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Мужчина, 43 года, родился 11 мая 1981

Рассматривает предложения

Астана, готов к переезду (Азербайджан, Актау, Алматы, ОАЭ, Россия, Турция), готов к командировкам

General Director / Deputy of General Director/ COO/ CCO/Supply Chain Management

  • Генеральный директор, исполнительный директор (CEO)
  • Коммерческий директор (CCO)
  • Операционный директор (COO)
  • Руководитель отдела логистики

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 23 года 3 месяца

Сентябрь 2023Декабрь 2024
1 год 4 месяца
Altay Polimetaly


Металлургия, металлообработка... Показать еще

Consultant of GD / General Director
• Organization of interaction of all structural divisions of the Company. • Ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the Company, including obligations to budgets of different levels. • Creating conditions for the introduction of the latest equipment and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization. • Taking measures to ensure healthy and safe working conditions in the Company. • Monitoring compliance with the rules of law in the activities of all services. • Protection of the Company's property interests in court and public authorities. • Developing and implementing commercial strategies of the company goals and its subsidiaries; • Ensuring the creation of an accounting system and the organization of accounting. • Optimization of the business process to get the maximum profit.
Июнь 2023Февраль 2024
9 месяцев
Voskhod Group of Companies


Deputy of General Director on Administration and Facilities
- Perform duties related to the Deputy of GD on Administration and Facilities. - Managed 7 Departments (non production related).
Апрель 2022Июнь 2023
1 год 3 месяца
Voskhod Group of Companies


Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще

Head of Warehouse Facilities
• Responsible for overseeing a wide variety of warehouse activities including shipping and receiving raw materials and/or finished goods and maintaining inventory and associated records • Responsible to ensure a safe working method is followed at all times guaranteeing continuous warehouse operations aimed to satisfy underground mine production. • Ensure proper receiving, placement, storage, dispatching and safekeeping of all goods delivered to warehouse. • Responsible for engage job efficiently, in good faith and on reasonable grounds in the best interests of the company. • Implement MRP / Min/Max/Safety Stock for the critical and consumable materials. • Prepared project to launch a SAP in Company.
Март 2018Апрель 2022
4 года 2 месяца

Тайынша, www.biooperations.com

Сельское хозяйство... Показать еще

Commercial Director
• Developing and implementing commercial strategies of the company goals and its subsidairies; • Maximum profit-making and its efficient distribution; • Improvement of starch production technology. • Improvement of gluten production technology. • Improvement of bioethanol production technology. • Determination of the priorities of commercial activity, its territory and scope; • Direct management of sales managers of products, goods, services; • Optimization of the business process of the Commercial Department; • Management of contractual work, budget planning and management of accountable personnel. • Coordinate development and drafting of perspective and current plans of logistical support and production (sales of commodities, providing of services), financial plans distribution. • Organize guidance the material and technical supply of enterprise, activity on storage, transporting and production (to the sale of commodities, provision of services) distribution. • Coordinates development of norms and standards of logistical support (supplies of material and technical resources), standards of products quality(commodities, services), storage of the ready goods, norms of supplies of ready goods. • Improve existing logistics routes and organize new ones, to minimize logistics/transportation costs.
Август 2017Март 2018
8 месяцев

Атырау, www.ncoc.kz

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Offshore Materials Coordinator
• As an Offshore Materials Coordinator I'm responsible for overseeing a wide variety of warehouse activities including shipping and receiving raw materials and/or finished goods and maintaining inventory and associated records • Responsible to ensure a safe working method is followed at all times guaranteeing continuous warehouse operations aimed to satisfy offshore and onshore materials and equipment requirements. • Ensure proper receiving, placement, storage, dispatching and safekeeping of all goods delivered to warehouse. • Responsible for engage job efficiently, in good faith and on reasonable grounds in the best interests of the company. • Knowledge’s with the type of materials stored inside the warehouses and ready to perform the duties in any dedicated warehouses planned to be prioritized by the section head. • Organize rational use of warehouse space in order to ensure the most efficient storage bins allocation method is applied. Execute periodical evaluation of empty storage locations and ensure that all storage bins are clearly identified, marked and properly utilized; • Initiate and control periodical inspection of all lifting, handling and storage equipment. Ensure operational & safety consumables and tools used for regular warehouse activities are available, fully certified, and fit for purpose; • Verify that personnel involved into warehousing activities are adequately trained and certified to carry out their tasks safely and efficiently. • Supervise and assist in daily warehouse and shipping areas including: Filling and shipping customer orders, satisfying internal shipping requirements (technical service, vendors, etc.), ensuring accuracy of shipments and supporting documentation, receiving incoming material and routing to appropriate area or personnel, filling work orders from production, ensuring inventory transactions are accurately logged and overseeing cycle counts and reconciliation activities.
Май 2015Июль 2017
2 года 3 месяца
NCOC ( North Caspian Operating Company)

Атырау, ncoc.kz

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Materials Execution Team Lead
• Handling and coordinating all incoming and outgoing material from Bautino Marine Supply Base for offshore project (D-Island). • Supervise and support the Stock Control Team ( 8 people) with operations related to Materials Management. • Control that all materials issued out from WHSE have proper Cargo manifests, Material Transportation Tickets (MTR) and Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD), for shipment goods by sea. • Goods Receipt Note (GRN) / Picking List (PL) for all material income and outcome materials movements. • Check SAP for any unprocessed / postponed Stock Transfer Orders (STO). • Maintaining information about inventory quantities and movements in warehouse. • The delivery of materials from warehouse. • Providing with Materials Requisitions (MR) for required equipment and materials. • Control all Goods Movement in SAP. • Control Goods Receipt (GR) and Goods Issue (GI) in SAP • Actively involved in the warehouse supply chain, including the stores on relevant onshore operational assets. • Supervise the materials execution team and control timely dispatch of the of materials and all related processes in SAP • Apply and intervene and implement the warehouse HSSE plan, • Supervise for all contract staff working in the all divisions of Materials Team. • Ensure accurate and timely processing by staff of all necessary issue documents into SAP and the other applicable systems • Control the adequate QA/QC procedures are applied to guarantee the correct equipment is stored in the correct location and the equipment being shipped is that requested by Operations. • Ensure that procedures are applied to make certain that only certified equipment and materials can received and issued. • Support the execution of policies on Stock inventory, MRP, Coding, stock checks and other SAP Inventory processes and procedures. • Manage and control process of returning surplus materials back to active stock. • Participate in monthly HSSE meetings. • Conduct tools box talks and risk assessment exercises with WHSE personnel. • Develop and implement safe work place culture among employees. • Attend key department and warehouse operations meetings.
Май 2013Май 2015
2 года 1 месяц
NCPOC ( North Caspian Production Operating Company)

Атырау, ncoc.kz

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Materials Issue Supervisor
• Handling and coordinating all outgoing material from Bautino Marine Supply Base for offshore project (D-Island). • Prepare and process Cargo manifests, Material Transportation Tickets (MTR) and Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD), for shipment goods by sea. • Goods Receipt Note (GRN) / Picking List (PL) for all material income and outcome materials movements. • Check SAP for any unprocessed / postponed Stock Transfer Orders (STO). • Maintaining information about inventory quantities and movements in warehouse. • The delivery of materials from warehouse. • Providing with Materials Requisitions (MR) for required equipment and materials. • Process and control all Goods Movement in SAP. • Process Goods Receipt (GR) and Goods Issue (GI) in SAP • Actively involved in the warehouse supply chain, including the stores on relevant onshore operational assets • Supervise the proper safe and efficient storage, proper handling and timely dispatch of the issues of materials to meet the demands of the offshore Division • Ensure procedure compliance for the lifting equipment integrity (baskets/containers) used in warehouse operations • Apply and intervene and implement the warehouse HSSE plan, • Supervise for all contract staff working in the Issues section of the warehouse • Ensure accurate and timely processing by staff of all necessary issue documents into SAP and the other applicable systems • Ensure adequate QA/QC procedures are applied to guarantee the correct equipment is stored in the correct location and the equipment being shipped is that requested by Operations. • Ensure that procedures are applied to make certain that only certified equipment can be issued. • Support the execution of policies on Stock inventory, MRP, Coding, stock checks and other SAP Inventory processes and procedures. • Attend key department and warehouse operations meetings.
Январь 2008Май 2013
5 лет 5 месяцев

Россия, www.halliburton.com

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Project Materials Coordinator
• Handling and coordinating all incoming and outgoing material to and from Halliburton warehouse in Alibekmola Project. • Prepare and process Cargo manifests, Material Transportation Requests (MTR) and Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD), Goods Receipt Note (GRN), for all material movements. • Maintaining information about inventory quantities and movements in warehouse. • Provide proper inventory of WHSE. • Participate in Cycle Count Process. • The delivery of materials from warehouse. • Providing with Materials Requisitions (MR) for required equipment and materials. • Process and control all Goods Movement in SAP. • Process Goods Receipt (GR) and Goods Issue (GI) in SAP. • Support and coordinate base operations (waste disposal, camp, clinic, lifting operations, journey management).
Июнь 2007Декабрь 2007
7 месяцев
Pride Forasol S.A.S

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Materials Coordinator
• Handling and coordinating all incoming and outgoing material to and from Pride warehouse in Bautino. • Prepare and process Cargo manifests, Material Transportation Requests (MTR) and Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) for all material movements. • Maintaining information about inventory quantities and movements in warehouse. • Develop and Implement WHSE procedures.
Октябрь 2004Май 2007
2 года 8 месяцев
Turkuaz Group of Companies

Продукты питания... Показать еще

Logistic manager. Logistic Director.
• Organizing shipment supply from local and international stocks, coordination of all incoming and outgoing shipments. • Responsible for tracking shipments deliveries. Searching for Freight Forwarding Companies and working with them on the best routes and methods of transportation. • Making the contracts, job planning, making weekly and monthly reports to company director • Accounting/Finance reports • Rail shipments coordination inside Kazakhstan. Preparing documents required for certification of goods. • Organize process of offloading and support vessels arrived to Aktau Port ( Caspian Sea). • Control processes in the WHSE to improve the work processes including storing of goods, timely delivery to Customer. • Ensure that all required HSSE procedures are strongly followed by staff.
Июль 2001Июнь 2004
3 года
Каир ЛТД


Перевозки, логистика, склад, ВЭД... Показать еще

Interpreter Turkish/Russian. Russian/English. / Logistic specialist.
• Interpretation, documents translation. • Translation of company documents, interpretation during business meeting, negotiations with subcontractors and governmental officials, secretarial duties. Preparation of Cost Estimates for extra works. • Cargo insurance, survey of material, cargo tracking. • Translation of documents required for customs clearance, customs clearance arranging. • Rail shipments coordination inside Kazakhstan. Preparing documents required for certification of goods.


Уровни владения навыками
Leadership Skills
Driving Licence B
Управление персоналом
Team management
Negotiation skills
Presentation skills
Управление проектами
Ведение переговоров
Английский язык
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
Точность и внимательность к деталям
Работа в команде
Обучение персонала
Организаторские навыки
Организация мероприятий
Мотивация персонала
Пользователь ПК
Organization Skills
Time management
Business Planning
Деловая переписка
Проведение презентаций
Заключение договоров
Деловое общение
Грамотная речь
Project management

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

Книги, Охота, Рыбалка, Практическая Стрельба. IPSC member.

Высшее образование

Institute of Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management

Знание языков


АзербайджанскийC1 — Продвинутый

АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Inventory Processes CP
Institute of Supply Chain Mangement, Inventory Processes CP
Supply Chain Management CP
Institute of Supply Chain Mangement, Supply Chain Management CP
Institute of Supply Chain Mangement, Business Processes CP
Procurement Processes CP
Institute of Supply Chain Mangement, Procurement Processes CP
Warehouse Operations CP
Institute of Supply Chain Mangement, Warehouse Operations CP

Тесты, экзамены

Civil Defense
Baitau Partners, Civil Defense. Level 2
Influencing Skills
Caspian Training Group, Influence in Communication

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения