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Мужчина, 46 лет, родился 8 марта 1979
Активно ищет работу
Кентау (ЮКО), готов к переезду (Актау, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Кызылорда, Шымкент), готов к командировкам
HSE Supervisor/HSE Specialist/Training Specialist
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: сменный график
Опыт работы 18 лет 6 месяцев
Август 2022 — по настоящее время
2 года 8 месяцев
HSE Engineer
• Conducting on daily basis TBT meeting and introductory toolboxes
• Controlling the implementation of the company’s HSE procedures
• Processing of applications for PPE for staff for the procurement department
• Risk identification & management.
• Incident reporting& investigation
• Daily Safety Walk Around, Inspections
• Implementing of Stop Cards
• Control the all kind of work according to the TCO safety Procedures
• Discussing of job activities with involved personnel
• Familiarize the personnel with HSE Bulletins, Incident Alerts, and Lessons Learned Reports
• Conducting HSE audits to verify training records are available as per site requirements and mandatory RoK HSE training compliance.
• Supervision field work activities such as (Lube oil flushing, verification,mechanical preparation… for HSE competency and TCO HSE compliance.
Октябрь 2018 — Февраль 2022
3 года 5 месяцев
KAZ Minerals Projects B.V. in the Republic of Kazakhstan
HSE Supervisor
• Implementation, overseeing and enforcement of the Kazakhmys Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Program for the Aktogay Project.
• Conducting and or organizing site induction training, competent person training workshops, site defensive driver course, working at heights, HSE pre-commissioning and isolation training.
• Developing HSE Bulletins, Toolbox Talks, Incident Alerts, and Lessons Learned Reports
• Conducting HSE training audits of contractors to verify training records are available as per site requirements, the contractor HSE training matrix, and mandatory RoK HSE training compliance.
• Monitoring field work activities such as (earthworks, scaffolding, working at heights, safe driving behavior, crane and rigging operations, hot work activities, mechanical installation, electrical installation, pre/commissioning, etc.) for HSE training competency and RoK HSE training compliance.
• Supporting HSE Supervisors in conducting field HSE coaching with staff and contractor workers, and participate in safety meetings and toolbox meetings as needed.
• Maintaining the inventory of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ensuring that those personnel issued PPE receiving basic instruction on the care, use, and maintenance.
• Organizing and tracking third party external training for electrical safety, safety knowledge assessment for labor, and industrial safety training.
• Liaising with managers and construction support staff to identify and assess training and development needs.
• Maintaining HSE files and records, and issue weekly and monthly reports.
• All other HSE daily, weekly tasks and reporting required to assure compliance with the Republic of Kazakhstan HSE regulations and Kazakhmys Policy and Procedures.
Январь 2018 — Сентябрь 2018
9 месяцев
Казахстан, www.kazminerals.com/ru
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HSE & High Risk Training Coordinator
Control the process of external legislative and internal training with the drawing up of a schedule and work plan.
Define the requirements for training in occupational safety and health for each position at the production facility, including contractors, and develop specific training for all positions.
Manage, train and develop health and safety instructors, leaving them feedback on the results of their activities and on the possibility of developing their professional qualifications.
Develop, implement and conduct audit of management systems in the field of HSE, applicable to the field of business specialization.
• Control all HSE trainings materials, presentations and update them according to the internal HSE standards and procedures
• Development and implementation of practical trainings
• Organization of an external training system
• Establishing communication between the Training Department and the Production Units
Декабрь 2014 — Январь 2018
3 года 2 месяца
Казахстан, www.kazminerals.com/ru
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HSE&High Risk Trainer
Conducting trainings:
• Basic HSE Courses
: General Safety Induction, Basic Hazard identification, MSDS and Dangerous goods/materials, Filtration respiratory protection, Job Safety Analysis, Confined space Entry
• Supervisors HSE Training:
Safety management system, Risk control and assessment, Conduct workplace, inspections, Conduct job safety observation, Understanding basic safety statistics, Toolbox talks and safety meetings, Basic incident investigation, Safety leadership
Март 2011 — Декабрь 2014
3 года 10 месяцев
Baker Hughes, PPS-Process and Pipeline Services
HSE Supervisor
• Dealed with registration of BJ Services company in Emergency Department of Mangistau region
• Preparation of all necessary HSE documentation for starting job on Kuryk
• Took part in developing and modification of working procedures and working instructions.
• Supervision during working activities such as Pipe Cleaning, Flushing, Hydro Jetting, Hydro
Testing, Bolting Services,chemichal tank cleaning on the onshore and Offshore projects(Kashagan)
• Preparation of work permits and JHA for each kind of job
• Translations during work process, safety meetings and conducting toolboxes
• Conduction of HSE Induction training with all new comers.
• Preparation of weekly,mothly HSE reports
Июль 2010 — Ноябрь 2010
5 месяцев
SDK (Shell Development Kashagan)
HSE Coach
• Provided HSE support to four vessels in a geotechnical flotilla
• Assisted in closing out issue resulting from pre-mobilization inspections (GO,NO-GO criteria)
• Ensured adherence to the HSE, Project Execution, Environmental Protection and Emergency Response Plans
• Acted as a liason between Shell Safety Procedures and Contractor HSE Programs
• Assisted with daily HSE reports, hazard observation cards and JHRAs
• Checked Contractor compliance with offshore training regulations
• Supported the SDK Geotechnical Client Rep in his daily activity
Ноябрь 2008 — Май 2009
7 месяцев
Tengizchevroil LLP
Safety&Compliance Training Specialist
• To take part in HES effectiveness, reliability to achieve worldwide performance level according to operational excellence management system.
• To conduct theoretic and practice trainings as well study-operational activities on HES and compliance issues. Namely, SCBA (Self contained breathing apparatus), Fire extinguisher usage and fire safety, H2S (H2S affect on health and ways of mitigating the hazard), OPZ (Operational processing zone access training; training aimed to grant an access to processing zones pointing attention on hazards),
• Provides safe practices to be applied at work by students.
• To provide quality assurance of the training materials (manuals, handouts, tests, lesson plans etc) according to STQA. (Safety Training Quality Assurance). Conducts safety training according to schedule approved. Provides analysis of training evaluation sheet and takes appropriate action to improve student’s feedback.
Август 2006 — Ноябрь 2008
2 года 4 месяца
Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Service, Tengiz Oil Field
Document technician
-• To manage day to day activities of the multinational work force to receive, inspect, and correct folders for completeness.
• To be accountable for all loop packs from time of receipt, until transferred to QC as complete.
• To have folders available to support loop checking, and schedule
• To track the whereabouts of each loop folder daily
• To provide management with a status of loop folders received and what documents are missing
• To support completion of system turnover to meet the project schedule
• To manage the Data base recording loop folder status
• Checking the “Loop Pack” documentation for PFD at TCO ensuring all information is available before release of Work Packs
• Produce daily reports, updating information onto Construction Instrument Manager Database.
• Hands on familiarity with CIM data base
• Competent in the use of Citrix® based ProArc® and INtools® applications.
• Keeping all the documents in an order whether softcopy or hardcopy
Ноябрь 2005 — Апрель 2006
6 месяцев
“MTG”, Tengiz, Kazakhstan
Safety Engineer/Coordinator
• Every day toolboxes meeting and introductory toolboxes [in Turkish and Kazakh]
• Preparing the work permits and Job Safety Analyses, Work Risk assessments for each kind of job.
• Checking all Personnel Protective Equipment
• Controlling the implementation of the company’s HSE procedures
• Risk identification & management.
• Incident reporting& investigation
• Daily Safety Walk Around, Inspections
• Completing and observing BBS (Behavior Based Safety) Cards
• Implementing of Stop Cards
• Weekly Permit to Meeting with involved Personnel
• Filling, translation, reviewing providing of JSA, Work Method Statements Site Safety Emergency Response Plan
• Control the all kind of work according to the TCO safety Procedures
• Observation the work site before preparing work permit.
• Discussing of job activities with involved personnel
Июнь 2004 — Ноябрь 2004
6 месяцев
LLP “Temirali” Tengiz, Kazakhstan
Safety coordinator/Interpreter HSE Dept
-Translating contracts of different types, business and technical correspondence and was involved in oral
translation of negotiations with our clients and government officials.
-Embraced extensive knowledge of technical, oil and gas and commercial terminology.
-Organizing, conducting necessary meeting (daily, weekly monthly)
-Checking all Personnel Protective Equipment, every day toolbox meeting, control the all kind of work
according to the TCO safety procedures
Апрель 2004 — Июль 2004
4 месяца
LLP “Zafer” Tengiz, Kazakhstan
Safety Engineer/Coordinator
• Hold and execute partial HSE manager responsibility
• Providing “Safety Supervision” during lifting &construction operation.
• Coordination of implementation of HSE Standards at site concerning material stock.
• Participation in primary vehicle checks up.
• Participation in contractor’s safety meeting concerning different topics &subjects.
• Field level implementation of HSE Policies, procedures & guidelines.
• Risk identification & management.
• Incident reporting& investigation.
• Waste minimization.
• Pollution prevention &control.
• Various compliance activities& implementation of various aspects of management systems in all areas of HSE.
• Conducting inspections& assessments.
• Performing monthly HSE meeting.
Ноябрь 2003 — Март 2004
5 месяцев
LLP “TengizStroyService” Tengiz Oil Field
Safety Engineer/Coordinator.
-Every day toolbox meeting.
-• Explaining to employees one of the safety topics connected with their work
• Preparing and controlling all kind of Work Permits concerned with scope of work
• Always keep safe work on site.
• Running audits, translations during work process
• Preparing all kinds of work permits and filling Safety Task Analyses.
• Control all workers during their activities, checking their Personnel Protective Equipment, and work tools.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B, C
Обо мне
• Occupational Safety, HSE training
• Full comprehension of standard industry Safety Practices
• Well rounded experience in Construction, Petroleum and Marine Projects with specific emphasis on Contractor HSE
High Risk activities (Energy Isolation – Lockout Tagout, Developing Job Safety Analysis, Working at Height, Confined Space, Excavation works)
HSE Control Measures, HSE Procedure/Work Instruction development and review, PTW System, Incident investigation.
Высшее образование
South Kazakhstan State University
Life safety and environmental protection, diploma
International Kazakh-Turkish University
: Chinese and Kazakh languages, diploma
International Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum
Turkish and English languages Cert.’s, certificate
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Gas Testing
Train the Trainer
H2S &SCBA training course
Tengizchevroil, Certificate
Tengizchevroil, Certificate
Fire Safety & Fire Extinguisher training course
Tengizchevroil, Certificate
YKK, Certificate
Working at height &Confined Space Entry
Tengizchevroil, Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Proffesional
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Trainer(Train the Trainer)
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Bakerhughes, Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Supervisor
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Occupational Safety and Health Manager
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Safety and Health Comitee-Team Member
OSHAcademy, Certificate
Safety and Health Comitee-Team Leather.
OSHAcademy, Certificate
SEFtec-Global Training LLC
YKK, Certificate
Certificate of attendance QVD Work process Training
Tengizchevroil, Certificate
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения