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Алматы, готов к переезду (Актау, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Другие регионы, Казахстан, Кызылорда, Россия, США, Украина), готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Marketing Manager
- Руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 24 года 7 месяцев
Март 2012 — по настоящее время
13 лет 1 месяц
Carlyle Group
Marketing Director
Working out and introduction of investment projects and business plans on a turn-key basis for Moscow development projects;
Performance of works on introduction and support of marketing actions;
Internet Marketing skills: SMM, CRM, SREM, 360° etc.
Carrying out of the comparative analysis with the competing companies;
Working out and introduction of marketing strategy of the company, including the commodity, price, marketing and communicative policy at all stage of business development;
Drawing up the marketing documentation at all stages of business-projects, its presentation and operative reports to Top-Management
Январь 2009 — Май 2011
2 года 5 месяцев
Kattrade Company, The
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
Marketing and Business process Director
Studying of product promo features, the analysis of consumer requirements to a product with the marketing research tools;
The market analysis, definition of target consumer segments of the market for the product offer.
Working out product promo strategy and its support with advertising campaigns, exhibitions, presentations and PR-actions;
Presentations of a product to potential consumers and customers, thematic seminars; CRM
Working out of a price policy, terms of sale of product;
The sales volumes forecast.
Products budget drawing, calculation of expected profit and profitability from the moment of introduction to the market.
Working out of the scheme of sale of a product (from creation of new systems before reconstruction of available trade channels)
The analysis of the operation data about sales plan implementation.
Product positioning and merchandising
Tracing of a price policy and demand for brands of competitors, definition of a position of a product concerning similar products of competitors.
Январь 2006 — Декабрь 2008
3 года
Basis-A Corporation JSC
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
The Head of the Marketing and Business development department
Working out and introduction of investment projects and business plans on a turn-key basis for Moscow development projects;
Working out and introduction the business processes of investment projects and full support of marketing activities on them;
Project representation addressed to customers and counterparts, in mutual relations with company management.
Organization of studying mechanics in special business projects on concerning the administrative management team.
Drawing up the marketing documentation at all stages of business-projects, its presentation and operative reports to Top-Management and Board of Principals.
Carrying out of the analysis and synthesis with the information;
The analysis and calculation market capacity and market share;
Skills of work with client base and negotiating with clients, direct and indirect mailings;
Performance of marketing activities introduction and support;
Carrying out of the comparative analysis with the competing companies;
Working out of marketing strategy of the company;
Working out of marketing strategy and sales stimulation procedures.
Июнь 2003 — Декабрь 2005
2 года 7 месяцев
The Ordabasy Corporation
Project Manager, Brand-manager, further – The Head of Business development group
The analysis of commodity markets and sales planning;
Work in sphere of advertising and promo-activities;
Drawing up price and assortment policy of the Company;
Skills of practical advancement of the goods in the market;
Search of new directions of development and their introduction;
Performance of works on introduction and support;
Marketing actions and activities;
Process of working out of own methods of conducting marketing actions and activities;
Advertising organization rules;
Working out and the organization of marketing activities and advertising campaigns.
Июль 1999 — Декабрь 2002
3 года 6 месяцев
Kazakhstan Asian Marketing Research Center
Country Marketing Manager
The analysis of problems on marketing research projects in Tajikistan;
Drawing up the marketing reporting and accounts;
The organization of preparation process of researches and negotiations in Kirghizstan;
Search of new directions of development and their introduction;
Marketing report forms preparation, on gathering marketing information.
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Commercial activity Law and the standard legal documents for its implementation;
Market economy and business dealing bases;
Assortment policy, product classification, the characteristic of a product, Pricing strategy and tactics;
Marketing (the concept of marketing, a basis of marketing management, ways and directions of market research).
The management theory, macro- and micro-economics, business administration;
Bases of advertising, the form and methods of conducting advertising campaigns, bases and principles of PR tools;
Sales psychology and principles of purchase;
Brand features, "the know-how", sociology and psychology bases.
Business planning and commercial terms for agreements/contracts, rules of business contacts terming;
Professional PC user: MS Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/LH, MS Office (MSO Word, MSO Excel, MSO Front Page, MSO Outlook, MSO Power Point, MSO Project, MSO Visio, MSO Info Path, MSO Publisher), FAR-manager, Abby Lingvo, NC; graphic editors – Photoshop, Corel Draw 7:11 (the user level of); databases – MSO Access; HTML programming – MS Dreamweaver, a wide experience of work in the Internet, ability to carry out of various research character by WorldNet means.
Communication skills;
The creative approach in problems solution;
Ability to analyze, flexibility;
Ability and have desire to do teamwork;
Initiative and easy in learning.
To improve the knowledge and skills;
To find interesting permanent job and new friends for myself, both;
Constant outlook progressing;
To strengthen the own position in business environment.
Ready to Help Potential Colleagues Do Their Work;
Have no any Objection Do any Business trip;
Ready to Do Overtime Work.
Высшее образование (Магистр)
The Almaty Institute of International Studies
The International Marketing faculty , bachelor
The Qyzylorda National University by Qorkhyt-Ata
Mechanics & Technology faculty, bachelor
Знание языков
Тесты, экзамены
Noo-ryoku shiken
Japanese Embasy, MonBu KaGakuSho
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения