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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 41 year, born on 14 June 1983
Not looking for a job
Aktau, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
HR Coordinator
- Human resources manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, rotation based work
Work experience 14 years 5 months
October 2021 — December 2023
2 years 3 months
Consortium ISKER LLP
Atyrau, isker-group.com/
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
HR Supervisor
Organization of effective work of the HR department on the project.
Registration of project personnel in accordance with the labour legislation of the RoK, internal regulations and other acts of the Employer.
Full personnel records in 1C ERP system;
Participation in closing the monthly timesheet
Participation in the development of the organizational structure, preparation of staffing schedules, development of job descriptions.
Consulting department heads on personnel issues, personnel transfers, involvement in overtime work, granting leave, etc.
Participation in decision-making on hiring, transfer, promotion, demotion, disciplinary action, and dismissal of employees.
Development of draft of orders and instructions on personnel issues of the project.
Monitoring the process of preparing all necessary documents and further submitting them to the accounting department for payment of salaries and other payments to project employees.
Control over the state of labor discipline on the project.
Participation in the development and implementation of HR policies and regulations in the Company.
April 2008 — May 2020
12 years 2 months
ER SAI Caspian Contractor
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
HR Specialist
- To perform work on the staff completeness by the required professions, occupations and qualifications.
- To participate in the staff recruitment, selection, placement.
- To conduct research and analysis of job and professional qualifications of the staff of the Organization and its units, definite documentation on staff, associated with the staff employment, movement and dismissal of employees, employee appraisal and evaluation of their competencies to determine current and future staffing needs, to prepare proposals for replacement of vacant posts and establishment of a provision for extension.
- To participate in the development of prospective and current plans for labour.
- To participate in development of working, methodological and informational support of qualification, certification commissions, registration of their decisions.
- To analyze the condition of labour discipline and fulfillment by the staff of the rules of labor regulations, staff movement, to participate in the development of activities to reduce turnover and improve morale.
- To control timely employment, transfer and dismissal of employees, issuing certificates of their present and past employment, to respect the rules of storage and filling employment records and other documents on the staff control, as well as the introduction of relevant information in the data bank of the staff of the organization.
- To prepare the defined reporting;
- To participate in the investigations connected with company staff violations of health, safety rules, etc.;
- To control the work of the HR Officers.
Skill proficiency levels
Higher education
International Labor Academy
Jurisprudence, Lawyer
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter