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Женщина, 31 год, родилась 7 июля 1993
Активно ищет работу
Актау, готова к переезду (Другие регионы, Казахстан, Россия), готова к командировкам
Project Control Coordinator
2 000 $ на руки
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 8 лет 6 месяцев
Декабрь 2023 — по настоящее время
1 год 4 месяца
Regulatory affairs coordinator
HVAC Technical Passport preparation. Execution respective forms of acts on disciplines PIPING, STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL, HVAC, E&I To issue the Acts required including as-built, survey reports.
Work with Material certificates.
To visit and cooperate the Client’s Completion team, Client’s QC and Construction representatives, technical Supervision and Design Supervision.
Supporting the Turnover Specialist and QC Engineer.
Filling of Logs (general, concrete works, curing log).
Filling out RoK logs.
Analyze in advance the closure acts and logs by priority subsystems.
Март 2021 — Декабрь 2023
2 года 10 месяцев
KENT (Tengiz field)
Senior Project Control Coordinator
• Ensure all documentation is transmitted to the Client as per client requirements and in an expedient manner
• Process and record accurately all technical documentation in accordance with agreed procedures
• Run document control reports (if available and required) from the applied company or project document
control system
• Ensure document management procedures satisfy project, Client, and regulatory requirements
Independently handle all aspects of Project documentation utilizing various document control practices;
• Monitor progress of in-house and Client reviews of technical data Contribute to compilation of final
project dossiers, as built portfolios, and archiving Establish a systematic and comprehensive Project Filing System Produce exception reports, comment overdue reports and any other reports for Project Management review Maintenance of the project's document storage structure;
• Claiming progress and of other required information in a timely manner.
• Assisting to Project Manager during internal kick-off meeting with Company personnel to review Contract
terms and conditions, to change order process for the claims avoidance;
• Administering and maintaining records of all contractual correspondence, meetings, actions and decisions
relating to the contract;
• Managing Work Orders, Variation Orders and Variation Order Requests; tracking of Contracts database
for Site Instructions, Job Orders;
• Liaising with Company Planning Department on cost and schedule impacts; - Ensuring Subcontractors’
Contracts are compliant with Contract Terms and Conditions, Scope of Work, Deliverables and Schedule;
• Support Cost Control Department: Detailed checking that (1) Services have been provided, (2) contract
terms, rates and prices are complied with, and (3) all invoices are paid within the stipulated period;
• Collects information and prepares permitting documentation package, fills out Notification on the
Construction and installation works commencement to notify the local regulatory authority to obtain
coupon to start construction (coupon/notification).
• Supports contracting process related Technical and Authorship supervisions of the Project.
• Coordinates and organizes the Acceptance of completed facilities (RFSU/RFO), including obtaining
relevant documents from representatives of Authorship and Technical supervisions, Client and
Operations/Maintenance representatives.
• Preparation documentation of completed work – RA Checklists and Turnover Dossiers
(electronic/hardcopy), with TCO RA Department.
• Support the maintenance of regulatory files and tracking databases to ensure prompt and accurate access
to company regulatory information (concerning current, pending and future approvals and renewals).
• Preparing HVAC Equipment passport for each Substation of work scope
• Assist in reviewing product and process documentation for assigned projects to ensure compliance with
requirements, as well as monitor renewals to strict deadlines.
• Coordination of interaction between engineering and regulatory groups (providing
obtainment/submission of initial data
• Act as liaison between multiple project teams to obtain significant information as well as answer queries
that may arise.
• Control and assistance in the compilation of work logs and special journals.
• Reviewing technical project documentation for compliance with RoK regulatory laws conducts for
compliance with standards of RoК.
• Preparing internal Prikaz forms for employees for HR department (PIC/WRP/RPAB)
• Coordinate with the DCC team and Company Turnover team in order to have a smooth turnover process
from Contractor to Company.
• Coordinate different project control activities with project manager/engineers.
• Responsible to oversee all project controls related documents before being issued for Interdisciplinary
Check before submission to Clients.
• Prepare organization, initiation, and follow-up of the project files and documentation, including
maintaining the standard project file’s structure (raising/closing ePAAFs, running Personnel list and
Equipment on site according Work Releases)
• Coordinate the implementation of all information and application systems required for the project;
interface systems requirements (Administration, Procurement, Engineering, etc.);
• Coordinate and receiving the timesheets of employees from timekeepers and checking daily/weekly basis
according Work Releases
• Coordinate the development, implementation, and maintenance of a management reporting data
warehouse to produce valuable project controls reports and data.
• Coordinating and monitoring project growth, preparation manpower forecast with HR/IR department.
Март 2020 — Март 2021
1 год 1 месяц
KENT (Tengiz field)
Planning / Turnover coordinator
• Coordinating and monitoring project growth, preparation manpower forecast
• Coordinate different project control activities with project manager/engineers
• Coordinate the implementation of all information and application systems required for the project;
interface systems requirements (Administration, Procurement, Engineering, etc.);
• Coordinate with the DCC team and Company Turnover team in order to have a smooth turnover process
from Contractor to Company.
• Collects information and prepares permitting documentation package, fills out Notification on the
Construction and installation works commencement to notify the local regulatory authority to obtain
coupon to start construction (coupon/notification).
• Supports contracting process related Technical and Authorship supervisions of the Project.
• Coordinates and organizes the Acceptance of completed facilities (RFSU/RFO), including obtaining
relevant documents from representatives of Authorship and Technical supervisions, Client and
Operations/Maintenance representatives.
• Preparation documentation of completed work – RA Checklists and Turnover Dossiers
(electronic/hardcopy), with TCO RA Department.
• Support the maintenance of regulatory files and tracking databases to ensure prompt and accurate access
to company regulatory information (concerning current, pending and future approvals and renewals).
• Preparing HVAC Equipment passport for each Substation of work scope
• Assist in reviewing product and process documentation for assigned projects to ensure compliance with
requirements, as well as monitor renewals to strict deadlines.
• Coordination of interaction between engineering and regulatory groups (providing
obtainment/submission of initial data
• Act as liaison between multiple project teams to obtain significant information as well as answer queries
that may arise.
Ноябрь 2019 — Март 2020
5 месяцев
Казахстан, www.kentech.ie/
Site Administrator of Commissioning Projects
• Accommodation arrangement for personnel (local/expats), Business trip arrangement.
• Daily and weekly progress reports and updating tracking systems.
• Process documentation and prepare reports relating to personnel activities (rotation schedule,staffing,
training, grievances, performance evaluations etc)
• Document controlling with daily sending/receiving mails/correspondences.
• IT remedy requests submission, Office equipment supply
• Organization transportation for personnel
• Other duties as assigned or required by Project Manager
Ноябрь 2018 — Август 2019
10 месяцев
KAZ M-I SWACO a Schlumberger Company (Tengiz field)
Казахстан, www.slb.ru/services/drilling/miswaco/
Department assistant/HR department
• Assist with day to day operations of the HR functions and duties
• Provide clerical and administrative support to Human Resources executives
• Compile and update employee records (hard and soft copies)
• Process documentation and prepare reports relating to personnel activities (staffing, recruitment,
training, grievances, performance evaluations etc)
• Coordinate HR projects (meetings, training, surveys etc) and take minutes
• Deal with employee requests regarding human resources issues, rules, and regulations
• Assist in payroll preparation by providing relevant data (absences, bonus, leaves, etc)
• Properly handle complaints and grievance procedures
• Coordinate communication with candidates and schedule interviews
• Conduct initial orientation to newly hired employees
• Assist our recruiters to source candidates and update our database.
• Temporary and Permanent access arrangement for personnel: Vehicle Access Management System
(VAMS), Visitor Management System (VMS), Permanent Access Management System (PAMS), JDE 1,
BPG, IT remedy requests submission.
• TCO transport arrangement via ILogistic system.
• Accommodation arrangement for personnel. Business trip arrangement.
• Preparation of monthly timesheets for TCO/work schedules for personnel
• Office equipment supply
• Controlling delivery of Reagents (chemicals) to TCO Warehouse
• Other duties as assigned or required by Project Manager
Июль 2017 — Октябрь 2017
4 месяца
Regional sales manager
• Creation regional sales plans and quotas in alignment with business objectives
• Supporting sales coordinators with day-to-day operation and tracking the work performed by employees
to work with small companies / coordination of the design department on the tasks set.
• Report on regional sales results
• Forecast quarterly and annual profits.
• Identifying hiring needs, select and train new salespeople
• Preparation and review the annual budget for the area of responsibility
• Analyzation regional market trends and discover new opportunities for growth
• Address potential problems and suggest prompt solutions
• Participation in decisions for expansion or acquisition
• Suggestion new services/products and innovative sales techniques to increase customer satisfaction
• Logistic monitoring
• Monitoring of large enterprises / factories for the need to provide services / equipment, as well as
subsequent maintenance and Preparation commercial offers.
• Presentation of fire and industrial security systems to customers.
Август 2015 — Июль 2017
2 года
Maritime Aid Kazakhstan
Актау, www.maritime.kz
Тяжелое машиностроение... Показать еще
Procurement manager
• Coordination annual survey of radio navigation and automatic on vessels
• Coordination technicians of equipment maintenance
• Distribution of received requests by engineers. Control completions
• Supply of ship equipment to customers. The introduction of the suppliers monitoring
• Logistic
• Quotation preparation
• Ensuring the documentation of transactions.
• Completion package of tender documentation;
• Preparation of documents for obtaining ISO9001, RINA, BV certificates.
• Progress report
• General office work
• Maintaining electronic document management
• Reception, distribution and filtering of incoming/outgoing calls
• Preparation of documents for managers
• Office coordination and support
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории BОбо мне
Пунктуальность, грамотная речь, ответственность, добросовестность, самостоятельность, дисциплинированность, исполнительность, коммуникабельность, целеустремленность, стрессоусстойчивость, тактичность, легко обучаемость, внимательность, трудолюбие, нет вредных привычек.
Высшее образование
Институт информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий, Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
TCO, Hazard Identification Training
TCO, RoK 40Hr Industrial Safety Training
KPJV, FGP Industrial Relations and Culture Awareness
KPJV, FGP IIF Incident and Injury Free Training
KPJV, FGP Induction
TCO, RSI Management System -Office Ergonomics Training & Self Assessment
TCO, Coaching Incident & Injury Free in Anction (IIFIA)
TCO, Operation Process Zone Access Training
TCO, Initial Safety Orientation Training
TCO, Initial Fire Safety Orientation Training
CISCO Networking Academy
CISCO Networking Academy, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения