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Female, 44 years, born on 26 July 1980

Aktau, I want to relocate (Almaty, Astana), prepared for business trips

Finance manager,financial controller, reporting manager, accountant, auditor

  • Financial controller
  • Financial manager

Employment: part time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 23 years 8 months

August 2014currently
10 years 8 months
Aktau Marine North Terminal LLP

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Finance Director
Preparation of monthly reporting package of management accounting reports to parent company Working on getting borrowed funds Preparation investment analysis of the project Preparation of financial statements to parent company Preparation of monthly management accounting reports Preparation of monthly reports on the comparison of actual results and budget targets Drawing up the investment phase budget Drawing up financial model for attracting financing Coordinating provision of information for bank to get financing Coordinating provision of documents and reports requested by bank within financing Managing operating activities of the company Coordinating information provided to shareholders Coordinating issues of concluding EPC contract Coordination of tax issues (VAT, Corporate income tax) Control of compliance of accounting and financial reporting in accordance with IFRS standards Control of compliance of operations to tax legislation Cash-flow forecast
August 2012August 2014
2 years 1 month
BetonAta LLP

FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Finance Director
Preparation of monthly reporting package of management accounting reports to parent company (member of international group of companies – Italcementi group) Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS to parent company (concrete production) member of international group of companies – Italcementi group Preparation of monthly group management accounting reports per number of indicators - profitability margin, the composition and structure of expenditures, sales dynamics, statement of financial position, profit and loss statements Preparation of monthly reports on the comparison of actual results and budget targets Drawing up the annual budget with a detailed set of indicators according to the group reporting forms Revision of budget 3 times a year based on actual and expected values The preparation of annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS for audit Preparation of disclosures of financial statements items in accordance with IFRS Coordination and harmonization of issues arising in the course of the annual external audit Reviewing and preparation of of CIT estimation Cash flow forecasts
July 2010August 2012
2 years 2 months
Grata Audit LLP

Financial Sector... Show more

Project manager
Project management on conducting annual audit of financial statements of companies, prepared in accordance with IFRS, Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS Familiarization and getting an understanding of the customer’s business Delegation of responsibilities between project team members reviewing the companies' activities upon preliminary financial statements preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS evaluation of the companies’ financial position, the assessment of the accuracy of IFRS application, assessment of matching of assets and liabilities to the recognition criteria in accordance with IFRS, making recommendations per results of the audit, evaluation and testing the system of internal control of companies, evaluation and testing of accounting systems, making recommendations per improving system of internal control making recommendations per improving accounting system deferred tax asset and liabilities calculation discounting long-term receivables and liabilities, discount amortization calculation the review of the tax legislation implementation
January 2008July 2010
2 years 7 months
BetonAta LLP

FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Financial controller/ Financial manager
Preparation of monthly management accounting reports in a daughter company (concrete production) of international group of companies – Italcementi group. Preparation of monthly financial statements in accordance with IFRS of a daughter company (concrete production) of international group of companies – Italcementi group. Preparation of monthly group management accounting reports per number of indicators - profitability margin, the composition and structure of expenditures, sales dynamics, statement of financial position, profit and loss statements. Preparation of monthly reports on the comparison of actual results and budget targets, Drawing up the annual budget with a detailed set of indicators according to the group reporting forms. The preparation of annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS for audit Preparation of disclosures of financial statements items in accordance with IFRS Coordination and harmonization of issues arising in the course of the annual audit
May 2007January 2008
9 months
AlmatyStroyContract LLP

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Accountant, Financial analyst
Analysis of contracts, Preparation of reports on mutual reconciliation with suppliers, Cash and bank accounting, Accounting of services from suppliers, Managing cash of the company Salary accrual Fixed assets accounting
August 2001April 2007
5 years 9 months
Bazis-A Corporation (Bazis-W LLP, Bazis-UPTK LLP)

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Logistics manager, Import manager
Coordination of equipment contract terms with nonresident suppliers on supply of conditioning and ventilation systems, registration of passports of deal on the import, tracking settlements with nonresident suppliers, processing equipment specifications for various construction projects, preparation of applications and requests for quotations, looking for potential suppliers, the coordination of accounting for the capitalization of the imported equipment in terms of determining and comparing the cost of equipment purchased Maintenance of registers of passports of deals, providing information to the customs authorities, managing correspondence with non-resident suppliers and correspondence with the customs authorities, receipt of licenses and registration certificates of the National Bank of RK, the coordination and preparation of additional agreements on mutual settlements issues per supply contracts


Skill proficiency levels
Financial Accounting
Financial staments
Compilation of Financial Statements
1C: Бухгалтерия
Corporate Finance
Project Finance
Investment Project Analysis
Financial Modelling

About me

Fitness, reading books

Higher education

International Economic Relations, Corporate finance



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

TurkishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

UIB, Corporate Finance

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter