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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online less than a week ago
Female, 31 year, born on 8 April 1993
Considers offers
Aktau, I want to relocate (Almaty), prepared for occasional business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Production and technical department engineer
350 000 ₸ in hand
- Production engineer, quantity surveyor
- Technologist
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 8 years 10 months
May 2019 — currently
5 years 11 months
Government Organizations... Show more
I work in the power distribution service. Perform the following duties:
1. Participate in taking readings on the metering device of legal entities in detached buildings and houses. I work directly with consumers .
2. Calculation of electricity consumed by separate legal entities.
3. I Prepare new lists of consumers signed with the ESO, as well as terminated contracts.
4. Preparation of electronic summary reports on ESS(energy-Containing enterprises)
5. Closing the ESO report.(Too AllianceEnergoSnab-Aktau, LLP AктауЭнергоСбыт,LLP AльянсЭнергоСБыт,LLP МаңғыстауЭнергоМунай).
6. Perform a list to disable consumer accounts receivable.
7. Execution of service notes, orders, writing letters from the Deputy.head of the electricity Distribution Service.
8. Monitor the correct distribution of electricity to each consumer.
9. To prepare documents on the costs of electricity.
10. Inspection and fault detection counters.
August 2018 — November 2018
4 months
Nipineftegaz Aktau the head office
Aktau, Www.nipi.kz
Specialist of design Department, power supply and electrical equipment
Department. Development of project documentation, feasibility study,working draft. Perform the necessary calculations. Calculations of grounding, lightning protection, calculations of short-circuit currents, calculations of voltage losses and calculation of loads. Programs Pdf, Autocad, Simaris design 9, TRACECALC PRO 2. The use of normative and technical documentation, Snip, Standards, SPDS, the Rules of device of electrical equipment! Guidelines for calculating short-circuit currents and the selection of electrical equipment Rd.153-34.0-20.527-98.
I have began to work on the study of SNiP, GOST,rd and various documents. Responsibilities editing drawings from PDF format to Autocad according to the standard of the customer. I checked the documents whether they are decorated correctly ,and edited them.
August 2016 — August 2018
2 years 1 month
Gkpp Mangistau Energy College
Aktau, Www.mek.kz
Government Organizations... Show more
Teacher of special subjects
I teach electrotecknical subjects future specialty students , who works in different companies ! For instance , Maek, Mrek, Oil and gas industries! They are approve their threotick threory and complete using in practice . I worked as a teacher special subject in Kazahk and Russian groups . We use activities technical words our professional . I translate every word and explain with video or card .
1) Preparation of students of 1-2 courses in the discipline of electrical Engineering, Metrology and measuring instruments, electrical safety and health, and KAZ and Russ in groups conducting lectures and practices, seminars,organizer of the circle,conducting supervision ,participation in organizational activities in College.
2)Preparation for graduation diploma in the specialty power supply, power stations and substations,relay protection, automation and control.
3) I have wrote articles on the specialty and writing her own methodical book,a collection in the form of lectures and seminars, laboratory ,test tasks for intermediate and control tests, exam questions and test tasks for each specialty separately.
I have my own portfolio of teachers.
January 2015 — March 2015
3 months
LLP "Ken Sary"
Oil and Gas... Show more
Assistant chief energy
Name of organization: Direction of activity of the organization: ''Ken Sary'' LLP oil and gas Production, Development of the Arystanovskoye field. Telephone number:(7292) 410000 from 19.01.2015 to 01.03.2015.
CH. Department of energy.
June 2014 — September 2014
4 months
LLP "Alatau Zharyk company"
Power Industry... Show more
Trainee, maintenance department of metering devices
LLP "Alatau Zharyk company"
Electric power, distribution, services.
Telephone number: (7272) 3761505 : from 01.06.2014 year to 01.09.2014 year. Department of operation of metering devices.
Skill proficiency levels
Medium level
Level not specified
About me
Worked as a designer of the electrical department ! My duties included the editing of the drawings according to GOST . Further Calculation of grounding and lightning Protection ! Calculation of loads, voltage losses ! Training programs TraceCalc Pro . Simaris design . I am worked as a teacher special subjects in English . I am stability working , work hard , stressful .
Ищу стабильную и надежную компанию с возможностью проходит обучение и профессиональные курсы ! Развиваться дальше и работать усердно. Хочу применять свои возможности именно в технической сфере.
Higher education (master)
Kazakh Agro technical University named after S. Seifullin, Astana
Power engineering, Power engineering, gpa 3.66
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Almaty
Elektroenergetics, Elektroenergetics,gpa 3.40
Professional development, courses
General English intermediate course
Garantee school
Too Garantee School , General English with intermediate level
General english with Native speaker " Pre intermediate " level
Intelecto school, General english
General English with Native speaker Intermediate level
Intelecto school, General english
Курс по Excel Office
BestCad, sum ,division,multiplication,average,paste special, autocomplete,conditional formatting,filter,graphs,rounding,pivot table
English time Aktau
language centre English time Aktau, Аktau city, ENGLISH COURSE-Elementary level
Professional training center of "Kasipkor holding"
Astana city, non-profit joint-stock company, Subject-language integrated training in the process of teaching special subjects in English
Operation of equipment
Too MAEK Kazatomprom, Relay protection and automation, power supply
Design and engineering in AutoCAD system
Актау city, ТОО Macintosh Group, Execution of drawings with electrical circuits
Scientific training
Russia, Tomsk.National research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Modern technologies of modeling and operation of electric power systems
Tests, examinations
Техника безопасности и охрана труда в установках до 1000 В
Актауские электрические сети, Охрана труда и тб
Нипинефтегаз, Проектирование по электрике
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter