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ЗарегистрироватьсяБыла на сайте более двух недель назад
Женщина, 38 лет, родилась 6 июня 1986
Не ищет работу
Актау, готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
Business Administration; Business Development; Contracts & Proposals
- Директор по персоналу (HRD)
- Другое
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
- Руководитель отдела персонала
- Руководитель филиала
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 18 лет 10 месяцев
Февраль 2019 — по настоящее время
6 лет 2 месяца
Health Care Atyrau LLP
Branch Director
Start up, Leading and Organization of Branch activity
Business Development
Full responsibility on commercial and contractual issues
Contacting potential clients to establish rapport and arrange meetings, presentations
Participating in BIDs and tenders
Attending conferences, meetings, and corporate or social events
Training personnel and helping team members develop their skills
Январь 2018 — Январь 2019
1 год 1 месяц
Bolashak-Atyrau LLC
Contracts & Commercial Proposals Coordinator
Team leading
Coordinating and job monitoring of junior staff in Commercial Department
Contracts conclusion and administration process
Costs estimating and proposals preparation
Submission of Commercial and tender proposals in line with Company policy and in accordance with Customer's requirements
Please also refer to below duties for Specilaist role
Январь 2015 — Декабрь 2017
3 года
Bolashak-Atyrau LLC
Lead Contracts and Commercial Proposals Specialist
* Coordination the contract review and conclusion process with Customers, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers;
* Negotiation and communication process with Customers;
* Preparation of Commercial Proposals on Manpower/Recruitment Services upon Customer's request;
* Timely correspondence, feedback and communication with Customer regarding the Proposal issues;
* Estimation the total contractual value;
* Analyze of the key Customer's requirements, i.e. obtain all relevant documentation to be provided such as bank references, Customer's registration documents, reference letters, power of attorney etc.;
* Liaise with Corporate Lawyer on contractual terms of draft agreement;
* Liaise with Finance department on contractual payments terms, tax issues, invoicing terms, etc. ;
* Liaise and discusses specific areas with Recruitment/HR Departments with regards to the proposed Scope of Work and specifications;
* Consulting and support Project team with regards to the proposed Scope of Work and specifications;
* Preparation of the Form of Qualifications for review by Directors and internal review group;
* Preparation of the timely feedback and communication to Client on the contractual issues;
* Provision the administrative, consultancy and mentoring support to the Company's junior personnel;
* Supporting HR & Contracts department on Call off/Service Order implementation and issue;
* Monitoring and coordination of contracts validity in timely manner;
* Contract matrix preparation ;
* Arrangement and coordination of Contract implementation and presentation to relevant parties;
* Timely notification and informing of all relevant parties on any updates or changes of Contract T's & C's;
* Maintains the ''Tender and Commercial Proposals Submission Log'', regularly updates the database and tracks the status of each Commercial Proposal submitted;
* Maintains and regularly updates the ``Contracts Log'' ;
* Analysis of market trends, market research, risk management, costs and cost control ;
* Tendering and preparation of tender package ;
* Estimation of total contractual value according to the tender cost of purchase;
* Analysis of key Client's requirements to tender / RFP / RFI package, i.e. obtain all relevant documentation to be provided such as bank references, Client's registration documents, reference letters, power of attorney etc.;
* Liaise with relevant Company departments on contractual terms of tender / RFP / RFI;
* Consulting all Project team with regards to the proposed Tender Scope of Work and specifications;
* Prepares response for the Technical Part of tender ;
* Preparation of list of qualifications and clarifications for Management's review ;
* Costs Estimation and Prepare the response to the Commercial / Priced Part of the tender;
* Monitoring the timely response in the right format, on time and at the right location ;
* Check of up-to-date status of tender / RFP / RFI ;
* Maintaining a central tender file, and update the tender database throughout the tendering process ;
* Monitoring of preparation of the tender files to ensure the documents are prepared in accordance with the instructions and bid requirements ;
* Updating information in e-systems and/or uploading files, and/or links into e-system
Июнь 2013 — Декабрь 2016
3 года 7 месяцев
Bolashak-Atyrau LLC
Commercial Proposals Administrator
preparation and adminisatration of contracts with all Company Suppliers/Providers
recording of contracts register / contracts log
assistance in tender submission and prepartion of technical package / part
Март 2008 — Май 2013
5 лет 3 месяца
Bolashak-Atyrau LLC
Logistics Coordinator
* Travel / flights arrangement and control of residence, departure and arrive of expat staff;
* Tickets arrangement;
* Booking of hotels and transport arrangement:
* Preparation of all documents for expats mobilization including letters of invitation ;
* Control of visa validity;
* Submit of Weekly charter flight list;
* Monthly travel cost and report preparation; travel invoice recharge to Contactor;
* Receipt and confidential distribution of pay slips;
* Register and booking of medical check in for BG/KPO employees, reporting of medical certificates to the Health Medical department;
* Monthly Medical invoice of insurance for expat employees to the Health Department;
* Monthly control, checking and report to contractor of timesheets and pay sleeps for expat staff. Control of expenses and resolution of all questions regarding flights, transportation, visas and timesheets, working with correspondence on this matter;
* Timely sending, reception and correspondence by e-mail, reports and database.
Февраль 2007 — Март 2008
1 год 2 месяца
Bonatti SpA
Quality Control Assistant
Bonatti SpA, Kazakhstan Branch
* Quality Control department
* Preparation of weekly KPO-Bonatti QC MoM Report;
* Distribution of internal and external documentation ;
* Control of incoming, outgoing documentation;
* Correspondence, interaction with Client and Subcontractors;
* Preparation and holding of Internal Quality control Audits;
* Involving in disputes related to QA/QC Issues ;
* Preparation of daily reports;
* Daily and monthly timesheets for Quality Control personnel;
* Filling of Welding works Log;
* Data base of welding, post welding works (PWHT) and Nondestructive testing (RT, UT, DPI, MPI and HT);
* Preparation of Test - packs ;
* Data input and control of Quality Documentation;
* Translation, interpretation in the meetings with Client and Subcontractors.
Ноябрь 2006 — Январь 2007
3 месяца
Bonatti SpA
Technical clerk
• Work with office equipment;
• Scanning, copying and filling of documentation;
• Data input into the database
• Preparation of various requests
Июнь 2006 — Октябрь 2006
5 месяцев
PSS Company
* Work with office equipment;
* Scanning, copying and filling of documentation;
* Data input into the database ;
* Preparation of various requests
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
Invoicing > Issuing Invoices, Taxation, Project Team Skills, Preparation of the timely feedback and communication, mentoring support, Contract matrix preparation, Cost Control, Risk Management, Service Order implementation, coordination of Contract implementation and presentation, report preparation, Audit, Quality Control, Welding, Data Entry, Nondestructive Testing
Высшее образование
West Kazakhstan Engineering Technological University
Economics & Management, Economics
West Kazakhstan Institute of Languages and Management
Translator/Interpreter of two foreign languages, Translation Studies
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Mr. President
K. Khassanov, Efficient communications
GTD Kazakhstan
Triumphconsult, Efficiency
Abraxas t&d
Abraxas t&d, Negotiation skills
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения