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Женщина, 41 год, родилась 1 июля 1983

Не ищет работу

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Environmental Engineer

700 000  на руки

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 17 лет 1 месяц

Январь 2022Сентябрь 2022
9 месяцев
AP Company LLP

Атырау, tooapcompany@mail.ru

Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist
EBRD signed a sovereign guaranteed loan agreement for KZT with JSC NC KazAvtoZhol (the “Borrower”, “KAZh”) to finance reconstruction of the Atyrau-Astrakhan road section km 616-833, including the northern bypass of Atyrau of the “RF border (to Orsk) – Aktobe – Atyrau – RF border (to Astrakhan)”. PMC “SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY LIMITED” JSC (Republic of Kazakhstan) PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES 50382 KZ: PROJECT FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ATYRAU-ASTRAKHAN SECTION, KM 616-833, INCLUDING THE NORTHERN BYPASS OF ATYRAU OF THE “RF BORDER (TO ORSK) – AKTOBE – ATYRAU – RF BORDER (TO ASTRAKHAN)” ROAD (Financing by EBRD) АА Contract 1: Sections Lot 1 /km 616-648/, Lot 2 /km 648-693/ АА Contract 2: Sections Lot 3 /km 693-753/, Lot 4 /km 753-833/ АА Contract 3: Construction of the northern bypass of Atyrau Tasks in terms of the Environmental Safeguard The Environmental Safeguard Specialist (Ecologist) will advise, monitor, discuss various environmental issues related to the Project and analyze the results of the work. Stakeholders include: (i) provincial and district environmental authorities and inspectorates, (o) the contracting engineer and design representatives, (iii) environmental consultants, (iv) contractors carrying out road works and rehabilitation works, and (v) subcontractors carrying out work to protect the environment. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will coordinate with the organizations and provide interaction. It will monitor any deviations from Kazakhstan's environmental regulations, international best practice and specific provisions of the project's environmental documents, such as IEE (Initial Environmental Examination), EMP (Environmental Management Plan) and monitoring plans. He will seek to mediate and correct such deviations. If this is not possible, then he will report on the problems of non-compliance to the road engineer, who will take appropriate further actions. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will discuss environmental management strategies, and maintain appropriate contacts with government environmental authorities such as the water, forestry and hunting committees of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will maintain close contact with environmental and social specialists engaged by IFIs, including EBRD. He will also manage perceived social and environmental issues. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist must be mobile, have unlimited and constant access to sites and be able to provide control in the corridor in which the project is being implemented. The specific tasks that the Environmental Safeguard Specialist must perform in the course of his work are described below: - Construction Management: It should take into account and promote among all project stakeholders the safeguarding environmental policy measures outlined in the project documents such as the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the entire corridor and environmental management plans (EMP), and monitoring plans for individual sites and contracts. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will review all documents and reports regarding the integration of environmental issues and the compliance of the proposed measures with the environmental regulations agreed within the project. - Environmental Management: The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will monitor and control that the EMP of the project are being implemented as defined in the project environmental management plans and contract documents. The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will also oversee the implementation of monitoring plans for selected road sections and contracts by contractors in cooperation with the relevant state, regional and local authorities. The environmental safeguard specialist will provide technical assistance to regional and local environmental authorities, as well as advise on training and various professional issues. He/she will also report any violations or deficiencies in the environmental regulations to the road engineer and make recommendations for improving the enforcement. The environmental safeguard specialist will also oversee and report health and safety plans implementation, COVID-19 health measures, as well as compliance with labor standards. - The Environmental Safeguard Specialist will also evaluate the effectiveness with which the SSEMP is implemented and recommend necessary corrective actions to be taken and advise on corrective measures where necessary. - In coordination with the CSC's environmental safeguards specialist development of Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Reports (SAEMR's) for submission to EBRD for the project's entire duration. Also, assist in finalizing quarterly progress reports, annual progress reports and any specific report as requested. - Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening: The environmentalist should assess the ability of environmental parties to monitor and assess the environmental impacts of road and large infrastructure projects and require compliance with environmental protection rules and regulations. For any identified issues and areas for improvement, the environmentalist should develop training and capacity building programs based on EBRD’s and globally recognized practice in project, preparation, implementation and monitoring. The program should also include proposals for the modernization of equipment (for example, communication equipment, transport equipment, as well as equipment for environmental surveys, documentation, GPS and data storage). - Assist in the establishment and operations of an effective grievance redress mechanism (GRM) during all project stages, monitor the GRM database and resolution of environmental related complaints and assist during the organization of the public consultations. Tasks in terms of the Social Safeguard Detailed tasks include the following: - Conduct site visits to (i) reconfirm the absence of IR impacts from the proposed works, (ii) monitor project implementation for any emerging LAR issues, and (iii) consult with communities along the Project road and stakeholders, (iii) conducting training on social safeguards of staff of the Client and Contractor prior to start of civil works. - Ensure the establishment and operations of an effective grievance redress mechanism (GRM) for communities along the entire corridor, which ensures that all LAR-related grievances (oral and written) are recorded, passed on to responsible persons, addressed in a timely manner and presented to the aggrieved party. - Orient and monitor contractors’ compliance on the social safeguards requirements during project implementation including (i) promptly informing the Client with a written notice of any unanticipated LAR risks or impacts that arise during construction, (ii) adequately recording the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction, (iii) reinstatement of pathways, other local infrastructure and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon completion of the construction, and (iv) labor standards, health and safety requirements. - In case of design changes, assess if such changes would have LAR implications. If no impacts are anticipated, prepare a social due diligence report (SDDR) for submission to EBRD review. If LAR impacts are identified in the design change or during the implementation of the civil works, prepare a corrective action plan (CAP) and report on its implementation. - Prepare semi-annual social safeguard monitoring reports for the entire duration of the Project. The Social Safeguard Specialist, in coordination with the relevant specialists of the CSC, will also be involved in other social aspects related to the project, such as: - Supporting road safety issues through the development of an effective communication and public mobilization strategy. - Monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at preventing HIV / AIDS. - Monitoring and reporting of compliance with labor standards.
Февраль 2017Декабрь 2021
4 года 11 месяцев
ZS Engineering

Атырау, renardet.aktau@mail.ru,

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Environmental Engineer
Client: Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MIID of the RoK), JSC ”NC ”KazAutoZhol” Main Project features: Provision of consultation services for COR of the MIID of the RoK within the following projects: I. CSC ZS Engineering LLP /Renardet Ingenieurs Conseils (Switzerland) and Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (India) Project: Atyrau-Astrakhan Road Reconstruction (217 km) (Financing by EBRD) CSC 1: Sections Lot 1 /km 616-648/, Lot 2 /km 648-693/ CSC 2: Sections Lot 3 /km 693-753/, Lot 4 /km 753-833/ II. CSC ZS Engineering LLP /Dongsung Engineering Co. Ltd CAREC Program Corridors 1 and 6 Aktobe-Makat Road Reconstruction Project (Section km 330-504) Investment Program (Financing by ADB, FIDIC) CSC 2: Aktobe-Makat Sections Lot 4 / km 330-370/, Lot 5 / km 370-418/, Lot 6 / km 418-458/, Lot 7 / km 487-504/, III. PMC ZS Engineering LLP / Renardet S.A. (Switzerland), Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program (CAREC) Corridor 2 (Mangistau Oblast Sections) Zhetybay-Zhanaozen km 0 – 73 Investment Program (Multitranche Financing by ADB, FIDIC) Zhetybay-Zhanaozen Lot 1 / km 0-35/; Lot 2 /km 35-73/. Position: Environmental Specialist Activities performed: • Preparation of the Initial Environmental Evaluation /IEE/ report Dossor bypass road (km 5.5) within Loan 3416-KAZ Aktobe-Makat Road Reconstruction Project Activities performed: • Implementation of Environmental Management Plan in accordance with ADB environmental policy and environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan • Monitoring of environmental impact activities. • coordinate preparation and finalization of environment impact assessment (EIA) report following ADB’s safeguards policy and Kazakhstan environment-related legislation • timely disclose EIA report • ensure that civil works and consultant contracts contain provisions complying with the loan covenants on environment • assist in developing the grievance redress system • supervise and monitor Environment Management Plan (EMP) implementation for each road section • assess compliance of contractors and consultant performance with environment provisions in their contracts, and report any violations with recommendations • closely monitor the project sites against any unexpected environmental impacts • set-up internal monitoring system on environmental issues and measures • prepare environmental reports (semi-annual monitoring report, annual report, completion report); and provide inputs on EMP implementation status to PMC’s quarterly progress reports • discuss with key stakeholders the environment strategy and EMP, and coordinate with them in dealing and resolving environmental issues. Key stakeholders may include (i) community/civil society organizations, (ii) oblast and rayon bodies and inspections on environment protection, (iii) MIID engineers and project designers, (iv) Ministry on Environment Protection, (v) consultants on environment protection, (vi) civil works contractors, and (vii) subcontractors executing works on environment protection • assist in complaint handling and reporting for the project. Specifically:  record, and report all grievances and suggestions coming from public and assist the project in providing timely feedback to complainants;  prepare and regularly update a consolidated database of complaints/queries received from the public through the contractors, partner-NGOs and rayon akimats;  identify and alert the project management on complaints and emerging issues raised by various stakeholders;  prepare on a quarterly basis a summary in tabular form of the complaints received and status of the resolution of such complaints for inclusion in the quarterly progress report;  follow-up actions taken to address complaints received on the project;  use various means of providing timely and accurate information to complainants; and  develop and implement a plan to inform the community about the project and its grievance redress system • coordinate with the Community Liaison Specialists for issues related to resettlement and land acquisition • assess capacity of the client on environmental issues and protection • develop training programs on environment protection, and monitoring and evaluating impact of road projects. • report to the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader any environmental issues
Ноябрь 2019Май 2021
1 год 7 месяцев
ISKER Consortium LLP

Атырау, isker@isker.kz

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Environmental Engineer
 Manage development and implementation of the measures focused on meeting the requirements of environmental legislation for compliance with the standards and regulations in the area of environmental protection, sustainable utilization of natural resources, in construction, as well as in expansion and reconstruction of the existing industries.  Ensure carrying out the environmental assessment of feasibility studies, projects, and of the new technologies and equipment being created.  Ensure the correct operation of waste treatment and protective facilities.  Develop measures for preventing environmental pollution, compliance with the environmental standards that ensure favorable working conditions, as well as for preventing the possibility of emergencies and catastrophes.  Carry out justified estimations of the risks to the environmental conditions when the Company implements cleaning programs and other environmental measures.  Organize investigation of the causes and consequences of hazardous substances emissions into the environment; prepare proposals for prevention of them.  Carry out the work on creating an effective system at the enterprise for the environmental information disseminated at all levels of management; familiarize the employees of the enterprise with the requirements of environmental legislation.  Ensure preparation of the prescribed reporting.  The Environmental Specialist’s responsibility is to support the Project Management Team on the excavatory general construction works at Tengiz, using the existing expertise and best practices, be part of the team, and make every effort to achieve the objectives and high performance.  The Environmental Specialist must know and comply strictly with and follow the procedures for Health, Safety, Environment of “Consortium “ISKER” LLP, as well as the procedures of the Customer, and, with his/her actions, set a good example for all employees of the contracting entities.  Comply with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, as well as the Riots Inadmissibility Policy. Construction services within ITCP/MSA-Small Capital Projects • Site: Processing Lines Complex /Demolition of DenholmZholdas plant buildings, Construction of Transformer Substantion at Skema-600/ • Site: Production well Т-4960 and Т-5751- construction, installation and concrete works • Site: 21 FGP 51G Scope for NGGS - Supports modification • Site: production facility of a concrete mixing plant , 8 ha - construction of САМР
Май 2014Декабрь 2016
2 года 8 месяцев

Актау, www.zholsapa.kz

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Local Environmental Specialist
• coordinate preparation and finalization of environment impact assessment (EIA) report following ADB’s safeguards policy and Kazakhstan environment-related legislations • timely disclose EIA report • ensure that civil works and consultant contracts contain provisions complying with the loan covenants on environment • assist in developing the grievance redress system • supervise and monitor Environment Management Plan (EMP) implementation for each road section • assess compliance of contractors and consultant performance with environment provisions in their contracts, and report any violations with recommendations • closely monitor the project sites against any unexpected environmental impacts • set-up internal monitoring system on environmental issues and measures • prepare environmental reports (bi-annual monitoring report, annual report, completion report); and provide inputs on EMP implementation status to PMC’s quarterly progress reports • discuss with key stakeholders the environment strategy and EMP, and coordinate with them in dealing and resolving environmental issues. Key stakeholders may include (i) community/civil society organizations, (ii) oblast and rayon bodies and inspections on environment protection, (iii) MOTC engineers and project designers, (iv) Ministry on Environment Protection, (v) consultants on environment protection, (vi) civil works contractors, and (vii) subcontractors executing works on environment protection • assist in complaint handling and reporting for the project. Specifically,  record, and report all grievances and suggestions coming from public and assist the project in providing timely feedback to complainants;  prepare and regularly update a consolidated database of complaints/queries received from the public through the contractors, partner-NGOs and rayon akimats;  identify and alert the project management on complaints and emerging issues raised by various stakeholders;  prepare on a quarterly basis a summary in tabular form of the complaints received and status of the resolution of such complaints for inclusion in the quarterly progress report;  follow-up actions taken to address complaints received on the project;  use various means of providing timely and accurate information to complainants; and  develop and implement a plan to inform the community about the project and its grievance redress system • coordinate with the Community Liaison Specialists for issues related to resettlement and land acquisition • assess capacity of the client on environmental issues and protection • develop training programs on environment protection, and monitoring and evaluating impact of road projects. • report to the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader any environmental issues.
Октябрь 2012Декабрь 2014
2 года 3 месяца


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Environmental Engineer in the Technical and Engineering Department Bid Documentation Specialist
1) Prepare and keep all environmental documentation of the company; timely prepare and submit to the authorities the required environmental reports as per the established forms; prepare and develop other environmental documents and support materials in respect of the environmental protection; provide control over observance by the company and its subdivisions of the effective legislation, instructions and standards related to the Environment Protection. • Quarterly Duties: o calculate contaminants from fixed and portable sources; o prepare and execute reports on the industrial environmental control and plans of the environmental measures; o fill-in tax report form 870.00: payment for environmental emissions; o prepare and execute statistic (departmental) reports: 2-tp (air), 4-OS and No. 3 (hazardous waste) (annual and semi-annual); o keep registers of primary reporting documentation (POD-1, Waste Generation and Utilization Log, etc.) • Administer work on preparation of document packages to obtain Permits for environmental emissions; • Conclude contracts for: o Waste transportation; o Industrial Environmental Control with a certified laboratory. • Participate in comprehensive inspection of labor conditions, labor safety and environment protection in the company subdivisions according to the inspection schedule; • Provide control over observance by the company subdivisions of the effective legislation, instructions and standards related to the Environment Protection; • Develop long-term and current plans of environmental measures, provide control over their implementation; • Provide control over removal of solid construction waste from the company site. 2) Prepare documents to obtain (extend) the state licenses for work (construction and assembling activity, design activity, mining operations, handling of radioactive waste, services related to use of nuclear power). Prepare reports to the state authorities on completion of works subject to licensing. 3) Work with internet sites (goszakup.gov.kz, reestr.nadlok.kz, kazbc.kz) and mass media to search for tenders and bids (scope of work), the company might be interested in. 4) Develop technical materials, prepare and complete document packages to participate in tenders.
Август 2010Сентябрь 2012
2 года 2 месяца
Mechstroy LLP


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Environmental Engineer in the Technical and Engineering Department Bid Documentation Specialist
1) Prepare and keep all environmental documentation of the company; timely prepare and submit to the authorities the required environmental reports as per the established forms; prepare and develop other environmental documents and support materials in respect of the environmental protection; provide control over observance by the company and its subdivisions of the effective legislation, instructions and standards related to the Environment Protection. • Quarterly Duties: o calculate contaminants from fixed and portable sources; o prepare and execute reports on the industrial environmental control and plans of the environmental measures; o fill-in tax report form 870.00: payment for environmental emissions; o prepare and execute statistic (departmental) reports: 2-tp (air), 4-OS and No. 3 (hazardous waste) (annual and semi-annual); o keep registers of primary reporting documentation (POD-1, Waste Generation and Utilization Log, etc.) • Administer work on preparation of document packages to obtain Permits for environmental emissions; • Conclude contracts for: o Waste transportation; o Industrial Environmental Control with a certified laboratory. • Participate in comprehensive inspection of labor conditions, labor safety and environment protection in the company subdivisions according to the inspection schedule; • Provide control over observance by the company subdivisions of the effective legislation, instructions and standards related to the Environment Protection; • Develop long-term and current plans of environmental measures, provide control over their implementation; • Provide control over removal of solid construction waste from the company site. 2) Prepare documents to obtain (extend) the state licenses for work (construction and assembling activity, design activity, mining operations, handling of radioactive waste, services related to use of nuclear power). Prepare reports to the state authorities on completion of works subject to licensing. 3) Work with internet sites (goszakup.gov.kz, reestr.nadlok.kz, kazbc.kz) and mass media to search for tenders and bids (scope of work), the company might be interested in. 4) Develop technical materials, prepare and complete document packages to participate in tenders. 5) Receive on a daily basis operational reports; handle all in-coming and out-going documentation, participate in development of technical-organizational measures at the production sites and in the company at large. 6) Fulfill routine HSE duties in the absence of HSE Engineer: conduct safety instructions, execute regular HSE documentation.
Декабрь 2005Август 2010
4 года 9 месяцев
SAT Operating Aktau LLP


Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Environmental Engineer
1) Keep registers of primary reporting documentation (POD-1, Waste Generation and Utilization Log, etc.) 2) Prepare on a quarterly basis calculations of contaminants, emissions, waste generation and disposal for declaration on the environmental emission payment (as per tax reporting Form 870.00) 3) Prepare and execute statistic (departmental) reports: No. 2-tp (air), No.3 (hazardous waste) and No. 2-TP (water supply) 4) Provide control over keeping primary reporting documentation in the company workshops and production units. 5) Participate in comprehensive inspection of labor conditions, labor safety and environment protection in the company subdivisions according to the inspection schedule. 6) Provide control over observance by the company subdivisions of the effective legislation, instructions and standards related to the Environment Protection. 7) Develop long-term and current plans of the environmental measures, provide control over their implementation and prepare quarterly reports. 8) Administer work on preparation of the document packages to obtain Permits for environmental emissions. 9) Provide control over removal of solid production waste from the company site.
Август 2005Декабрь 2005
5 месяцев


Металлургия, металлообработка... Показать еще

QC/QA Engineer
1) Study and implement GOST ISO 9001: 2001 2) Control observance of the standards by the company


Уровни владения навыками
уметь аналитически мыслить; организовать работу на закрепленном участке; анализировать проблемы, уме

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

Pro-active attitude, responsible, reliable, sociable, persistent, mindful, respectful, able to work at high pressure, creative approach to the assigned tasks, good team worker.

Высшее образование

Aktau State Yessenov University
Engineering Faculty Applied Ecology, Environmental Engineer № ЖБ 0649024

Знание языков


АнглийскийA2 — Элементарный

ФранцузскийA1 — Начальный

Повышение квалификации, курсы

RETA-7566 REG: Steady ecological management of projects in the Central and West Asia Region
consultant ADB, ecology
RETA-7566 Strengthening and use of country safegard systems – community of consultation and Grievance redress mechanism for COR projects
consultant ADB, sociology
RETA-7433 Mainstreaming Land acquisition and Resettlement Safeguards in the Central and West Asia Region
representative ADB, sociology
International Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001,OHSAS 18001 and Comprehensive Internal Audits. Integrated Management Systems
National center of examination and certification, International Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Comprehensive Internal Audits. Integrated Management Systems

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения