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Male, 55 years, born on 30 November 1969

Considers offers

Moscow, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips

Software Architect / Lead Software Engineer / Lead Programmer (Full Stack) / CTO

2 999  in hand

  • Programmer, developer
  • Development team leader
  • Chief technical officer (CTO)

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 29 years 8 months

January 2011currently
14 years 3 months
Leading translation provider (based on West Europe) - remote job


Business Services... Show more

System Architect / Author / Lead Programmer
1) Web-based CRM system development (translation provider business) The new system has been implemented and started in 2016 and it works now too The main functionality: - Back-office system, project management system (incoming job requests processing, project statuses, deadlines and executing control, project history etc.); - Billing subsystem (complex price lists, Match Statistics, price and cost auto-calculation based on rates etc.) - Document management subsystem (~2 mln.different MS Office documents); - File Storage subsystem (based on Amazon S3); - Report Server (based on Jasper Report / iReport); This system has been installed on Amazon Web Services Cloud platform (EC2/S3); (front: Angular,TypeScript, DevExtreme(DevExpress), server: Java, GrpcWebProxy/Tomcat, Apache, DB MySQL, File storage: Amazon S3, report: Jasper Report/iReport, other: Apache POI, Apache Tika, Lucene etc) 2) Lucene-based full-text search system development (for internal company purposes) (client: HTML/Apache Wicket, app.server: Apache/Tomcat/Java, DB: MySQL, POI, Lucene etc. ) 3) Standalone application development for specific operations (Text Alignment, Text Extraction, Chars Counting, Translation Memory etc.) Java + Apache POI + other
April 2004December 2010
6 years 9 months
Contract work / Freelance / Remote


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

System Architect / Lead Programmer
CRM project (Java, Flex, ActionScript3.0, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML) - patterns collection for CRM,OMS system, component-based architecture, software integration tasks. CRM and call-center integration, java-based Integration Server platform architecture development, API development, Web-services, EMail-servers, web-based Report Servers, UML-documentation preparations other web-programming. Amazon Web Services (as a platform for some projects).
August 2001February 2004
2 years 7 months
IPSOFT - IT company (software development, solutions for telecommunication, call-centers, Internet, IP/VoIP-telephony, billing, CRM, HelpDesk)


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead Programmer / Project Leader
Analysis, solution architecting, software development, project management, building intra-corporative components, technical, business, marketing documentation preparing, contacts with customers. Projects put into practice: "WGE (workflow graphic editor) - based application development system" (for using in/with CRM / ERP - systems, call-centers, billing etc.), ”Call-center software", HelpDesk" (system for company support service), "Open Logic"(platform for application integration) , "Email -server" (for incoming/outgoing email processing automatization), development applications, Delphi-VCL components, Java beans, Workflow-graphics, DB Java [Borland JBuilder 9], Delphi 5-7, MSSQL, Sybase, Oracle, XML, XSL, JSP, HTML, Apache, Tomcat etc.
May 1999July 2000
1 year 3 months
Rostokino-Lada, Moscow (selling cars, car parts, car-services)


Project Leader, Analyst, Programmer (contract work)
Realization of the project from the beginning to the end including the analysis and changing of business processes, preparation of the technical requirements, development, programming (Server and Clients parts 100% of code), installation, hardware preparations, debugging and technical support of the automatization system "United trade-storing automatization system of the company" (movement of goods, storages, movement of the documents, financial subsystem, reports and statistics), database administration, preparation of technical documents and user manuals, teaching of users etc. I was responsible for overall success of the project. Project put into practice: "United trade-storing automatization system of the company" Delphi, C++,MSSQL, Citrix.
August 1997April 1999
1 year 9 months
"AstraPage" telecommunications company, Moscow (paging, call-center)


Head of IT department, Project Leader, Team Leader, Analyst
I took a leading role in this project, and also I worked as an IT-manager. Analysis, formalization and changing of business processes, development (65% of code), installation, debugging and technical support automatization system "Billing / CRM system” (United IT-system of the company) (company services billing, movement of documents, movement of goods, financial subsystem, reports and statistics), Project put into practice: "Billing / CRM system” (United IT-system of the company) - Delphi, MSSQL, IIS, IB.
July 1994August 1997
3 years 2 months
Bank, Moscow


Financial Sector... Show more

Lead Programmer, Analyst (IT department)
Analysis of business processes, development, programming, installation and technical support of projects for banks activities (in general I designed different independent bank subsystems for front office and back office tasks, network communications tasks), security tasks, administration of subsystem, design of network, hardware task, modems etc., teaching of users, technical consulting for bank clients Project put into practice: “Bank-Client (Bank-Branch)”, ”Bonds”, “Currency exchange office”, “Commercial credits”, “Deposit of persons”, “Salary calc.”, security controls utility (RSA), software for back-office operations. (Delphi, Borland Pascal, Clipper, ASM, Paradox, DBase, Interbase, DOS/Windows/Novell Netware, Citrix)


Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Разработка ПО
Анализ бизнес-процессов
Full stack
Web Application Development
Серверное программирование
Medium level
Управление командой
Amazon Web Services
Apache Tika
Apache POI
Apache Lucene
Eclipse IDE
JetBrains WebStorm
Техническая документация
Постановка задач разработчикам
Basic level
Apache Tomcat

About me

Computer skills: Web-applications, desktop applications and servers development skills 1) Languages / development tools: - Java (16 years): Wicket, Apache POI, Tika, Jakarta Mail, Jackson, Lucene, JetS3, JasperReport, GraniteDS, JDBC, MQ etc - Angular,TypeScript,JavaScript DevExpress, gRPC (6 years) / before Adobe Flex AMF3 (6 years). web-application development: Angular + Java / Flex + Java, GUI, HTML, XML, XSLT; - SQL (20 years) TSQL, ANSI - early Delphi/Pascal (9 years), applications, GUI, VCL etc. 2) work with Amazon Web Services platform (Clouds: EC2 / S3), servers, services, databases, installation, configuration, support 3) Strong experience in databases development and supporting OLAP and OLTP - corporative databases tables, queries, triggers, procedures, features, Client/Server technologies (both client and server parts), skills with DB-administration/support: MSSQL, MySQL. Sybase, Interbase; 4) Web (REST, gRPC, AMF3, SOAP,WSDL,UDDI), XML,XSL,Model 1/Model 2(Model-View-Controller), HTML,JavaScript 5) CASE: ErWin, Rational Rose, BPWin; 6) WorkFlow standards, methodologies and technologies (like www.WFMC.org etc.); 7) System programming - Win services, DLLs, servers/clients for: HTTP, TCP, UDP, SMTP, POP3; 8) System integration products - (MQ, IBM TSM etc); 9) System documentation, Technical documentation etc. Hardware skills: 1) Intel platform, PC; 2) Designing, configuring, optimization and support server of the special configurations for the database-orientated and client-server tasks (RAID 0-5, Dual Processor, Backup, Reserving etc.), 3) Development, installing and technical support of computer networks(5-100 workstations), modems, routers, hubs etc.

Higher education

Automatization of technology processes / Specialty: Engineer of automatization, Excellent diploma of high education (“Red” diploma)



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour