AP Company LLP
Атырау, tooapcompany@mail.ru
Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist
EBRD signed a sovereign guaranteed loan agreement for KZT with JSC NC KazAvtoZhol (the “Borrower”, “KAZh”) to finance reconstruction of the Atyrau-Astrakhan road section km 616-833, including the northern bypass of Atyrau of the “RF border (to Orsk) – Aktobe – Atyrau – RF border (to Astrakhan)”.
АА Contract 1: Sections Lot 1 /km 616-648/, Lot 2 /km 648-693/
АА Contract 2: Sections Lot 3 /km 693-753/, Lot 4 /km 753-833/
АА Contract 3: Construction of the northern bypass of Atyrau
Tasks in terms of the Environmental Safeguard
The Environmental Safeguard Specialist (Ecologist) will advise, monitor, discuss various environmental issues related to the Project and analyze the results of the work. Stakeholders include: (i) provincial and district environmental authorities and inspectorates, (o) the contracting engineer and design representatives, (iii) environmental consultants, (iv) contractors carrying out road works and rehabilitation works, and (v) subcontractors carrying out work to protect the environment.
The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will coordinate with the organizations and provide interaction. It will monitor any deviations from Kazakhstan's environmental regulations, international best practice and specific provisions of the project's environmental documents, such as IEE (Initial Environmental Examination), EMP (Environmental Management Plan) and monitoring plans. He will seek to mediate and correct such deviations. If this is not possible, then he will report on the problems of non-compliance to the road engineer, who will take appropriate further actions.
The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will discuss environmental management strategies, and maintain appropriate contacts with government environmental authorities such as the water, forestry and hunting committees of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will maintain close contact with environmental and social specialists engaged by IFIs, including EBRD. He will also manage perceived social and environmental issues.
The Environmental Safeguard Specialist must be mobile, have unlimited and constant access to sites and be able to provide control in the corridor in which the project is being implemented. The specific tasks that the Environmental Safeguard Specialist must perform in the course of his work are described below:
- Construction Management: It should take into account and promote among all project stakeholders the safeguarding environmental policy measures outlined in the project documents such as the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the entire corridor and environmental management plans (EMP), and monitoring plans for individual sites and contracts. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will review all documents and reports regarding the integration of environmental issues and the compliance of the proposed measures with the environmental regulations agreed within the project.
- Environmental Management: The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will monitor and control that the EMP of the project are being implemented as defined in the project environmental management plans and contract documents. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will also oversee the implementation of monitoring plans for selected road sections and contracts by contractors in cooperation with the relevant state, regional and local authorities. The environmental safeguard specialist will provide technical assistance to regional and local environmental authorities, as well as advise on training and various professional issues. He/she will also report any violations or deficiencies in the environmental regulations to the road engineer and make recommendations for improving the enforcement. The environmental safeguard specialist will also oversee and report health and safety plans implementation, COVID-19 health measures, as well as compliance with labor standards.
- The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will also evaluate the effectiveness with which the SSEMP is implemented and recommend necessary corrective actions to be taken and advise on corrective measures where necessary.
- In coordination with the CSC's environmental safeguards specialist development of Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Reports (SAEMR's) for submission to EBRD for the project's entire duration. Also, assist in finalizing quarterly progress reports, annual progress reports and any specific report as requested.
- Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening: The environmentalist should assess the ability of environmental parties to monitor and assess the environmental impacts of road and large infrastructure projects and require compliance with environmental protection rules and regulations. For any identified issues and areas for improvement, the environmentalist should develop training and capacity building programs based on EBRD’s and globally recognized practice in project, preparation, implementation and monitoring. The program should also include proposals for the modernization of equipment (for example, communication equipment, transport equipment, as well as equipment for environmental surveys, documentation, GPS and data storage).
- Assist in the establishment and operations of an effective grievance redress mechanism (GRM) during all project stages, monitor the GRM database and resolution of environmental related complaints and assist during the organization of the public consultations.
Tasks in terms of the Social Safeguard
Detailed tasks include the following:
- Conduct site visits to (i) reconfirm the absence of IR impacts from the proposed works, (ii) monitor project implementation for any emerging LAR issues, and (iii) consult with communities along the Project road and stakeholders, (iii) conducting training on social safeguards of staff of the Client and Contractor prior to start of civil works.
- Ensure the establishment and operations of an effective grievance redress mechanism (GRM) for communities along the entire corridor, which ensures that all LAR-related grievances (oral and written) are recorded, passed on to responsible persons, addressed in a timely manner and presented to the aggrieved party.
- Orient and monitor contractors’ compliance on the social safeguards requirements during project implementation including (i) promptly informing the Client with a written notice of any unanticipated LAR risks or impacts that arise during construction, (ii) adequately recording the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction, (iii) reinstatement of pathways, other local infrastructure and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon completion of the construction, and (iv) labor standards, health and safety requirements.
- In case of design changes, assess if such changes would have LAR implications. If no impacts are anticipated, prepare a social due diligence report (SDDR) for submission to EBRD review. If LAR impacts are identified in the design change or during the implementation of the civil works, prepare a corrective action plan (CAP) and report on its implementation.
- Prepare semi-annual social safeguard monitoring reports for the entire duration of the Project.
The Social Safeguard Specialist, in coordination with the relevant specialists of the CSC, will also be involved in other social aspects related to the project, such as:
- Supporting road safety issues through the development of an effective communication and public mobilization strategy.
- Monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at preventing HIV / AIDS.
- Monitoring and reporting of compliance with labor standards.