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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 34 years, born on 12 July 1990
Not looking for a job
Almaty, willing to relocate (Aktau, Almaty, Atyrau), prepared for business trips
Environmental /ELC Coordinator
- Other
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 12 years 8 months
May 2021 — currently
3 years 11 months
SK SMS JV (SemArco, Van Oord, BI Group Joint Venture)
Oil and Gas... Show more
Lead Environmental Engineer
Onshore Environmental Engineer advice organizations on how to minimize their
impact on the environment and, in some cases, oversee the delivery of impact
reduction strategies. They typically develop and then measure the success of the
schemes for waste management, renewable energy, recycling, the reduction and
prevention of pollution.
Responsibilities includes:
Implementing Client environmental policies and practices, including the applicable
International Finance Corporation environmental guidelines and strategies and
environmental best practice options during the conduct of the scope of work (Best
Available Technologies);
Devising best tools, systems and strategies to monitor performance and to
implement strategies, meet targets and to encourage best practice;
Liaising with regulatory bodies and client where required to ensure operations
comply with both International and National environmental legislation. Ensure
activities are kept up to date with relevant changes in environmental legislation and
initiatives including international legislation where applicable;
Assessing, analyzing and collating environmental performance data. This includes
compiling required plans, reports and disseminating report information to internal
staff, clients and regulatory bodies;
Confirming that materials, ingredients and so on are ethically or environmentally
Manage, implementation and control of waste management system, spill
response plan (SOPEP);
To report and investigate all ELC incidents, VID inspections;
To keep and maintain all ELC records required by NCOC, SemArco, VanOord
and BI Group Integrated Management Systems (IMS) and ISO 14001;
To develop a project specific ELC Training Schedule and ensure that all
personnel attend the site induction programs and all other specific training modules;
Perform regular inspections on SemArco workforce to identify compliance with
the Client Project Plans, including recommendations for corrective or preventive
action where appropriate;
Liaising and advise the Company staff including management team, act as a
champion for environmental issues within your organization and provide
environmental training, educational or information resources to all staff at all levels.
March 2020 — currently
5 years 1 month
Wagenborg Deniz LLP
Bautino, www.gsrllp.com/
Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more
Environmental Coordinator
Wagenborg Deniz LLP has acquired the Caspian vessels and operations of Royal Wagenborg.
The main responsibility of the Environmental Coordinator to ensure the compliance of maritime activities with international maritime and ROK requirements in the field of environmental protection.
Below is a list of responsibilities and tasks performed:
- An inventory of sources of emissions into the environment was carried out on each vessel;
- New permits for emissions into the environment received for ships and base;
- Fixed and cancelled other Emission permits;
- obtained permits for special water use for desalination plants on ships Ravel, Debussy;
- Following environmental procedures are developed and implemented on the basis of international Marine and other legislations - SOPEP, MARPOL, IFC, ECO Code: Environmental management procedure, Fresh water treatment plan, Identification of Environmental aspects, risks and opportunities, Spill response plan, Waste management procedure, Pollution control and prevention program , Waste recycling programs etc.;
- Submitting quarterly and annual reports on time to authority: Actual emissions, Initial water use reports, 4 OS, 2 TP/Water,Air/, GHG inventory, tax declarations - 870.00 and 860.00, Environmental action plan report, Industrial Environmental Control, Ecological Monitoring, Waste passports, etc.
- Waste management system and monitoring of waste disposal systems have been organized: Forms of waste acceptance and transfer documents have been developed and approved, contracts have been concluded with companies for recycling or disposal of waste;
- Compliance with the requirements of maritime legislation: timely received permits for shipping, licenses for the use of the radio frequency spectrum, radio electronic means;
- Timely internal and waste management inspections and participation in local government audits;
- Forecasting, prevention and reacting to environmental emergencies;
- Supervise subcontractors activities;
- Developed and implemented environmental training programs. The program includes Coordination of all aspects of resource use, pollution reduction, waste management, environmental health, risk assessment and employee engagement implementation and practical use;
- Auditing and reporting on environmental performance to internal and external clients, authorities;
- Identifying, assessing and reducing an organization’s environmental risks and financial costs;
- Keeping abreast if environmental legislation and good practice;
- Raising awareness, at all levels of an organization, of the impact of emerging environmental issues whether legislative or best practice in corporate ethical and social responsibility;
- Managing the development and implementation of an environmental management system;
- Performance of Inspections, TBTs, drills, awareness according to internal procedures.
June 2016 — June 2020
4 years 1 month
"ERSAI Caspian Contructor" LLP - Saipem
Aktau, www.ersai.kz
Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more
Environmental Engineer
Ersai LLP- is the one of the biggest operational company in Kazakhstan. ERSAI operates being guided by the international experience of Saipem, its technologies and standards, gained at the construction of about a hundred of oil refineries, petrochemical plants, building of over sixty thousand kilometers of pipelines; construction and installation of numerous platforms and supporting submersible structures; enabling it to provide services in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors, through the execution of projects of considerable complexity.
For 4 years of work as an environmental engineer, I have gained the best experience:
- timely preparation and submission of all external and corporate reports for the 1st category of economic activity:
• statistical Corporate WEB report,
• Reports to the Clients – TCO, NCOC
• tax declarations (860.00/870.00),
• waste reports on demand (monthly, quarterly, annual),
• Passports of hazardous wastes,
• Annual Waste inventory report,
• Industrial Environmental monitoring reports (sea water, treated water, soil, flora and fauna),
• 2ТP – Air/ Water Report,
• 4ОS – Environmental Payments,
• Environmental action plan reports,
• Actual emission reports,
• surface water use report,
• GHG report, inventory of greenhouse gases etc.
- Preparation and submission of data for MPE and MPD designs, inventory of emission sources of pollutants, calculation of emissions, conducting public hearing, Environmental damage calculation, etc.;
- Compliance of the company's activities with IFC requirements in order to prevent and minimize environmental and social risks during construction activities on sanitary protection zone, Dry Dock modernization, Electrical power plants extension, cargo transportation projects;
- Environmental permitting: timely obtaining and cancellation of Emission permits, Special water use permits, State authority experts conclusions, monitoring of construction activities;
- control timely fulfillment of the requirements of the Environmental Action Plan and other procedures;
- Conducting trainings to employee (including subcontractors) on the key topics: induction training, Environmental aspects operational control, Waste management, Oil and chemical spills prevention and response;
- Control and implementation of Waste Management System with focus to International 5R /Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace, Replant/:
-Planning, control and timely registration an amount of generated wastes, organization of transportation for further operation (reduce, reuse, recycling, disposal), checking of segregation on site and on Temporary storage area for hazardous waste;
- Preparation of accounting documents by SAP programs (Work orders, Service entries, invoices, Purchase Request and Order);
- Carrying out of TBT, Drills for employee and issuing of eco-bulletins, raising awareness of employee;
- site inspections for compliance to internal and external requirements;
- Internal audit- ISO integrated system 14001, 45001, 9001;
- Responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Environmental Management System by relevant supervisory staff during construction and operations.
Projects: NCOC – EPC 2,3, FGP TCO
October 2013 — May 2016
2 years 8 months
« JSC Retail Test»
Almaty, retailtest.kz
Business Services... Show more
Leading specialist - ecologist of the department of monitoring and environmental protection at Projects Design company
Main Duties:
Development and submission of Environmental designs:
Projects of Maximum permissible emissions and Maximum permissible Discharges;
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) projects and the sections of EIA;
inventory of emission sources;
inventory of GHG;
development of standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal;
Evaluation of the ecological state of the areas in the region of the facility;
Development of programs and performance of industrial environmental monitoring.
The main contribution:
1. Organization of Environmental management system
2. Formation of the basic methodology library for internal users, especially for Ecologist:
All regulatory documents, different types of methodology, government standards identified accordingly: Atmosphere, Water, Soil, Radiation, Flora, Fauna, Marine biota
3. Implementation and integration of quality management system in accordance with national and international standards ISO 14001-2006, ISO 9001-2009, OHSAS 18001-2008
Executed projects:
- Project of maximum permissible emissions for Atyrau thermoelectic power plant;
-Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for an arsenic-iron containing waste disposal project (MZO) in dry, non-flooded mine workings of the Grekhovsky mine –“Kazzinc" LLP;
-Hazardous Waste Passport of calc – arsenic wastes, LLP "Kazzinc";
-Env.Report – Research work "Determination of hazardous properties of calc-arsenic wastes", Kazzinc LLP;
-Passports of hazardous wastes LLP "Kazzinc"
-MPE "KazGeoSintetika" LLP;
-Sanitary protection zone design - JSC "Aluminum of Kazakhstan"
-Inventory of emission sources for Aksu ferroalloy plant
October 2012 — September 2013
1 year
LLP "Inform-Ecology"
Business Services... Show more
Development the skills to design GHG inventory, MPE, EIA, etc.
Acquired the skills to prepare the bidding documentation and participation in accordance with the requirements of government procurement, purchasing and procurement (formation of a full package of documents in paper and electronic versions).
Executed projects:
- Inventory of greenhouse gases “Copper Technology” LLP - mines named after “50 years of October”, “Priorskoye”; / more than 20.000 tons CO2/
- Waste management program for fields: Besshoky Southerly, Sarykumak, Shokat, Dulat /”Sagiz Petroleum Company” LLP/;
- MPE for fields: Taskuduk, Ashchikol Yuzhny, Dulat /”Sagiz Petroleum Company” LLP/;
- Sanitary protection zone designs for fields: Janterek North, Karashkazgan, Sarykumak Western /”Sagiz Petroleum Company” LLP/;
- LLP "Aman Munai" - Waste management program and Passports of hazardous waste;
- EIA Section "Construction of commercial highways at the fields on Sagiz block in the Baiganin district of the Aktobe region and the Kyzylkogy district of the Atyrau region" -«Environmental impact assessment of Zonal technical design of well construction at the territory of the Sagiz block depth of 550 m., 1050 m., 1550 m. "/”Sagiz Petroleum Company” LLP;
-«Environmental impact assessment of Zonal technical design of well construction at the territory of the Sagiz block depth of 550 m., 1050 m., 1550 m. "/”Sagiz Petroleum Company” LLP/
August 2012 — September 2012
2 months
«Ak-konil» LLP
Business Services... Show more
The first job gave me the basis for the practical application of knowledge in the field of environmental protection:
-Inventory of emission sources;
- EIA - environmental impact assessment;
- Section of EIA;
- Sanitary protection zone;
- Industrial environmental monitoring;
- Inventory of GHG;
- Passports of hazardous wastes;
- Waste management program;
mastered new skills:
• inventory of emission sources,
• emission calculation,
• calculation fees,
Practical experience to use PC ERA software – main tool of Ecological designing and emission calculation.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
Dear Receiver,
My name is Saltanat.
I want to thank you for your attention and time for this preliminary introduction.
I am interested in a job, preferably related to Ecology, Environmental protection, ELC.
The most important thing in my practical and professional activity is resources, namely the TEAM - it is necessary to appreciate the personal qualities of colleagues, to value the relationship at workplace with purpose to create a good atmosphere.
“Together Everyone Achieves More”
Higher education
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Almaty
Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, Ecology, Master of Science, Diploma with Honors, GPA 3.94
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Almaty
Faculty of biology and biotechnology,, Ecology, Bachelor of natural science, Diploma with Honors, GPA - 3.83
Professional development, courses
Internal audit ISO 9001-2015, ISO 45001-2018
BUREAU VERITAS, Internal audit- ISO integrated system
"Environmental protection at enterprise: emissions and state reports including GHG”
NURIKON, "Environmental protection at enterprise: emissions and state reports including GHG”
State License for Environmental Design and Rationing
Authority, State license for designing and rating for objects of 1 level of economic activity
ERSAI, internal training, financial, logistic, distribution, inventories software for company
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter