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Мужчина, 34 года, родился 30 июля 1990
Актау, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
QA/QC E&I Inspector
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 6 лет 11 месяцев
Ноябрь 2018 — Июль 2019
9 месяцев
E&I Inspector
Project - Well Conversion. Kashagan field, Offshore Complex. Island D. Supplies technical data for the preparation of operating manuals to be supplied to the client. Applies safety and quality standards. Field checking, inspection and monitoring at site works and make sure that all activities shall carry out with an optimum quality and in accordance to project specifications. Coordinate and assist client representative for all inspections activities. Coordinate client representative and assist final inspections for acceptance of works. Ensure all tools/equipment/apparatus utilizes in the project shall maintain the calibration status. Verification granted documentations and it’s consequent completion. Issuance of acts in case of it’s unavailability to Project Requirements. Initial check of receipt equipment. Installation inspection of power equipment and control and power cables laying. Preparation and issuance of acceptance documentations for all listed works. Development, preparation and technical documents selection (protocols and acts for laying, installation and inspection of cables and completed equipment) for further commissioning. Promptly report and document as quality findings for all instances of Non-Conformance (NCR) or deficiencies found on the project. Prepare and review all relevant documentations for hand-over.
Январь 2018 — Ноябрь 2018
11 месяцев
« Gate Inshaat Taahut Sanaii ve Tidjaret »
QA\QC E&I RA Specialist
Verification of technical design documentation for compliance with the requirements of regulatory laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Interaction with contractors involved in the work to track the progress of obtaining permits, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, as well as checking their permits and technical documentation.
Июль 2016 — Июль 2017
1 год 1 месяц
« Consolidated Contractors Engineering Percuepment »
QA\QC E&I RA Specialist
Checking the availability of permits for compliance with state regulatory requirements of the Republic
of Kazakhstan and the technological process of work. Providing support for technological support of subcontracting organizations in the preparation of executive documentation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Март 2014 — Май 2015
1 год 3 месяца
« Arabtec Consolidated Contractors Limited »
QA/QC department RA Specialist
Coordination of the Executive technical documentation according to current building norms and regulations, GOST ,SNiP, SN RK, RDS etc
Preparation and procurement of Executive technical documentation according to construction rules
and regulations;
Development of as-built drawings;
Timely execution and registration of the production works according to SN RK 1.03-00-2011.
Preparation and analysis of report about the work done on the construction site according to the internal procedures of the company;
Quality control of construction works performed according to the procedures of the company;
Daily monitoring of the construction site, etc.
Декабрь 2012 — Январь 2014
1 год 2 месяца
"AZKA Consulting” - Saipem
Certification engineer of oil and gas equipments
The collection of information, preparation, drafting and execution of technical documentation in accordance with the laws and regulations of Kazakhstan. Responsible for maintaining General and special journals work,
Acts examination of the hidden works, acts of provisional acceptance of responsible structures,
Acts to guarantee welded joints and other documentation. Control over licensing and certification documentation.
Control over the conduct and execution of technical documentation from subcontractors
Апрель 2010 — Январь 2012
1 год 10 месяцев
Electrician, rank 3
Connection, termination and connection of cables all brands cross-sections up to 70 mm2. Install protective devices, covers and fences. Laid marking of pipes and cables. The securing of structures and equipment by using a mounting-piston gun. Crimping of lugs to cables of veins. Installation brackets and metal support structures. The mount structures by adhesion. Laying of cable trays, perforated mounting profiles and steel boxes. The acquisition of materials and equipment for performing electrical work in industrial buildings and engineering structures. Installation of end fittings and couplings of all kinds on cables with voltage up to 1 kV. Cutting of cables with a voltage exceeding 10 kV. Mounting of cable boxes and funnels. Sealing ends of the cables lead tips. The winding of the screen. Measurement of insulation resistance. The imposition of anti-corrosion coatings on the damaged surfaces of pipes of oil-filled cables.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории B, CОбо мне
Hard worker, purposeful, responsible, easily trained, technical competent. BOISET Pasport.
Неоконченное высшее образование
Atyrau Engineering Liberal Institute.
Engeeniring , Oil and Gas Engineering
Ex Compex Ex 01-04, Специалист по взрывозащите
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения