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Male, 34 years, born on 15 February 1991
Atyrau, willing to relocate (Aktau, Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uralsk), prepared for occasional business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Metrology engineer, Head of laboratory
1 000 000 ₸ in hand
- Other
Employment: full time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 11 years 2 months
January 2023 — currently
2 years 3 months
Borkit Safety LLP
Atyrau, borkitsafety.com/
Chief Metrologist
Organization and coordination of the work of the verification and calibration laboratory in accordance with the requirements of international standards and regulations.
Implementation of the introduction of new measuring instruments into the register, verification and analysis of their technical characteristics, as well as determining the possibility of their use in the laboratory.
Development and implementation of methods for verification and calibration of measuring instruments, control over their observance and updating in accordance with changes in regulatory documents.
Control over the correct filling and storage of documentation of the verification and calibration laboratory, including journals and protocols for verification, calibration and repair of measuring instruments.
Control over workplaces and measuring instruments, analysis of the data obtained, determination of the causes and elimination of identified shortcomings.
Organization and conduct of verification and calibration of measuring instruments, including control over compliance with all procedures and requirements, as well as ensuring that work is completed on time and in accordance with established standards.
Training and advising laboratory staff on verification and calibration of measuring instruments, as well as on compliance with the requirements of standards and regulations.
Interaction with external organizations, negotiating and concluding agreements on the verification and calibration of measuring instruments, as well as on the acquisition and renewal of equipment for the laboratory.
Preparation of reports and presentation of information about the work of the laboratory to the management of the enterprise, as well as to the bodies of the state metrological service.
June 2021 — December 2022
1 year 7 months
Borkit Safety LLP
Atyrau, borkitsafety.com/
Maintaining the Laboratory Quality Management System.
Introduction of new devices on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the register of State Measuring Instruments (Certificate of Approval of the Type of Measuring Instruments).
Entering Reference Materials into the Register of State Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Control and maintenance of logs of the Verification Laboratory and the Calibration Laboratory.
Monitoring the state of laboratory measuring instruments.
Compilation of reports.
Raising the qualifications of laboratory testers.
Management of laboratory workers.
Implementation of metrological control.
January 2021 — May 2021
5 months
Atyrau, www.rms-kz.com/
Head of the Laboratory
Management of laboratory workers and work on the development and implementation of new methods of laboratory control in production, as well as the improvement of existing methods.
Laboratory management for laboratory research. Execution of works and processing of their results.
Development of programs for performed objects, methods of work execution, development of estimate and contract documents, work schedules for the object, their coordination with performers and interested organizations.
Quality control and timeliness of technical preparation of documentation, compliance of the research (work) performed with the current standards and specifications.
Drawing up a technical report on the stages of work and on the assignment as a whole.
Organization of accurate maintenance of laboratory logs and timely registration of the results of verifications, calibrations and tests.
March 2020 — January 2021
11 months
Atyrau, www.rms-kz.com/
Business Services... Show more
Metrolgy engineer
Updating of documentary procedures in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2019.
Maintaining company documentation.
Drawing up and issue of certificates.
Verification (calibration) of heat engineering measurements.
Drawing up contract documentation.
Metrological examination and metrological supervision.
Organization of certification of standards.
Organization of certification of testing equipment.
August 2019 — March 2020
8 months
Alprom LLP
Atyrau, alprom.kz
Product manager
Participation in tenders;
Comply with deadlines and budget limits;
Monitor the quality of work performed;
Check the work of all participants separately;
Coordinate team activities (i.e.
Carry important information from customers / users in a team and vice versa;
Calculate possible risks (unforeseen circumstances), their impact on the speed and quality of work.
- Pre-design (description of the web project, terms of reference, terms of reference);
- Design (work execution plan, technical control, schedule);
- Work / Executive (a detailed description of the web product, progress reports, working drawings, schedules, drafts, additional plans, descriptions of individual tasks);
- Final (progress report, operation manual, etc.);
- Accounting.
February 2018 — July 2019
1 year 6 months
Branch LLP "Aktobe Gas Innovations" in Atyrau city
- Opening of the testing laboratory of the branch in Atyrau city.
- Implementation of the work plan and its analysis.
- Management of all business processes in the branch.
- Ensuring compliance with regulatory indicators: gross profit, marginal profit, high-quality distribution and attracting key customers.
- Development and implementation of measures to achieve the strategic goals of the company Compiles the calibration schedules, based on its results, develops recommendations on the adjustment of calibration intervals.
- Ensuring profitable, break-even activities of the entrusted branch.
- Carries out a rational distribution of duties between employees of the Branch, separation of functions, tasks, actions, monitors the execution of instructions and orders, maintains the necessary level of labor and executive discipline. Lead the work on the development and implementation of laboratory control methods in production, as well as the improvement of existing methods.
February 2016 — February 2018
2 years 1 month
LLP "Aktobe Gas Innovations"
- Conducting control over the work of verifiers for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories."
- Conducting instructions on safety and working hours for employees hired.
- Receiving applications from customers for calibration of measuring instruments.
- Registering certificates and notices of unfitness. Keeping logs. Control over the verification of instruments.
June 2015 — January 2016
8 months
- Installation of new electrical networks.
- Elimination of malfunctions in the operation of devices, their repair, installation and adjustment.
October 2014 — June 2015
9 months
ACC Silverson
Supply manager
- Receiving, in accordance with the documents, products or any other material values (food products and equipment, raw materials, etc.);Preparation of documents for the purchase and receipt, departure of certain goods, as well as the means of transportation that delivers the product. Tracking the movement of goods; Procurement outside the production plan.
February 2014 — January 2015
1 year
LLP “KazMunayGas” Drilling
Locksmith EC&I 5th grade
Maintenance and repair of EC&I at oil production rigs.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Responsiveness, Politeness, The ability to easily find contact with people, Self-confidence, Easily maintains business and professional contacts, Prioritization, Optimism, Active life position, Achieving goals, Efficiently planning the time, Attention to detail, Ready to make decisions, Work in team, Striving for professional development, Initiative, e.t.c.
Higher education
Atyrau Institute (University) of Oil and Gas
Technological, Automation and Control
Atyrau Polytechnic College
Technological, Automation and management of technological processes in the oil and gas industry
Professional development, courses
Verifier of measuring instruments (thermophysical and temperature measurements - 10)
RSE «KazStandart», Certificate
Verifier of measuring instruments (physical and chemical measurements - 09)
RSE «KazStandart», Certificate
Verifier of measuring instruments (pressure measurement - 04)
RSE «KazStandart», Certificate
SEFtec Global Training LLC, Certificate
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in accordance with the requirements ISO/IEC 17025:2019
RSE «KazStandart», Certificate
SEFtec Global Training LLC, Certificate
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter