Больше информации по резюме будет доступно после регистрации



Женщина, 38 лет, родилась 22 июля 1986

Актау, не готова к переезду, не готова к командировкам

Специалист HR

  • Специалист по подбору персонала

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 18 лет 11 месяцев

Июль 2008по настоящее время
16 лет 9 месяцев
ERSAI Caspian Contractor


Senior Recruitment Officer
 Supplies recruiting and search services according to the Management requirements and in line with the human resources planning.  Continuous analysis of local scenario as regards labour law, educational systems and other items affecting recuitment.  Establishment of relationship with agencies; defenition of the best contractual solutions for the recruitment services  Managing the contractual and salary offers to candidates, in accordance with the other HR processes and systems (contracts , compensation, development)  Placing Invoices into SAP program (preparation WO, PR, SE for services)  in 2008 year prepare and arrange Road Show Presentation about company in three cities in Kazakhstan (Shymkent – Karaganda – Astana)  Conducting Preliminary Interview (logic test, checking translation, etc.)  Daily CV analyses  Format and daily placing CV’s in Company Database  Business Correspondence with another departments about manpower resource  Working with Recruitment Agencies.
Октябрь 2007Июль 2008
10 месяцев
ERSAI Caspian Contractor


Recruitment Officer
 Conducting and preparation of interviews  Takes part in work on selection, sampling, placement of personnel, hiring and etc..  Participates in studying a labour market for definition of sources of satisfaction of need for the staff, an establishment of direct communications with educational institutions,  Working with Recruitment Agencies.  Taking part in development of perspective and current plans of work.  Business correspondence
Февраль 2006Февраль 2007
1 год 1 месяц
KIS/Orion LLP” Aktau branch


Recruitment Administrator
 Selections of the candidates  Business correspondence  Control of process of monthly outputs of advertisements over the open positions  Coordination of work with the contact person, authorized persons from contract organizations  Development and conducting a database of candidates  Start selection of candidates on a vacant position under requirements of the client (employer)  Carrying out and preparation of interviews  Search and formatting the CV’s under standards of the company  Draw up and hand out a monthly and weekly reports to the Recruitment Manager
Октябрь 2005Февраль 2006
5 месяцев
“KIS/Orion LLP” Aktau branch


Office – Assistant
 Registration of incoming/outgoing correspondence  Getting Work Permits for foreign people in Labor Department  Meeting Expats at the airport (Taxi arrange)  Preparation of weekly reports  Registration foreign passports in Migration Police


Уровни владения навыками
HR administration, recruitment

Высшее образование

Экономика, Математические методы в экономике
Организация перевозок на водном транспорте, Водный транспорт

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения