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Male, 68 years, born on 22 October 1956

Not looking for a job

Almaty, willing to relocate (Aktau, Aktobe, Astana, Atyrau, Kazakhstan, Uralsk), prepared for occasional business trips

Programmer or IT-head

  • Development team leader

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 44 years 9 months

August 2017currently
7 years 8 months
Almaty university of power engineering and telecommunications

Almaty, www.aues.edu.kz

associative professor
Scientific and project works. Software systems development teacher. Teaching courses on database systems and client-server applications, including web-developments. For master's students: teaching machine learning and deep learning .
July 2011July 2017
6 years 1 month
International IT university,

Almaty, www.iitu.kz

Software systems development teacher. Teaching iCarnegie IT courses on database systems and client-server applications, including web-developments for master's students and bachelor's students. Also were taught subjects networking and organization of computer systems (including integrated circuits).
July 2008June 2011
3 years
IT company "OSC"
service group head
January 2007June 2008
1 year 6 months
"Alliance-Business credit" branch of Alliance-bank


Director of IT-department
IT-management for organizing of technical and software developments support for computer , LAN, bank-credit information and telecom system of company
June 2005November 2006
1 year 6 months
Director of IT-department
IT-management for organizing of technical and software developments support for computer , LAN, information and telecom system of company.
June 2003May 2005
2 years
OJSC "Kazpost"
Head of telecommunication department
Management for organizing of technical support for data communication network and telecom system of company .
January 2002May 2003
1 year 5 months
JSC «Kazakhtelecom», Almaty
• Manager (in combination were teaching works in CISCO-Academy at the telecom. company «Procom» 09.2001 – 02.2002, subject:CISCO - routers) • Monitoring of functioning of commercial data communication networks(internet, frame-relay, Vpdn) OJSC «Kazakhtelecom»; • Project working out on monitoring of loading of the central and regional network knots (hosts)
December 1999November 2001
2 years
Telecom. company JSC «Ducat», Almaty
senior network administrator
senior network administrator • Works on creation the ISP networks of the company from zero; • Settings of MAIL , WEB , DNS and RADIUS servers and delopment of web-sites; • Installation and connection of modems and routers via BGP-protocol to the international highway of a Internet network ; • Connection of customers to the internet via leased lines; • Installation and connection of a client modem pool; • Organization of works on creating billing server;
December 1997December 1999
2 years 1 month
Branch of National statistical agency, Almaty
IT – manager
IT – manager • Supportings of LAN and MS SQL server;
May 1980December 1997
17 years 8 months
Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty
Last position:senior scientist (candidate of science).
Last position : senior scientist (candidate of science). Profile of work was the experimental magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computer processing, real-time acquisitions, investigations and calculations.


Skill proficiency levels

About me

Programming on C/C++ ,Java , PHP, Laravel PHP, Object oriented programming, HTML , CSS, XML,JavaScript,Jquery,Ajax,Json, MySQL,PostgreSQL. Machine learning and Deep learning,Data mining. Bank-credit data bases, networking, telecommunications, Unix/Linux and Windows servers, Cisco routers, Catalyst-switches,MS ISA and CISCO Pix-firewalls, HP-servers, PBX,familiar with ERP systems. 1.)Data communication networks: Installation and service for LAN and WAN networks at data link layer and network layer (IP). Leased connections . IP-routings. OSPF,RIP,BGP-routings between Autonomical Systems. TCP/IP protocols . Information security: FIREWALLS (CISCO-pix525,MS ISA-server, lucent), VPN-TECHNOLOGIES 2)HARDWARE: router CISCO (804,1600,1841,2500,3640), switch Catalyst –CISCO (1900,2900,3550),Ericsson and Intel routers, Internet-Access Server with pool of modems, IP-gateways,HP DL360 and HP DL380 seervers,IBM-Servers, Compaq-Servers, PBX Samsung OfficeServ. 3)SOFTWARE and PROGRAMMING:DBMS MySQL-server,Mail-server,DNS-server,Proxy Servers, Windows server,Macromedia Dreamweaver, MS FrontPage, programming on C/C++ , Java (OOP,Multithreading,jsp,rmi,Corba et.al),Netbeans,PHP,LaravelPHP,Object oriented programming, CSS, XML, XSL, JavaScript , Jquery,Ajax,Json and HTML languages and technologies. 4.) UNIX (BSD), LINUX, Real-Time LINUX, real-time systems and programming, real-time data processing and acquisitions. 5) Machine learning and Deep learning ,Data visualization and statistics, Data mining.

Higher education (PhD)

Institute of nuclear physics (Almaty).
solid state physics, Candidate of physical-mathematical sciences
Moscow engineering physics institute,
solid state physics,, Magister of physics



EnglishC1 — Advanced

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

On the applications of MIPs processors for IoT
Course of company Imagination Technologies (UK), Sertified
Database systems and client-server applications
iCarnegie - university, Sertified
Software systems development (databases, java-web developments)
iCarnegie - university, Sertified
Course on financial mathematics for banks and insurance companies,
National bank of Kazakhstan,, Sertified
Course on IT-management
OJSC "Euroset" , Moscow office, No
Course on progamming (C/C++)
Internatonal centre of physics, Italy, Sertified
Congress Ampere
University of Kent, UK, No
Course on telematics
Internatonal centre of physics, Italy, Sertified

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter