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Considers offers

Aktau, willing to relocate (Aktobe, Atyrau), prepared for business trips

Logistics Supervisor

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 29 years 7 months

December 2020currently
4 years 4 months
Infra Del Projects Kazakhstan

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Project Supervisor
Управление и регулирование вопросов производственных отношений Управление техникой безопасности, защитой окружающей среды, охраной здоровья, надежностью и эффективностью с целью достижения показателей мирового уровня в поддержку стратегии Оптимизации Производства ТШО Контроль и ответственность за соответствие выполненных работ по всем Инструкциям и Процедурам Безопасности ТШО Создание отчетов о расследовании (IF / Near Miss) согласно SI-128 Участие в аудитах для поддержки Основного Бизнеса Инспекции рабочих площадок и складов Промышленный контроль безопасности эксплуатации Контроль и выполнение предписаний, выдаваемых по результатам проверок, проводимых государственными органами, уполномоченных в области промышленной безопасности Обеспечивание СИЗ производственному персоналу опасного производственного объекта Принятие мер для предотвращения несанкционированного доступа к опасным производственным объектам Участие в расследовании инцидентов и аварий на опасных производственных площадках Управление персоналом и обучение Контроль и управление персоналом группы склада и административными координаторами. Взаимодействие со всеми супервайзерами склада для дополнительного прогноза рабочей силы на основе текущей и будущей рабочей нагрузки Соблюдение эксплуатационной и трудовой дисциплины, включая меры по предотвращению и устранению конфликтных ситуаций. Подготовка рекомендации относительно применения дисциплинарных взысканий к лицам, нарушившим производственную и трудовую дисциплину Руководство деятельностью по повышению квалификации работников Контроль за разработкой и внедрением новых процедур и рабочих процессов для улучшения методов работы и обеспечения соответствия стандартам Оптимизации Производства
March 2018November 2020
2 years 9 months

Oil and Gas... Show more

FGP CaTRo Operations Coordinator
The Future Growth Project – Well Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) is a landmark in the Tengiz Oil Field and will increase production by 12 million tons of oil per year while assisting in maintaining the existing production rates in Tengiz. The project involved modules and pipe-racks fabricated in Kazakhstan, South Korea and Italy and transported to the Tengiz through the Cargo Transportation Route, or CaTRo. Constructed from Prorva peninsula to the Tengiz oilfield including a 71-km marine access channel, a dedicated marine offloading facility and heavy haul road to the Tengiz Oil Field, CaTRo was a critical and successful part of FGP-WPMP. While in my role of Operations Coordinator I achieved: • Coordination of daily activities by facilitating morning and evening Daily Activity Summary Briefs which coordinated marine transport, channel dredging, and land transport activities for the next 72 hours. • Input of key logistics information in Garner, the Integrated Logistics Management System specifically build for the FGP-WPMP project. • Daily and weekly briefs delivered to senior logistics management on the daily operations, short term forecast activities, and addressed any questions or concerns. • Collaborated with Operations Planning on thirty- and ninety-day operational plans for the CaTRo Operation. • Evaluation of contractor performance through the interpretation of contractual performance into quantitative metrics. • Keep Operation Room Call and Voyage Log of Vessels
March 2017March 2018
1 year 1 month


Mining Industry... Show more

Warehouse Supervisor
• Completes warehouse operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees; following up on work results • Maintains receiving, warehousing, and distribution operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing, operational and personnel policies and procedures. • Works closely with procurement department to ensure required material is ordered in a timely manner • Regular reports as required • Monitor fuel usage, including quality of fuel orders received and any shortages/overages. Taking responsibility for the fuel from when it arrives on base until it is correctly dispersed (and recorded) into a unit • Responsible for managing fuel truck driver/fuel station operator to make sure that they are recording fuel dispensed properly. • Work with 1C 8.2 (receiving, issue and reports) • Organize warehouse all-over operations • Participation in inventory • Have the industrial safety certificate • Participation in Weekly and Monthly Meetings • Producing regular reports and statistics on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
July 2014October 2016
2 years 4 months


Atyrau, LLP "Isker Consortium" Lead Logistic Specialist. Logistic and WHSE Supervisor at Tengiz Project. Orken Village Project
• Coordination and organization of domestic transportation to Projects • Receiving and processing requests for transportation materials • Traffic planning , taking into account the urgency and  importance of the request • Organization of optimal transport load • Working with the transport companies • Choice of rational routes traffic •  Market research of transport services •  Search for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms • Work with Customs, Broker and Forwarding agents • Work with Temporary Customs WHSE • Brokers and Forwards service/invoices control • Consulting on Customs issue • Control Rail Road/Road delivery in Tengiz project • Acceptance, issue and control of Diesel • Daily/Weekly and monthly Diesel reports • Acceptance of request, issuing and monitoring the delivery of concrete to Construction • Daily and Weekly concrete reports • Receive import shipments • Create request for materials • Control Receiving/Issue and Inventory group on Project • Participation in inventory • Supervise Warehouse Team
December 2013July 2014
8 months


Oil and Gas... Show more

Aktobe, LLP "Sun Drilling" Customs/Logistic specialist
• Coordinate customs clearance of goods arriving by rail road and air freight • Working with internal and external customers to guide and advice on customs regulation /documented etc.  For customs clearance. • Process customs clearance documentation • Daily status report • Work with the customs authority • Control Customs Duty/VAT. • Detailed planning and reporting activities related to customs clearance. • Responsible for storage of goods at WHSE, Transportation of goods at exact location in most efficient and economical method. • Work with suppliers to ensure on time & correct delivery of documents and information. • Handle logistics of the incoming material / direct delivery to site with help of freight forwarders and Broker agents. • Liaise with Accounts Payable Department timely payment of customs duties. • Participation on meetings. • Check accounts from broker and freight forwarders • Receiving and processing requests for transportation materials to Rigs • Traffic planning , taking into account the urgency and  importance of the request • Organization of optimal transport load • Working with the transport companies • Choice of rational routes traffic •  Market research of transport services •  Search for transport companies that can provide transportation services on more favorable terms
October 2012December 2013
1 year 3 months


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Computer center, object 4321, Astana LLP "Spectrum" - Executive Director
• Monitoring the performance of all orders and instructions of the Director of LLP. • Inspection and monitoring of financial expenses of LLP. • Monitoring the implementation of the plans and scope of work set by the customer on site. • Ensure compliance and cost savings of material and financial resources • Participate in staff meetings and meetings at the customer's site. • Monitoring the implementation of labor discipline and living conditions of workers in the hostel and at the facility. • Daily and weekly reports to the Director on the implementation of the volume. • Control over the safety of property LLP • Conducting daily planning meetings with the section chiefs and superintendents. • Implementation of commitments on services in accordance with the existing agreements. • Search for new projects and their implementation.
September 2003September 2012
9 years 1 month


Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Customs Coordinator
· Control of Customs clearance of the goods arriving for TCO project. · Customs clearance coordination of air-freights arriving to Atyrau airport for TCO project · Co-relation with local authorities: Customs, SES, VET, State Standard, obtaining permits for clearing goods. · Obtaining of allowing documents in Astana for import goods · Preparation and submittal of all documentation required to expedite the customs clearance · Identify all items requiring GOST standard Certification/Hygienic and Phyto Control · Dealing with import contracts · Consultations of customs issues · Work with  250 quarterly conditionally customs cleared cargo report · Participation and assist in Customs audit inspections · Cooperation with banks on currency contracts and payments · Participation in customs inspections. · Daily and weekly status reports for all consignments and Purchase order · Coordination of Customs deposits and  payments · Broker's services control · Knowledge of Customs Legislation of ROK · Work with Customs WHSE · Close TIR/CMR
December 2002July 2003
8 months
Customs Agency, Atyrau region


Government Organizations... Show more

Atyrau Customs Control Agency, Atyrau Legal department - legal adviser
· Investigate customs offence · Control all offences in Atyrau Customs Agency · Participation in legal  processes
February 1998November 2002
4 years 10 months
Customs Agency, South Region

Government Organizations... Show more

Customs Agency Inspector, South Kazakhstan region Contraband Department - Investigator Lead Inspector, Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Frontier Customs  Check point
· Investigate customs offence · Detection of contraband · Participate in customs border raids Control Customs boarder · Customs Clearance of import/export/transit cargoes · Customs inspection · Weekly/Monthly/ quarterly reports · Work with foreign-economic activities · Consultation of foreign citizens
April 1995February 1998
2 years 11 months


Oil and Gas... Show more

Transportation Department - Administrative Assistant Railway Department - Administrative Assistant
· Translation of meetings · Weekly reports · Work with transportation requests · Administrative work


Skill proficiency levels
Английский язык
MS Outlook
Логистика поставок
Пользователь ПК
MS Excel
1С: Предприятие 8
Организаторские навыки
Работа в команде
Грамотная речь
Управление персоналом
Деловое общение
Водительское удостоверение категории B
Телефонные переговоры
Project management
Деловая этика
Работа с ключевыми клиентами
Управление отношениями с клиентами

About me

I have experience in logistics, with government statments and in the warehouse, on TCO projects more than 15 years

Higher education

Project Management Institute
Project Management based on PMI PMBOK , Project Management
Logistic Center
International freight forwarder, (ABVT/FIATA)International freight forwarder/Incomplete
1996-2000 "Kainar" University, Shymkent Specialization: Jurisprudent.
LAW, Specialization: Jurisprudent.
Embassy school, Brighton&Hove, UK
1991-1994 -  International institute of Management in Ukraine          Specialization: Marketing specialist.
Marketing, Marketing specialist



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Tests, examinations

Certificate of investigation of incidents and reporting
Baitau Partners
Industrial safety certificate
LLP Fire and Emergency protection

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter