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Male, 38 years, born on 10 April 1986

Uralsk, willing to relocate (Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktau, Aktobe, Atyrau), prepared for business trips

HSE Engineer

1 300 $ in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 16 years 8 months

August 2019currently
5 years 8 months


Oil and Gas... Show more

Safety Engineer
Resposibile for provision of overall support to ensure all Logistic Operations at Bautino Base are carried out in line with Corporate Health, Safety & Environmental Policy, Safety Management Systems and RoK Safety reqirements; Assist Bautino Base Safety Superintendent in implementation of Safety Corporate procedures and Safety Management System to ensure continuos improvement in compliance with ISO and OHSAS standards; Responsible for safety assurance activities such as audits, reviews and inspections of selected key contractors against Company's Safety Procedures or plans and RoK (Safety) requirements. This will include producing reports and monitoring of corrective actions close-out status; Responsible for administration of the process of external / internal safety and Soft Skills trainings for personnel, track and identify breaches, maintain / update Safety Training Matrix, OPMS and Safety Passports, training records on time in cooperation with the Company Training Department and delivering Safety Inductions (the Company and Site specific); Collation and preparation of Monthly Safety Performance Report (KPIs) on time, statistical safety trend analysis and reporting as a part of safety performance monitoring process; Review the Company and contractors Safety procedures/instructions and provide with proper feedback to contribute in implementation/maintaining of the Company and contractors Safety Management Systems; Participation in safety assurance activities and conduct safety leadership tours, audits, reviews and various inspections (including PTW L2, PPE, pre-sail vessel, special transport, dangerous goods) of selected key contractors against the Company's Safety procedures / instructions, plans / schedules and against the RoK Safety legislations requirements. Proper preparation for leadership tours reports, audits, reviews and inspections (including notifications on time), produce and complete/distribute reports on time, tracking and follow up/mitigation of deviations/non-conformities on time as per target dates; Take part in all safety activities (campaigns/workshops/meetings/initiativies) to promote safety awareness be expanded to contractors; Execute the role of focal point for SAFE-R registration and reporting and maintain SAFE-R register (register, close, write and submit SAFE-R statistical reports, select best SAFE-R contributors; Submit daily and weekly safety reports on time and/or when requested by Line Manager; Participate in ER Drill/Exercises when required or requested by Line Manager, provide comments and observations, areas for improvement, execute the role of Safety expertise when undertaking ERT duty; Execute the role of safety expertise when assigned as a member of incident investigation team member to ensure alignment with Company's incident Investigation & Reporting Procedure. Prepare investigation reports for low and medium incidents when required; Review and prepare safety related procedures, work instructions, guidelines, etc, and provide with feedback/comments on time or when requsted by Line Manager; Prepare presentation slides on Safety related topics and conduct Safety Workshops for the Company and Contractor personnel, as per schedules; Assist in planning of the GRUVIS monitoring activities to the key contractors on a weekly and monthly basis, (monthly preparation updates of the program via re-definition of the matrix in line with the work program, re-defenition of weights of GR via risk - based approach, etc.); Assist Line Manager in organization and coordination of the Company Golden Rules Visible Implementation Monitoring System (GRUVIS) by conducting site GRUVIS Inspections, maintain and update the GRUVIS Register and provide an action list to the respective department supervisors and contractors; Review BB Departments work place induction logbooks, communicate observations in from of report to Line Manager by relevant reports as per schedule or when requsted by Line Manager; Contractor Safety Management and Assurance; Coach identified key contractors in improving their Safety performance based on feedbacks from safety activities such as Audits/Reviews/Inspections etc.; Review key contractors safety related Hazard/Risk Registers, Risk Assessments, Job Hazard Analysis and identify areas for improvement to support the implementation of the Company Hazards and Effects Management Process, Permit to Work System procedures, including Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessments; Review the contractors internal orders, safety procedures/instructions and provide with proper feedback/comments to contribute in implementation / maintaining of contractors Safety Management Systems; Conduct site GRUVIS inspections and ensure they are conducted for the relevant contractors on time. This includes monitoring of corrective actions and clouse-out status; Assist in preparation for Safety training/workshops for contractors on the subject of the Company Golden Rules Visible Implementation Monitoring System as per Safety Workshops Schedule; Conduct verification audits of contractors Safety Activity Plans and report breaches/observations; Review and verify contractors Safety Activity / Winter Safety Plans and communicate inconsistency/breaches on time or when requested by Line Manager; Participation in Tender evaluation processes; Preparation of Terms of References and Reports for HSE Complience Reviews. Assist
February 2012August 2019
7 years 7 months
RauanNalco LLP

Aksay (Kazakhstan)

Oil and Gas... Show more

HSE Engineer
Role, Responsibility & Experience • Attestation of work places for working conditions • Conducting HSE briefings and first safety inductions for employees • Responsible for Development of the RauanNalco HSE Plan, ERIP and Drill trainings • Responsible for Road Safety • Arranging HSE inspections (internal audits according to chemical safety procedures); • Monthly inspections of transferring chemicals such as Sulphuric acid and Caustic soda and a various specialty chemicals together with Company management and KPO b.v. Production and Field HSE department representatives who are contract holders. • Overseeing and leading HSE team in providing advice and support in the implementation, maintenance and management of safety risk in company business and operational activities consistent with Goal Zero – or no harm to people; and safeguarding of company assets. • Conducting subcontractor audits on suppliers e.g. Topan, West Dala, Transportation Companies) • Planning and scheduling of the Company HSE calendar • Ensuring HSE compliance to meet RoK and Customer requirements • Organizing and conducting HSE meetings in both Russian and English in presence of KPO Senior Management • Preparing minutes of HSE meeting; • Participating in examination of safety knowledge; • Supervise the effective delivery of the assigned tasks, accountabilities and responsibilities of each member of the safety team based on their Tasks and Targets. • Lead and support as needed the implementation of Safety Programs (including behavioural-based safety, intervention culture, Hearts and Minds) and Safety Management System elements • Exercise HSE Leadership and visible management commitment in embedding a high level of HSE culture in the organization • Liaise, coordinate and network with HSE peers and other disciplines professionals – within the company, region, other companies to gain knowledge as well as contribute to best practices, standards, and communication and cascade of Lessons Learnt as relevant and useful for the effective delivery of job requirements and professional growth • Running incidents investigation and develop preventive actions. Develop HSE procedures, instructions and HSE Docs. Subcontractors audit conduction, tendering documents preparation. • Coordinating and Updating of HSE documentation including IMS procedures (Integrated Management System); • Business trips to main office in Atyrau on HSE affairs; • Getting Risk Assessment training certificate granted by Nalco company; • Training in train the trainer session for Nalco (Safety On Site) • Interpreter at HSE meetings, written translating of the documentation, correspondence and etc.; • Preparing monthly, quarterly reports on performed work according to internal audits; • Preparing monthly statistical reports on HSE for KPO b.v. • Preparing monthly, quarterly Contractor KPI report for KPO b.v. • Participating in monthly technical meetings with contract holder; • Participating in half year contract review meeting with contract holder; • Providing all required PPE for personnel including budgetary control responsibility.
December 2011February 2012
3 months
"KazMunayGas service - COMPASS" LLP


Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

HSE Engineer
• Developing HSE instructions for equipment and position, training personal • Conducting HSE briefings and first safety inductions for employees • Participating in examination of safety knowledge; • Supervise the effective delivery of the assigned tasks, accountability and responsibilities of each member of the safety team based on their Tasks and Targets. • Running incidents investigation and develop preventive actions. Develop HSE procedures, instructions and HSE Docs. • Providing all required PPE for personnel including budgetary control responsibility. • Exercise HSE Leadership and visible management commitment in embedding a high level of HSE culture in the organisation • Liaise, coordinate and network with HSE peers and other disciplines professionals – within the company, region, other companies to gain knowledge as well as contribute to best practices, standards, and communication and cascade of Lessons Learnt as relevant and useful for the effective delivery of job requirements and professional growth • Develop and implement HSE Plan • Performing HSE Inspections for equipment and vehicles • Performing Risk Assessment • Conducting Toolbox talk • Preparing monthly statistical reports on HSE for client • Preparing monthly/quarter HSE KPI’s for client • Interpreter at HSE meetings, written translating of the documentation, correspondence and etc.;
June 2010December 2011
1 year 7 months
"MKC Multicatering Kazakhstan Co" LLP


Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

HSE Engineer
• Developing HSE instructions for equipment and position, training personal • Conducting HSE briefings and first safety inductions for employees • Participating in examination of safety knowledge; • Supervise the effective delivery of the assigned tasks, accountability and responsibilities of each member of the safety team based on their Tasks and Targets. • Running incidents investigation and develop preventive actions. Develop HSE procedures, instructions and HSE Docs. • Providing all required PPE for personnel including budgetary control responsibility. • Exercise HSE Leadership and visible management commitment in embedding a high level of HSE culture in the organisation • Liaise, coordinate and network with HSE peers and other disciplines professionals – within the company, region, other companies to gain knowledge as well as contribute to best practices, standards, and communication and cascade of Lessons Learnt as relevant and useful for the effective delivery of job requirements and professional growth • Develop and implement HSE Plan • Performing HSE Inspections for equipment and vehicles • Conducting Toolbox talk • Performing Risk Assessment • Preparing monthly statistical reports on HSE for client • Preparing monthly/quarter HSE KPI’s for client • Interpreter at HSE meetings, written translating of the documentation, correspondence and etc.;
June 2007March 2009
1 year 10 months


Mining Industry... Show more

Drill operator assistant
Assistant Driller-“Uralsk oil and gas geology” drilling company(since 06.2007) • Preparation for the start-up of the drilling rig and work in the descent-lifting operations. • Participation in the work on the laying of drill pipe and casing, the layout of the drill pipe, the pressure testing of drill pipes. • Control automatic and machine keys when columns are secured and lowering and lifting operations. • Preparation and processing of drilling mud. • Filling of reserve tanks with drilling mud, monitoring the change in the level of the solution in the receptions. • Control topping wells. • Start, stop and control of drilling pumps. • Identification and elimination of faults in the operation of drilling pumps. • Replacement of worn parts of drilling pumps. • Participation in works on elimination of complications and accidents, works on cementing of casing strings in the well, drilling rig and drilling of cement bridges, wellhead equipment, development of production and testing of exploration wells. • Work, in exceptional cases, on the winch instead of the driller. • Carrying out the final works on the well, preventive maintenance of drilling equipment, participation in the installation, dismantling and transportation of drilling equipment when the team moves with its unit. • When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling rigs (PBU), control over the safe operation of underwater blowout equipment (PVO); participation in the installation, dismantling and operation of the PVO complex. • Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical); release of the wellhead from drill pipes, preparation of the riser tension system for disconnection from the wellhead. • Disconnection from the wellhead on the alarm "Emergency undocking". • Monitoring of the pulley-block unit, Cronbach, tackle rope, elevators, retractors, rollers suspension machine keys and rope auxiliary winch.


Skill proficiency levels
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
Английский язык
Контроль исполнения решений
MS Office
Time management
Driving Licence B
Google Docs
Пользователь ПК
Организаторские навыки
Управление персоналом
Работа в команде
Ведение переговоров
Деловая переписка
Точность и внимательность к деталям
MS Word
Customer Service
Проведение презентаций
Телефонные переговоры
Организация мероприятий
Грамотная речь
Деловое общение

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

I am capable of quick learning, take my work seriously, understand my area of responsibility, strive to improve the company's activities in the field of HSE on a regular basis,constantly strive for self-development (through reading technical, scientific, fiction) Good knowledge of English (technical, conversational). Skills of using Microsoft Office, Prezi

Higher education

West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
Polytechnic, Health Safety and Environment
West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University named after Zhangir Khan
Oil and Gas, Drilling of oil and gas wells



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007
ТОО "Central Management Quality", ISO
ABIROY, Health and Safety
Risk Assessment, Safety on Site
Nalco Champion an Ecolab, Safety
Driller operator assistant
КАЗИТУ, Drilling of oil and gas wells

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter