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Женщина, 35 лет, родилась 26 декабря 1989

Не ищет работу

Актау, готова к переезду, готова к командировкам

HSE / IIF Lead - Ведущий специалист по ТБ и КБТ

1 200 000  на руки

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 13 лет 9 месяцев

Ноябрь 2020по настоящее время
4 года 5 месяцев
Novus Bolashak LLP
IIF Lead
Support efforts to create and strengthen an Incident & Injury-Free (IIF) culture in Tengiz on the FGP project. In summary, this involves coordination, liaising, scheduling, administration, logistics, for IIF activity and events with and for multiple stakeholders across the project. • Embedded in site Project Management team. • Support site leadership in successful delivery of Tengiz IIF Plan and Events. • Interface with FGP IIF Supervisor, FGP IIF Coordinators, Contractor IIF Coordinators and JMJ Tengiz team to create IIF Activity Schedule and 90-day look ahead. • Participate in Monthly Contractor IIF Coordinator meetings. • Support Area OE IIF Leadership Team (OEILT) in: o Minutes of Meetings and Action Registers. o Logistics for IIF Events. o Recognition & Awards. o Leadership engagement. • Facilitate logistical arrangements for various Project IIF workshops (e.g. IIF Commitment Workshops, ADPs and IIF in Action suite workshops). • Responsible for maintaining IIF attendance records and training database for Project.
Февраль 2018Ноябрь 2020
2 года 10 месяцев


HSE & IIF Training Coordinator / HSE Administrator
 Provide leadership in HSE training program development and responsible for the coordination and provision of technical expertise for curriculum and content development.  Develop HSE training plans by position and identify required HSE competencies for each position.  Develop records for completed training and provide records to P&C for record retention for each trained employee  Check all offshore personal if they have passed all mandatory training  Conducting IIF Orientation course  Provide administrative support to HSE team  Compile statistical information for HSE Manager as requested.  Assist HSE Manager in the preparation of weekly and monthly safety reports.  Perform data-entry, documentation, printing and filling duties  Record, document and publish meeting minutes.  Manage and distribute HSE documents  Assist in conducting incident investigation and root cause analysis.  Assist in implementing corrective and preventive actions for non-conformities.  Assist in conducting Emergency Response Training Programs and in conducting safety drills.  Ensure vessel’s filing system is maintained and up to date  Assist in preparatory works in HSE when the company is taking delivery of new vessels  Comply with the company safety policies and procedures.  Ensure that all contractual / company and local authority requirements for Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) requirements are complied with.  Assist in Preparation of TRA for all activities in the site and ensuring all preventive / control measures are in place  Make ensure that PTW system is maintained and all safety precautions are taken at the work place.  Maintaining Equipment Inspection Records.  Ensure that safe working practices were adopted for the following activities like Piping fabrication, Erection works, welding, gas cutting, grinding, electrical safety, manual handling etc.
Апрель 2015Декабрь 2017
2 года 9 месяцев
Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V.


HSE Administrator
 Maintain safety data, keeping the databases up to date.  Maintain tracking systems as required.  Create monthly company safety data reports; monthly and weekly safety statistics.  Maintain tracking system for all safety, equipment and industry alerts  Admin support as required to HSE department.  Reviewing all incident reports, compiling and analyzing monthly statistics  Maintaining the system for recording, reporting and investigating injuries, accidents and dangerous occurrences  Updating Training register  Conducting safety induction training  Check all offshore personal if they have passed all mandatory training  Monitoring, issue and ordering all PPE stuff  GPS Monitoring report for speeding and run
Октябрь 2014Февраль 2015
5 месяцев

Актау, www.slb.com/

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

 Create SORs for Personnel, obtain SOR approvals by recharge locations and keeping monthly YTD track; will send one example in separate mail;  Updating Mob cost report on Management request;  Offshore/land trainings booking on Job requirements  Medical check-ups, Certification and Training for the Personnel on expired certification, coordinate with HR/QHSE to have MCU/OMCU provided to Personnel and updated in QUEST;  Personnel movements/schedules/crew change/travels  Assistance on Visa, LOI, WP obtaining/immigration requests for loaned/transferred personnel;,  Business Trip Order/B Business Trip Certificate issue for All Prsonnel,  Coordinate with HR/Management the payroll documents(timesheets, vacation requests, sick list, CA applications)  Assist All personnel with corresponding tickets/hotel/visa arrangements  Preparing Org Charts  Teambuilding arrangements and invoice monitoring for payment;  LPT/Client gifts order/negotiation with supplier;  Base /office TS stationery, printing supply order in SWPS and PoA issue, handling and sending to requestor;  Sending Diesel request to supplier, receiving of invoice, cards refill for vehicle;
Май 2013Октябрь 2014
1 год 6 месяцев


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Quality officer
 Document issuing, maintaining and distribution via IMS system,  Registration of delivered documents in database, incoming logs, transmittals in both hard and electronic copies, control of Incoming & Outgoing Technical Documentation,  Coordinating the timely turnaround of document,  Controlling the transmittal of correspondence to ensure traceability,  Responsible for regular database of quality checks and audits,  Renew revision of old documents (upgrade archive database), to check up files regularly and make data coding,  Document classification, sorting, filing, archiving and retrieval in accordance with MM project document indexing and filing systems,  Providing status reports on documents/ correspondence status and documentation submission,  Develop and implement document control specifications, procedures, work instructions, technical evaluations and document progress registers,  Updating various logs (Corrective Action Log, Observation Log).
Август 2012Май 2013
10 месяцев


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

AFC Clerk
 Drawing up invoices, acts of verifications,  Receive of the invoice, certificates, contracts from suppliers  Check the invoice registration of new suppliers , distribution accountants archiving of documents,  Maintaining cash-book,  Arrange for the custody and preservation of the documents received by the library,  Participates in the development of the range of cases , checks the validity of their formation and registration of the transfer to the archive,  Monitors the status of the documents, the timeliness of their recovery, in compliance with the premises of the archive conditions necessary to ensure their safety.  A preparation of monthly data to be sent back to the head office.
Сентябрь 2011Август 2012
1 год
ER SAI Caspian Contractor


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

 Lead time attendance actual residence time employees in the company, oversees their timely attendance at work and leaving work, finding in the workplace,  Makes corresponding marks on the report card and makes daily reports (reports) of rotations of a job, but also about being late and missed with the reasons that caused them, keep records of payroll employees,  Systematically makes changes related to the registration of workers receiving, transfers, layoffs, granting leave,  Monitors the timeliness of workers on temporary leaves of disability, helps care for the sick and other documents confirming their right to absence from work,  In accordance with established procedure is a report card that contains information about the actual hours worked, overtime hours of work, violations of labor discipline, etc.
Февраль 2011Май 2011
4 месяца
“Tabys Consult”


Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще

Training in the Audit practice
Checking documents, contract, invoice e.t.s.


Уровни владения навыками

Обо мне

MS Office, SAP, 1C 8.2

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Тесты, экзамены

YKK Kazakhstan
YKK Kazakhstan, H2S Opito

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения