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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online less than a week ago
Male, 35 years, born on 20 April 1989
Considers offers
Uralsk, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktau, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Germany, Italy, Qatar, UAE, USA, Uralsk), prepared for business trips
Lead Construction Engineer, Technical Engineer, Constriction Engineer, Ведущий инженер по стр-ву
- Chief project engineer
- Other
- Project manager
- Construction project manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: rotation based work
Work experience 12 years 9 months
January 2025 — currently
3 months
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Chief Project Engineer
• Participation in the construction process, control during development of design package and
estimate documentation from the formation of the package to receiving a approval for starting
of construction;
• Work with prospective projects at the pre-design stage (building placement, etc.);
• Consideration of the possibility of re-approval of design solutions during construction;
• Development and coordination of project documentation, issuing design tasks;
• Technical supervision of construction and installation works according to project and RoK
• Checking the compliance of the project documentation with the issued design assignment,
the work scopes with the approved project and cost documentation, drawings, standards,
• Verification of cost documentation, agreement on estimates and additional costs;
• Interaction with government institutions during design and construction.
• Preparation of field sketches, drawings in case of changing during construction works.
• Preparation and submission technical queries (TQ)
December 2022 — January 2025
2 years 2 months
Sicim LLP
Head of Engineering Department
• Coordination of engineers, checking drawings, method statements, all jobs which they did, making plan for future jobs
• Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, volumetric-planning and constructive solutions.
• Checking project drawings and approvement for execution.
• Preparation of detail drawings for fabrication and construction.
• Preparing RIM's, RFI’s, SEQ’s and coordination with client.
• Calculation MTO and preparation material requests.
• Takes part in accounting for completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
•Coordinating engineering team to prepare timely Site Specific Method Statement for pipeline crossing as per12WLA. Preparing Pipeline profile following the OOS requirements and TCO standards.
• Checking civil, mechanical drawings for various jobs
• Making plan for future works.
• Preparation and submission Method Statements for civil works, pipe installation, reinforcement. Developing trunkline installation details.
• Checking construction progress on the site.
• Drafting sketches, redlines, drawings.
• Preparation welding maps with pipe and steel structure books.
• Preparation of As-built redline mark-up drawings.
• Checking all construction activities, coordination of construction, instruction at site.
• Directly coordination with client management.
• Driving technical assurance on the assigned scope(s) of work
Managing and leading, supporting and supervising the discipline engineering teams on the assigned scope(s) of work.
• Closely working with Construction, Planning, Fabrication, Quality Control departments.
• Driving weekly engineering meeting with client.
• Coordination of first in Kazakhstan Thermal test on 3GI for HTHP pipelines. Full coordination for pigging, ILI running, water filling, dewatering, drying activities.
• Coordination of preparation of technical documentation for tender and assigned scopes.
December 2020 — December 2022
2 years 1 month
Sicim S.p.A.
Lead Construction Engineer
- Coordination of engineers, checking drawings, method statements, all jobs whitch they did, making future jobs
• Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, volumetric-planning and constructive solutions.
• Preparing RIM's, RFI’s and coordination with client;
• Takes part in accounting for completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
• Checking civil drawings for various jobs
• Making plan for future works
• Calculating and reporting quantity of materials
• Preparation and submission Method Statements for civil works, pipe installation, reinfocement. Developing trunkline installation details.
• Checking construction progress on the site
• Drafting sketches, redlines, drawings
- Checking all construction activities, coordination of construction, instruction at site
-Directly coordination with client management
-Driving technical assurance on the assigned scope(s) of work
Managing and leading, supporting and supervising the discipline engineering teams on the assigned scope(s) of work
-Driving weekly engineering meeting with client.
October 2020 — December 2020
3 months
Sicim S.p.A.
Pipeline Civil Engineer
• Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, volumetric-planning and constructive solutions.
• Preparing RIM's and coordination with client;
• Takes part in accounting for completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
• Checking civil drawings for various jobs
• Making plan for future works
• Calculating and reporting quantity of materials
• Preparing and submitting Method Statements for civil works, pipe installation, reinfocement. Developing trunkline installation details
• Checking construction progress on the site
• Drafting sketches, redlines, drawings
September 2018 — March 2020
1 year 7 months
Kaz Turbo Remont, KTR
Atyrau, ktr.kz
Civil Engineer Power distribution project
• Carries out check of design drawings, calculations and documents before application in manufacture of building.
• Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, volumetric-planning and constructive solutions.
• Preparing RIM's and coordination with client;
• Takes part in accounting for completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
• Checking civil drawings for various jobs
• Making plan for future works
• Calculating and reporting quantity of materials
• Preparing and submitting Method Statements
• Checking construction progress on the site
• Coordination of all construction processes during construction of KTR village in Tengiz. Civil, architectural, steel constructions, underground networks.
August 2017 — September 2018
1 year 2 months
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Civil engineer at Orken village project
• Carries out check of design drawings, calculations and documents before application in manufacture of building.
• Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the introduction of more advanced technological processes, volumetric-planning and constructive solutions.
• Participates in the review and approval of design changes arising during the construction process, promptly solves the issues of replacing, if necessary, materials, products, structures (without reducing the quality of construction sites).
• Coordinates decisions in the changed project drawings with the client in accordance with the objects under construction.
• Counts the amounts of project materials, participates in the decision making of materials orders. To plan the order of materials in accordance with the progress of the construction industry
• Takes part in accounting for completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
• Preparing Construction sketches, As-builts, Red Marks, Redlines
- Разрабатываю строительные чертежи, эскизы(sketch, red mark, red line)
- Осуществляю проверку проектных чертежей, расчетов и документов до применения в производстве строительства.
- Участвую в решении вопросов о внесении в проекты изменений в связи с внедрением более прогрессивных технологических процессов, объемно-планировочных и конструктивных решений.
- Принимаю участие в рассмотрении и согласовании возникающих в ходе строительства изменений проектных решений, оперативно решает вопросы по замене, при необходимости, материалов, изделий, конструкций (без снижения качества строительных объектов).
- Согласовываю решения в измененных проектных чертежах с клиентом в соответствии строящихся объектов.
- Подсчитываю объемы материалов проекта, участвует в принятии решении заказов материалов. Планирую заказ материалов в соответствии хода строительного производства
- Принимаю участие в учете законченных строительно-монтажных работ и подготавливает необходимые данные для составления отчетности о выполнении планов строительства.
- координирую супервайзеров, выдаю план работ WWP, принимаю участие в решении спорных ситуаций
November 2016 — August 2017
10 months
Consolidated contractors engineering&procurement (Tengiz)
Atyrau, www.ccc.me
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Design engineer CIVIL
- Construction norms and regulations and state standard specifications of the CIS and foreign standards DCC.
- Design project drawings generated, make plans
- Signing drawings under a SNiP and CIS state standards
- explanatory notes preparation
- prepare, correct and issue constriction drawings for concrete reinforcement
- review and correct drawings due to change of project decisions emerging in the course of construction, issues related changing the materials, products and structures if required.
- дизайн проекта, подготовка чертежей, планов составления
- оформление чертежей согласно как СНИПам и ГОСТам СНГ, так и иностранным стандартам DCC
- подготовка, оформление пояснительных записок.
- подготовка, исправить и издать конструктивные чертежи железобетонных изделий, стальных конструкций и деталей;
- просмотр и исправление чертежей в связи с изменением проектных решений, возникающих в ходе строительства, вопросами, связанными с изменением материалов, изделий и конструкций, если это необходимо.
August 2014 — November 2016
2 years 4 months
LLP ''AB-Engeneering''
Design engineer
- registration, sending drawings to the customer, maintaining documentation;
- Check the object, data collection, implementation of measurements;
- Development of design and working documentation brands.
- implementation of outline sketches on construction, reconstruction and re-planning.
- development of all-construction plans, details, separate designs. Interaction with adjacent structures.
- calculation of separate metal, wooden and reinforced concrete designs.
- registration of drawings agrees both to CONSTRUCTION NORMS AND REGULATIONS and state standard specifications of the CIS, and foreign standards DCC.
- оформление, отправка чертежей заказчику, ведение документации;
- выезд на объект, выполнение замеров;
- согласование с ГИПом и разработка чертежей части АС, КЖ, КМД.
- выполнение эскизных проектов на строительство, реконструкцию и перепланировку.
- разработка общестроительных чертежей, деталей, отдельных конструкций. Взаимодействие со смежными структурами.
- расчет отдельных металлических, деревянных и железобетонных конструкций.
- оформление чертежей согласно как СНИПам и ГОСТам СНГ, так и иностранным стандартам DCC.
November 2013 — July 2014
9 months
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Design engineer
- Development of project documentation
- Collection of source data
- Coordination of work in the implementation of projects
- Departure to the site, making the necessary measurements
- Разработка проектной документации
- Сбор исходных данных
- Осуществление координации работ при реализации проектов
- Выезд на объект, осущетвление необходимых замеров
- Разработка эскизных, рабочих проектов
January 2012 — October 2013
1 year 10 months
Design engineer
- Development of project documentation
- Collection of source data
- Coordination of work in the implementation of projects
- Departure to the site, making the necessary measurements
- Разработка проектной документации
- Сбор исходных данных
- Осуществление координации работ при реализации проектов
- Выезд на объект, осущетвление необходимых замеров
- Разработка эскизных, рабочих проектов
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category B, C, EAbout me
•Expirience in design and construction
• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
• AutoCAD Building Design Suite (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, Revit);
• Base;
• Qualification certificate "Leading design engineer for load-bearing and enclosing structures"
Higher education
West Kazakhstan Agrarian & Technical University by Zhangir khan
Machine-building, Oil and gas business (Drilling)
Professional development, courses
Crew Leadership
Ведущий инженер по ограждающим и несущим конструкциям
Tests, examinations
FOR SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETING THE WORKSHOP OF FGP/WPMP Workface Planning Implementation WFP 101 – Fundamentals of Workface Planning
CONSTRUCT-X, Construction
Qualification certificate
Engineering center Sheber, Lead design-engineer - on load-bearing and enclosing structures
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter