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Female, 46 years, born on 20 October 1978

Kazakhstan, willing to relocate (Aktau, Astana, Atyrau), not prepared for business trips


1 200 $ in hand

  • Interpreter

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 3 years 6 months

September 2006September 2008
2 years 1 month
Alpha&Omega (American NGO)
Assistant of Business Development Department Director
Duties: briefing of minute meetings, letters and papers filing, business correspondence, dealing with suppliers, calls distribution, visa and registration issues, getting parcels and letters from the post office and fulfilling of lots of other tasks asked by the director, including general control of the department (water, electricity, rent and other business issues), budgeting, analyses of financial state, market researches (gathering of data, proccessing and analyses); filing of client’s portfolio, analyses and assessment of business plans and risks of credits, initiation and conduction of a committee to issue or decline a loan; monthly reporting (finance, follow up, credits) to foreign investors; follow up, development of relationship with clients; organization and holding of business trainings for clients, teaching and translation of the trainings; financial maintenance. 4 subordinators 10.2004-9.2006 Self-employed Duties: Analysis of competitor’s market, searching of clients; organization of working process; allocation of responsibilities; translation of conferences and meetings; working with clients; developing of education programs for students. 2 subordinators
June 2003October 2004
1 year 5 months
Sange Research Center
Manager of Marketing Researches
06.2003-10.2004 Manager of marketing projects - «Sange» Research Center Duties: Organization and control of the market research process; information and data collection (surveys, interviews, FGDs), SWAT analyses, translation them into English, making conclusions, tendencies, and forecasts; searching of clients; organization of seminars; conduction of meetings; managing of subordinates (19 people in different cities of Kazakhstan). 06.2002-03.2003 Interpreter of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Duties: Translation of newspaper articles and business correspondence, Interpretation of negotiations; arrangement of meetings; data collection; e-mail correspondence. 12.1999-06.2002 Chief Accountant «DESA»Ltd. Duties: A full range of bookkeeping starting with filling of blanks and business transactions journal and finishing with rendering of financial and bookkeeping reports. Skills: Fluent English and Russian; book keeping; typing with “blind method” - 180 s/m (English/Russian); PC acquirement (Excel, Word, Access, Internet, e-mail, Corel Draw, 1C: Accounting, Photo Shop, Power Point); office technique acquirement Business characteristics: Strong organizational skills, creative and analytical thinking, strong interpersonal characteristics, strong leadership and teaching skills, strong moderation skills, able to work individually and with team, responsible, laborious, loyal, teachable, multitask.

Higher education (bachelor)

Economist, bachelor



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchB2 — Upper Intermediate

GermanA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter