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Was online yesterday at 23:42


Female, 32 years, born on 6 January 1993

Actively searching for a job

Atyrau, willing to relocate (Aktau, Almaty, Astana, Ust-Kamenogorsk), prepared for business trips

IT specialist; Admin assistant; Travel coordinator; database admin; HSE admin; Reporting specialist

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 7 years 3 months

February 2019November 2022
3 years 10 months


Public Services... Show more

Food Accounting Coordinator
- maintenance of operational records of food and the causes of violations of the passage in the canteens on the object - control over the correct operation of the program - preparation of the established reports for the head office - identification of data on double passes of visitors to canteens - product of cleaning of the program of accounting of food on the duplicated and incorrectly created profiles -analysis of unused access levels of packets, passes in the program - checking of the correct operation of the program and issuing reports; in case of deviations, carry out manual counting of visitors to the canteen; reconciliation of the data obtained with the data of program (software) - during morning, lunch and evening service, to supervise calls from the camp administration and canteen supervisors, in order to identify the reasons for the denial of access - conducting trainings for receptionists to work correctly with the program of food accounting - creation of common food cards for correct record keeping - control and analysis of the difference in the number of people accomodating and feeding in the camp - daily walkarounds of the canteens with the aim to identify violations either from the side of visitors or staff side.
September 2014July 2016
1 year 11 months
Educational Center «UpGradе»


Courses teacher
Teaching computer literacy courses (concurrently)
September 2014July 2016
1 year 11 months
"Blashak" Farm


Agriculture... Show more

IT department specialist
Writing and promotion of the site, working with 1c program: catering, retail, restaurant (connecting retail space), working with Adobe Illustrator, setting up network liaison, working with Russian and Bulgarian designers. Work with video surveillance,
November 2013August 2014
10 months
"Region Media" LLP


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Cable Television Broadcast operator
Placing advertisements and scrolling text on the cable TV channels
September 2013November 2013
3 months
"Broadcasting company " KTV-5 " LLP


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Nonlinear editing operator
Installation of news stories, sound processing, collection of stories in the news line
March 2013May 2013
3 months
"Kazakhstan" Republican TV and Radio Corporation" JSC


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

System administrator assistant
Repair and maintenance of computers, posting news on websites
December 2012March 2013
4 months
"Kazakhstan" Republican TV and Radio Corporation" JSC


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

System administrator assistant
Repair and maintenance of computers, posting news on websites


Skill proficiency levels
Medium level
MS Excel
Level not specified
Adobe Illustrator
Web Design
Adobe Photoshop
MS Outlook
1С: Предприятие 8
Negotiation skills
PC user
Configuring Network Connections
PC assembly
Software Configuration
Site administration
Grammatically correct speech
Adobe Premier Pro
Organizational skills
Video Editing
Google sheets

Higher education (bachelor)

Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy”
architectural design, Architect
IT college after D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university
Department of Information Technologies and Economics, Computers and software



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter