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Male, 48 years, born on 23 February 1977

Considers offers

Voronezh, willing to relocate (Aktau, Astana, Voronezh Oblast, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kaliningrad Oblast, Krasnodar Krai, Leningrad Oblast, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Republic of Crimea, Russia, Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov Oblast, Saint Petersburg, Uzbekistan), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Production and Operation Manager

3 000 $ in hand

  • Chief executive officer (CEO)
  • Head of production
  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Project manager
  • Chief technical officer (CTO)

Employment: full time, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 26 years 7 months

December 2023currently
1 year 4 months
Good Day!
Please review my candidature for potential job placement
I have work experience in large oil producing companies such as Texaco, Chevron, LUKOIL, CNPC, OMV, PETROM, engineering skills, ability to solve various tasks, experience in enterprise and personnel management, teamwork, I have 20+ (10 of them years at the field) years of experience in the oil industry in oil and gas production, in the construction and arrangement of oil fields, in the underground repair of wells, in the operation of wells and ground equipment, in the preparation and transportation of oil and gas. There are managerial skills and experience. Knowledge of English. Experience and skills in developing new fields from the very beginning. I have gone through all the stages of career growth from a handyman to the General Director of a large gas and oil producing Austrian company OMV. There is experience in the operation of oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan in the Caspian region (North Buzachi, Komsomolskoye, Tasbulat, Aktas, Turkmenoi, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Uzen). There is experience in working with state bodies of Kazakhstan, especially with the Ministry of Energy, in terms of obtaining various permits for the operation of fields. I have experience working with high-ranking officials in the Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
September 2019currently
5 years 7 months
Stock Market

Voronezh, www.moex.com/

Private investor (trader)
Job responsibilities: To analyze financial markets, the investment attractiveness of individual financial instruments, for the possibility of opening transactions. To carry out transactions on the purchase/sale of assets on the financial markets on an ongoing basis in order to generate income on the invested capital, according to the signals of its trading system.
June 2011September 2019
8 years 4 months

Voronezh, vk.com/grafikonvrn

Director of the printing house (sole founder)
Job responsibilities: To manage all activities of the printing house. To organize the work and effective interaction of form, printing, bookbinding sections, departments, workshops and other structural divisions of the printing house in order to produce the necessary high-quality printed products.
November 2017October 2018
1 year
OMV Petrom S.A. Branch in Kazakhstan

Aktau, www.petrom.comhttp://www.omv.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Operations Support Department Manager
Is responsible for effectively managing the Operations Planning, Operations Cost and Contracts Support as well as associated Management Systems. Responsible for implementing optimum work processes and systems to deliver highest levels of business performance in line with OMV PETROM Global Processes and Best Practices. Coordinate the Asset Work Program & Budget Process; ensure alignment with OMV PETROM business planning cycle. Develop and manage a Monthly update / challenge process. Provide required information to all relevant internal Stakeholders. Provides consistent Leadership and Guidance to the Operations Support Organization, form and grow a focused and responsive team that delivers to its Customers and Stakeholders. Screen all well re-entries and Capital Workovers for economic efficiency criteria and propose for postponing or canceling the non-economic well activities. Optimize Rig/Workover schedule based on prioritization of lost potential and pay out period. Responsible for ensuring that all Asset activities are managed within applicable legislation, and OMV Processes and Regulations. Proactively contribute to the development of an effective Asset HSSE culture, focused on delivery of Zero Harm and No losses, in line with OMV PETROM aspirations. Ensures overall compliance with legal regulations, HSSE policies and the EPMS (Upstream processes and relevant regulations). Implements OMV regulations and related operational guidelines. Collaborate with stakeholders to understand and continuously improve HSSE practices. Ensure that proper system for HSSE risk monitoring, identification and evaluation and Risk assessment is used and control of hazardous operations using ‘Permit to Work’ Procedure (TA2 for PtW system). Manage and maintain BO Assets operating manuals, operation HSE and production operations procedures, HSE case and MOPO's (manual of permitted operations) compliant with the appropriate standards, ensuring effective dissemination and awareness is generated in Operation staff. Ensure that proper Asset integrity and Process Safety strategy, plan, management procedures, performance standard is applied and monitor activity performance to achieve AI & PS goals through Field AI &PS personnel, managing technical integrity of wells and facilities in accordance with generally accepted petroleum industry principles and company strategy. Create, complete and revise the annual production and delivery plan and contribute to the development of Asset Reference Plan for Operated as defined in EPMS processes A1, Life of Field plan in compliance with OMV and Petrom Kazakhstan HSSE standards and guidelines. Ensure work planning and control system for coordinating operation and budgeting of Asset OPEX and production plan in line with the MTP process. Checks annual plan and annual purchase demands for materials and services. Champion, drive and monitor the implementation of Prod. Deferment and Integrated Activity Planning, Hydrocarbon Prod. Information Management & Benchmarking of Operational Performance. Champion the Assets follow-up on the Contractor Management Plan and ensure 100% compliance by each year end. Responsible for preparation of SoW’s and the tendering of Asset owned Contracts and there after the monitoring and controlling all Asset Contract Values. Develop, document and implement systems and organization to optimally plan and schedule key activities on all Assets up to a 2-year horizon. Ensure Hydrocarbon Metering systems are compliant with RoK legislation, International, and OMV PETROM standards. Responsible for surface and subsurface operation scheduling, monitoring, reviewing and prioritization of Operations activities and also for identification, prioritization, execution and monitoring of improvement and optimization opportunities for production cost and short and long term production volumes achievement. Liaise with Authorities on all related Prescriptions and operations related Permits allowing OMV PETROM to continue to operate. Ensure for defining operating parameters and ensures optimum up-time of wells and facilities (Operation Envelope). Coordinate production chemistry operation (flow assurance and corrosion). Responsible for production and operation coordination and forecasting and compliance to the 90 day Integrated Activity Plan by proper scheduling and reviews of the annual production plan and provide inputs in MTP. Agrees maintenance program / activity schedule (monthly plan). Ensures proper coordination, forecasting and reporting of production delivery volumes between provider (Asset production) and customer in conjunction with other authorities requirements, production testing & timely tie in of new wells, intervention and workover program / activity schedule. Manage the Operation Readiness and Assurance activity and ensure a proper process of OR&A integration in all phases of the projects development starting with the define phase. Ensure strong understanding for the Assets personnel for the project management principles and how to apply the OR&A tasks and activities throughout the life cycle of the project is a key success factor in a smooth operation and proper handover. Ensure full appreciation, understanding in the fields of the importance of Standards, Regulations, compliance requirements and Management of Change in order to provide balanced operational requirements input to all types of projects. Be sufficiently flexible to work outside normal boundaries and to integrate quickly into the OR&A and project teams Ensure the liaison of Operations, Maintenance and Integrity expertize for the seamless delivery of any project through to steady state operations. Supports, provide and verify the development of project Operations Philosophy and OR&A plans, from the assets teams site and ensure its incorporation in the project execution plans. Manage the asset specific requirements and inputs into the Asset projects governance process by giving feedback to the CTE committees, SoW sessions and TCCP meetings managed through OR&A asset projects procedures. Through OR&A practitioners coordinate Operations representation on project Design Review, FDP, HAZOP, HAZID and IPF processes. Coordinate QRA/gap analysis studies, to meet OMV standards. Represent the OR&A HQ in the relevant governance and technical meetings such as CTE/ SoW meetings and TCCP and communicate the asset’s operational, maintenance and integrity point of view. Manage all the Assets internal and external reporting processes and commitments. Attend all Well By Well Review, PtL, WO,Projects, HSSE analysis meetings and provide inputs also ensure proper conditions for external and internal audits. Ensure the management and support the retain/extend production permits. Identifies investment opportunities for projects and business development and provides input for draft gross investment plan. Ensures sufficient function related trainings for Operations Support staff (HSE) as well as the identification and development of potential management staff (knowledge, motivation, etc.)
March 2017November 2017
9 months
OMV Petrom S.A. Branch in Kazakhstan

Aktau, www.petrom.comhttp://www.omv.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

General Director KOM-MUNAI LLP
Be legally responsible for the Asset and its employees and contractors. Ensure that all Legal and Regulatory requirements of the Asset are met, including all Licenses and Addendums, Work Programs, Permits, and other required Documents are in order, up to date, and safely and centrally stored. All relationships, contacts, and reporting with the National, Regional and Local Authorities in a timely, efficient and fully integrated manner. Developing all community relationships in an efficient, effective and integrated manner to achieve "Good Neighbor" status for the Asset. Building relationships with third party local infrastructure owners to ensure efficient and continued operations. In accordance with the Law manage the industrial, administrative, financial and economic activities of the Company. Shall be fully responsible for the consequences of the taken decisions, for security and efficient use of the Company property, and for financial and administrative performance of the Company. Determining and developing the Company`s activity policy, the strategy and relevant methods of implementation. Shall be in charge for conclusion of contracts, making transactions, transactions with the third parties or with other legal entities, shall issue Instructions, Orders, represent the Company at the business meetings. Guiding work and effective interaction between all functional subdivisions, direct and lead their activity to ensure development and improvement of the flexible and mobile production of Goods and Services; to be accountable for quick respond to the innovations and changes in the market conditions taking into account the social and market priorities. Ensure enhancement of the efficiency of the Company activity, growth of sales of goods and services, profit growth, to be in charge for improvement of the quality and competitiveness of the goods produced (services); shall ensure compliance of the goods and services with the state standards, and with the standards of the highly developed countries and of the best companies to capture the international and domestic markets. Direct & supervise involved departments to ensure that the Company fulfills its obligations to the State Budget, Pension Saving Fund and Insurance Funds, Suppliers, Customers and Creditors, including banks; and to ensure execution of the Administrative and Labor Agreements (Contracts); ensure that the targets of indicative plans and business plans are met. Organizing and leading the production (operated) and economic activities of the company departments using up-to-date equipment and technology, progressive management and labor organization forms, the available scientifically proven standards of material expenses, financial and labor expenses, by studying the market conditions and best practices (domestic and international) for the purpose of improvement of the technical level, the quality of the product (services), the production (operated) intensification growth, labor performance, economic efficiency, rational use of the production reserves and economical use of all kinds of the resources. Be in charge of measures taken to provide the Company with the qualified employees; to ensure the rational use and development of personnel professional skills and experience, to create safe and favorable work environment for the life and health, execution of the requirements of the Environment Protection Law, to create the favorable psychic atmosphere among the staff providing expertise and professionalism. Provide expertise applying combined economic and administrative management techniques; discuss and make decisions aimed to resolve other issues, material and moral incentives to improve the production efficiency. On the basis of the social partnership principles shall lead and supervise involved parties to ensure development, conclusion, implementation and execution of the Collective Agreement, be responsible for observance of the labor and industrial discipline; motivate employees, develop employees’ proactivity and engagement Making decisions to resolve issues concerning the Company`s financial economic and production (operated) and administrative activities within the right under the Law, shall help to entrust the other executive officers, Deputy Directors, Branch Managers, as well as the functional and production subdivisions with the task to lead the separate line of the business activity. To provide expertise and innovation skills to ensure that the Law is observed during the Company activity and in the process of administrative and economic relations, to ensure the use of legal measures for financial management and functioning within market conditions, strengthening of the contractual and financial discipline, regulation of the social and labor relations. Ensuring investment attractiveness of the Company to support and to expand the business activity (individual entrepreneur). Protect and represent the property and other interests of the Company in the Court, Arbitral Authority, State Agencies and other organization.
January 2009March 2017
8 years 3 months
OMV Petrom S.A. Branch in Kazakhstan

Aktau, www.petrom.comhttp://www.omv.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Production Manager, Deputy of Operations and Maintenance Manager
Responsible for: Planning, scheduling, execution, reviewing and prioritization of the production and operations processes for the producing oil and gas fields and support for the developing process of the new assets (oil fields). Preparation and execution of production and operations budgets, plans and committed work programs and the performance monitoring, as per approval, and safe implementation. Implementation of HSSE management system, risk identification and management related to production operations, audit of contractors. Leading and Focal Point in Process Safety aspects. Assessment of field operating personnel in Process Safety and technical competency. Control of the production and operations budgets and schedules and provision of regular plan versus actual estimates. Support of the subsurface and surface development strategy in cooperation with the Exploration and Reservoir Department. Optimization of the production systems, equipment and procedures including wells, facilities, pipelines and terminals, to reduce cost, increase production and improve HSSE performance, based on state-of-the-art and emerging technologies. Oil and Gas commercial shipment via commercial metering units (LACT) to the Customers. Definition and review of philosophies, strategies, guidelines and processes of production and operations. Responsible for handover from Project to Operations new constructed facility covering commissioning and start-up. Managing small projects and construction for Operation. Support for the procurement and logistic processes and accountability for contractor performance review. Ownership and implementation of related data management system, documentation and archiving processes. Recruitment of adequately skilled production and operations personnel for the Department assessment of the production and operations staff performance within the Department development and implementation of training programs, career planning for each individual in the Department, tutoring and mentoring of junior or trainee staff. Integration of Kazakh national personnel into the Department and their career advancement within the company on a global basis. Deputizing of Operations and Maintenance Managers and Asset Managers during his absence (for period from one week to one year). Under direct report 17 people including field managers. Total 350 people in whole department. Four oil and gas production fields, one green field and three brown fields. Experience work with local Authorities. Regular visits and presentation in Oil and Gas Ministries.
November 2007January 2009
1 year 3 months
OMV Petrom S.A. Branch in Kazakhstan

Aktau, www.petrom.comhttp://www.omv.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Chief Production Engineer
Responsible for: Production Optimization, Production Monitoring and Forecasting. Engineering Support for PETROM and operating companies (TOC and Kom-munai) including. Well Problem Analysis and Diagnosis. Planning and follow up of Well Work-Overs and Interventions. Completion Design. Artificial Lift Selection. Well Stimulation and Well Testing. Contribute to planning, scheduling, of the production and maintenance process for several producing oil and gas fields and provide input to the development process for new projects. Supports the health, safety and environmental systems implementation and identify and manage all risks related to production operations. Contribute to completion and commissioning of oil and gas wells and facilities. Define operating and maintenance modes for flow systems, and use company software. Establish the production plan and follow up on performance. Advise on operating, maintaining and upgrading of the production system including wells, facilities, pipelines, and terminals. Capture and analyze integrated production system data by using company software and advice on reservoir/well potentials. Check on methodologies of measurement, accounting, and performance. Develop artificial lift methodologies, well work over concepts, stimulation plans and completion designs. Creation and update of production database. Planning and Co-ordination of production aspects in Field Development Projects. Support contracting and procurement of required services and materials. Co-operate with E&R and influence subsurface/surface systems design.
June 2007November 2007
6 months
Buzachi Operating Ltd. LUK Oil Overseas & CNPC. Kazakhstan


Chief Field Engineer
Operative control over production process of hydrocarbon raw recovery. Administers development of plans for well remedial work and workover and controls their fulfillment. Development of actions on reduction of staying idle and standing idle wells, actions on gathering, preparation and the account of extracted production and injected fluids into formation. Control development of actions to increase quality of sales oil. Supervise industrial parameters on oil recoveries and a condition of operational fund of wells. Carries on work on searching and mastering scientific discoveries and inventions, advanced experience facilitating improvement of technologies, production organization and boosting labor productivity. To participate in constantly operating commissions on check of conditions of working conditions and the safety precautions on objects of a craft and in work of the commissions on investigation of accidents. To develop duty regulations for workers of a craft.
December 2006June 2007
7 months
LUK Oil Overseas & CNPC, Buzachi Operating Ltd. Kazakhstan


Lead Production Technology Engineer
Responsible for: work organization of production technology group. Control for work of well stock, provide performance of scheduled tasks on oil and fluid production. Assign reason for rejection from approved operating process of wells, carrying out actions on warning and removal these rejections (standard observance of water withdrawal, injection). Take efficiency measure on reduction of operated well shutdown. Analysis mean time between failures of downhole equipment. Analysis frequent repairable well stock. Control for geological and technical actions (GTA), provide performance efficiency of GTA. Selection, training and preparation of technical specialists. The decision of complex technological problems. Planning of the budget, participation in tenders. Supervising for 4 production engineers, 4 engineer assistants. Control for fife workover and subsurface crew, also timely provide programs with work scheduled. Keep under control 250 production and 40 injection wells.
June 2004December 2006
2 years 7 months
LUK Oil Overseas & CNPC, Buzachi Operating Ltd. Kazakhstan


Field Production Engineer
Responsible for supervising Production optimization, injection and utilization of produced water, preparation and transportation of commodity oil, to project of new facility and technology process, preparation the contracts with suppliers, order equipment and materials, economical calculation of modernization, daily, weekly and monthly production reports, supervising for 4 Engineer Assistants, 2 WO Supervisors and 2 Senior WO Supervisors. Build and keep working Production Data Base in MS Access of all oil field. Work Over, Completion (new wells after drilling) and Re-Completion (isolate Jurassic or Cretaceous) operations: change, repair down hole pumps (rod pump, PCP), perforation, setting bridge plugs, packers, bail sand, CBL, CCL, GR, convert producing wells into water injector, cement squeeze job, wells analysis (fluid level, dynamometry, well tests).
September 2001June 2004
2 years 10 months
Chevron Texaco North Buzachi, Inc. Kazakhstan


Production Foreman
Responsible for wells, all field equipment, technology of Central Processing Station, Water Disposal System and Gauging Stations. Disposal of produced water, steam stimulation and oil and gas production surveillance, production optimization, training production operators, reduce cost per barrel, give recommendations to engineering department, maintain high quality of crude oil for shipping, calculate production of oil and gas for each well. Participate in technical seminars provided by the Company. Perform all kind of works safely. Organize maintenance and repair of oil field equipment, for supervising 4 Lead Production Operators, 20 Production Operators, and 4 Field Mechanics and over 20 oil trucks drivers.
February 1999September 2001
2 years 8 months
Texaco North Buzachi, Inc. Kazakhstan


Production operator
Responsible for wells, field equipment (test, bulk separators: “Sivalls”, “Kvaerner”, line heaters: “Termoflux”, “Unipro”, various pumps, pumping units: “Lufkin”, ESP, MOYNO and other any kind western equipment) monitoring and recording accurate well information for engineering department, sampling of oil and gas..
September 1998February 1999
6 months
Canadian Company Plains Construction, Texaco North Buzachi, Inc.


Roust about
Responsible for build roads and land-surveying assistance


Skill proficiency levels
Team management
Leadership Skills
Organization Skills
Time management
Start-up project
Presentation skills
Product Management
Project management

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

I have work experience in large oil producing companies such as Texaco, Chevron, LUKOIL, CNPC, OMV, PETROM, engineering skills, ability to solve various tasks, experience in enterprise and personnel management, teamwork, I have 20+ (10 of them years at the field) years of experience in the oil industry in oil and gas production, in the construction and arrangement of oil fields, in the underground repair of wells, in the operation of wells and ground equipment, in the preparation and transportation of oil and gas. There are managerial skills and experience. Knowledge of English. Experience and skills in developing new fields from the very beginning. I have gone through all the stages of career growth from a handyman to the General Director of a large gas and oil producing Austrian company OMV. There is experience in the operation of oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan in the Caspian region (North Buzachi, Komsomolskoye, Tasbulat, Aktas, Turkmenoi, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Uzen). There is experience in working with state bodies of Kazakhstan, especially with the Ministry of Energy, in terms of obtaining various permits for the operation of fields. I have experience working with high-ranking officials in the Ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Languages: Russian-native, English-good, Kazakh-fair. Personal: Drivers license “B”, no accidents. Willing to relocate. Self starter and willing to accept additional responsibilities. Computer Skills: All Windows, MS Office, MS Project, MS Dos, Computer software: PROSPER, FIELDPRO, DATASTREAM, PIMMS, RODSTAR, SAP. Computer language: Python, Visual Basic. Letters of recommendation and Certificats available on request. Rewards: The Best by Profession – 2005. The Best Employee – 2006. The Best Employee – 2007.

Higher education

Mining Engineer, Machinery and Equipment of Oil and Gas Fields, Diploma



EnglishC1 — Advanced

GermanA1 — Basic

KazakhA2 — Elementary

Professional development, courses

Yandex Practicum
Yandex , Data Science Specialist
Train the Trainer and Coaching for Performance
Delton, TOC field, Certificate
HSSE Leadership
OMV, Vienna, Austria, Certificate
HSSE for Manager
OMV, Vienna, Austria, Certificate
Team Leadership
MCE, Brussels, Belgium, Certificate
3rd International Workshop «Artificial Lift»
Weatherford, Certificate
Operations and Engineering Community of Practice workshop
OMV, Certificate
Project Management
ROLAND GAREIS Consulting, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
Supervisory Skills
Central Asian Personnel Consulting, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
Inspection of scientific-production organization
NPO NTS, Bugulma, Russia, Certificate
Inspection of Petrochemical Equipment Plant
BSS, Handan, China, Certificate
Reservoir Characterization
PetroSkills, Dubai, UAE, Certificate
Mobile Well Test Unit «ASMA-T»
Nefteaftomatika, Leninogorsk, Russia, Certificate
Surface Production Operations
PetroSkills, Dubai, UAE, Certificate
Intensification of an oil recovery, gas and gas condensate
Transcity Trade Invest Ltd., Canada, Calgary, Certificate
Modern Methods of oil & gas production
Gubkin university, Moscow, Certificate
Water Flooding Seminar
Rike Service, Certificate
Thermal Recovery Processes
Rike Service, Certificate

Tests, examinations

Process Safety and Labor Safety
RainTANDAU, Astana, Certificate
Process Safety and Labor Safety
RainTANDAU, Astana, Certificate
Qualification workshop
OMV, Vienna, Austria, Report
Industrial and Labor Safety
Ministry of Emergency and Safety RoK, Certificate
Industrial Safety
Ministry of Emergency and Safety RoK, Certificate
Steam Generator course
Engineering centre, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
High-pressure vessels course
Engineering centre, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
Gas equipment course
Engineering centre, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
Practical First Aid Training Course
AEA, Certificate
Fire-fighting course
Fire prevention school, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Certificate
Practical First Aid Training Course
AEA, Certificate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter