor expenses, by studying the market conditions and best practices (domestic and international) for the purpose of improvement of the technical level, the quality of the product (services), the production (operated) intensification growth, labor performance, economic efficiency, rational use of the production reserves and economical use of all kinds of the resources. Be in charge of measures taken to provide the Company with the qualified employees; to ensure the rational use and development of personnel professional skills and experience, to create safe and favorable work environment for the life and health, execution of the requirements of the Environment Protection Law, to create the favorable psychic atmosphere among the staff providing expertise and professionalism. Provide expertise applying combined economic and administrative management techniques; discuss and make decisions aimed to resolve other issues, material and moral incentives to improve the production efficiency. On the basis of the social partnership principles shall lead and supervise involved parties to ensure development, conclusion, implementation and execution of the Collective Agreement, be responsible for observance of the labor and industrial discipline; motivate employees, develop employees’ proactivity and engagement Making decisions to resolve issues concerning the Company`s financial economic and production (operated) and administrative activities within the right under the Law, shall help to entrust the other executive officers, Deputy Directors, Branch Managers, as well as the functional and production subdivisions with the task to lead the separate line of the business activity. To provide expertise and innovation skills to ensure that the Law is observed during the Company activity and in the process of administrative and economic relations, to ensure the use of legal measures for financial management and functioning within market conditions, strengthening of the contractual and financial discipline, regulation of the social and labor relations. Ensuring investment attractiveness of the Company to support and to expand the business activity (individual entrepreneur). Protect and represent the property and other interests of the Company in the Court, Arbitral Authority, State Agencies and other organization.