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Мужчина, 37 лет, родился 18 июня 1987

Активно ищет работу

Актау, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

HSE, Fire and Industrial Engineer

  • Инженер по охране труда и технике безопасности, инженер-эколог

Занятость: проектная работа

График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 16 лет 7 месяцев

Июль 2019Май 2024
4 года 11 месяцев
KPJV Limited

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Authorship Supervisor F&G, industrial safety
•Conducted verification of the placement/installation of all fire and gas detection system equipment in all control zones according to layout drawings.; •Сhecked the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems and substation, connection, testing; •Сhecked the closure of fire/ gas dampers installed in the external air intakes of the HVAC system for a building, room or premise; •Conducted the cause-and-effect relationships and logic of the input/output signals of the system and interfaces with other security systems; •Carry out a check of the application of flame retardant coating on metal structures and equipment; •Сonducted an inspection of fire pipeline (water/gas) fire extinguishing; •Signed Acts of hidden works; •Checked and approved on the Dossier on subsystems and objects; •Participated in the commission for commissioning of new facilities;
Июнь 2014Июль 2019
5 лет 2 месяца
Karakudukmunai LLP


Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Senior specialist of production control service
•Conducting complex inspections of state of industrial, fire, environmental safety and labor protection at exploited hazardous industrial objects; •Monitored the implementation of violations identified during the audit; •Conducted an analysis of identified violations - their causes and measures to eliminate them; •Supervised and coordinated the work of the industrial safety engineer; •Reviewed/developed the documentation (draft orders/contracts, work organization •plans, technical regulations/assignments, instructions); •Conducted tests and technical inspections of technical devices (lifting •mechanisms/pressure vessels); •Participated in the investigation of accidents, emergencies, incidents, and cases of industrial injury; •Prepared claim materials on the facts of violation by contractors of the requirements and rules of OHS, FS, FSR; •Prepared presentation material and held meetings with the heads of contracting organizations on the issues of OHS, FS, FSR and E; •Carried out interaction with regulatory authorities, contractors and other interested parties on issues of OHS, FS, FSR; •Supervised the implementation of regulations of state supervision bodies in the field of FS, FSR.
Май 2013Июнь 2014
1 год 2 месяца
Karakudukmunai LLP


Specialist of production control service
•Monitored compliance by specialists of structural divisions with the requirements and rules of OHS, FS and FSR; •Supervised timely testing and technical inspection of technical devices; •Developed a work plan for implementation of production control at hazardous production facilities; •Participated in the development of introductory briefing program; •Compiled/controlled/sent reports in the field of OHS, FS, FSR.
Январь 2012Май 2013
1 год 5 месяцев
MAEK Kazatomprom LLP


Watch commander (Emergency rescue service)
• Supervised fire extinguishing, rescue of people and property; • Carried out the organization and controlled the service by the personnel of watch duty; • Ensured the implementation of professional training plan, the schedule of training sessions with the perso nnel of watch duty; • Ensured that the personnel of watch duty fulfilled the rules of labor protection, fire safety and sanitary and hygienic standards; • Checked the performance of watch duty by the personnel of watch duty; • Developed and coordinated accident response plans (ARP), operational fire extinguishing cards; • Conducted inspections of the state of FSR at production facilities; • Conducted documentation according to the specialization of the watch d uty.
Ноябрь 2010Ноябрь 2011
1 год 1 месяц
Service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (military unit №28237 MSDES of RoK)


Saving people
Октябрь 2010Ноябрь 2010
2 месяца
MAEK Kazatomprom LLP


Senior Lifeguard
• Performs emergency rescue, search and rescue and other urgent work; • Performs duty as part of the duty shift of the search and rescue squad;
Январь 2009Март 2010
1 год 3 месяца
MAEK Kazatomprom LLP


• Performs emergency rescue, search and rescue and other urgent work; • Performs duty as part of the duty shift of the search and rescue squad;
Апрель 2007Январь 2009
1 год 10 месяцев
MAEK Kazatomprom LLP


• Performs emergency rescue, search and rescue and other urgent work; • Performs duty as part of the duty shift of the search and rescue squad;


Уровни владения навыками
Руководство коллективом
Пожарная безопасность
Подготовка презентаций
Претензионная работа
Охрана труда и техника безопасности
Организация совещаний
Работа в команде
Ведение документации
Проведение презентаций
Обучение персонала
Деловая переписка
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
Adobe Photoshop
Деловое общение

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

• Disciplined; • Communicative; • Able to work under pressure; • Ability to work with a large amount of information. • Аtively engaged in sports, I play football, volleyball, table tennis well.

Высшее образование

Ufa city State oil gas technical university
Technological, Safety of technological processes and productions in the oil and gas industry
Mangistau regional institute "Bolashak"
Economic, Economy

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения