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Мужчина, 45 лет, родился 26 сентября 1979

Рассматривает предложения

Екатеринбург, готов к переезду (Актау, Алматы, Астана, Москва, Московская область, ОАЭ, Республика Башкортостан, Республика Крым, Республика Северная Осетия-Алания, Республика Татарстан, Санкт-Петербург, Свердловская область, Сочи, Ставропольский край, Ханты-Мансийский АО - Югра, Челябинская область), готов к командировкам

Regional manager (branch manager)

  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 23 года 1 месяц

Сентябрь 2024Декабрь 2024
4 месяца
GeoOptimum Company Ltd.
Head Engineer
I implement innovative services developed in the company. There are four projects in the work - pilot tests of technological downhole equipment. The work is accompanied by work in the workshop together with the chief designer, trips to wells and direct participation in tests. I control and ensure the quality of the company's activities in the field of providing services for monitoring well parameters of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas producing companies. I work with the budget. I participate in negotiations with customers and suppliers. There are 30 people subordinated to me. Customers of the pilot tests: Yuganskneftegaz, GPN-Khantos, Samotlorneftegaz, Purneftegaz. Two projects have been recognized as successful and are being prepared for implementation (replication) in subsidiaries of PJSC Rosneft.
Апрель 2018Август 2024
6 лет 5 месяцев
Geooptimum Company Ltd.

Россия, www.geooptimum.ru

General manager
Control and support of the company’s activities in the field of providing services for monitoring borehole parameters and services for sandblasting perforation of wells for oil and gas companies. Sale of services and their provision. Control and regulation of the work of separate units. Ensuring the cost-effective operation of the enterprise. Negotiating with customers and suppliers. Subordinated to 20 people. During my leadership in the company, a new technology has been successfully introduced, which brings the main income. The company is in a growth stage.
Февраль 2017Март 2018
1 год 2 месяца
Geooptimum Company Ltd.

Россия, www.geooptimum.com/

Deputy CEO
Ensuring the activities of the enterprise in the field of services for monitoring borehole parameters and services for sandblasting perforation of wells during hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas companies. Monitoring and regulation of the location. Ensuring the cost-effective operation of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of industrial (technosphere) safety and labor protection. Negotiating with customers and suppliers. Subordinated to 12 people.
Ноябрь 2016Февраль 2017
4 месяца
AVEK Company Ltd.

Россия, www.avek.ru

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Project manager
Conducting major projects for the supply of quality control systems for manufactured equipment and parts. Monitoring deadlines. Interaction with manufacturers and suppliers of ultrasonic, radiographic, luminescent and magnetic particle inspection systems. Conduct of negotiations. Tender work, preparation of design documentation. Sales. Sale of design and survey services and warranty services for plants manufactured in Germany, England, China. Search and selection of suppliers of related equipment. Work with institutes. Participation in technical meetings. During his time at AVEK, he won a tender for the supply of design services for a large federal state unitary enterprise. Provided increased project profitability. As a result of team work and negotiations with representatives of the plant, the cost of supply was reduced by 1,500,000 rubles.
Июнь 2014Октябрь 2016
2 года 5 месяцев
Industrial Group Generation, Kazakhstan representative office

Астана, generation.ru

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Execution of sales plan and ensure the profitability of the mission. Planning and monitoring of implementation indicators of the budget, control of accounts receivable. Operational management: organization and control of work units. Control the administrative activities of the branch. Cost-effective activities. Planning and monitoring of implementation indicators of the budget of the mission, the monitoring of implementation of sales plan of representation, control of accounts receivable. Implementation of commercial policy of the Company, increase in sales, market development, sales; Participation in exhibitions, negotiations with major customers, concluding contracts, control of fulfillment of customer contractual obligations. Issues in personnel management: rational allocation of responsibilities among branch staff, evaluation of work of employees, maintaining the required level of labor and Executive discipline, identifying training needs of personnel and training, maintaining corporate standards of the Company Interaction with the Central office in Ekaterinburg: addressing issues to improve the operations, effectiveness, reporting. During the work successfully reorganized offices without losing customers. Are current contracts at the time of the reorganization. Made up of sales offices in 2014 in the second half of the year. In 2014 LLP "Industrial group Generation" is recognized as the importer of the year in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also work on one of the contracts was accompanied by complaints on the technical side, the result of my work the problem was solved by a new cost-effective conclusion of the contract on elimination of problems. The cooperation continues. Localization Ekaterinburg-Astana-Aktau-Almaty.
Октябрь 2013Октябрь 2016
3 года 1 месяц
LLP "Generation NGO"

Екатеринбург, generation.ru

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Project Manager (sales engineer)
Selling a wide range of oil and gas equipment and services to companies of Russia and Kazakhstan, presentation, tender work, find new customers, control and organization the success of projects, contract work, foreign trade, accounting, "closure", claim work, participation in exhibitions, work with design institutes. Monitor the work of competitors, rapid response.
Апрель 2011Сентябрь 2013
2 года 6 месяцев
NEKKO Company Ltd.

Екатеринбург, nekko.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Regional project manager
Ruling the commercial and technical parts of the project, selling the services of Hydra-Mechanical Plastosoft wells Perforation (HMPP), selling different services to oil and gas companies in Khazahstan (Aktau) and Russia, negotiations with top managers, making presentations, biddings’ work, looking for the new clients, marketing, organising and control of the project’s success, working with contacts, foreign economic activity, accounting, working with claims, taking part in geologic technical meetings and scientific technical events, reports. Controlling the competitors’ work, quick reacting. Sales are based on knowledge in suggested technologies and general knowledge.Repeatedly was awarded by quarter bonuses for the most expensive operation and the quantity of the operations.
Февраль 2010Март 2011
1 год 2 месяца
NEKKO Company Ltd.

Екатеринбург, nekko.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Leading engineer
Improving and controlling the quality of HMPP works, adopting of the quality control systems, developing and controlling the working technology, educating and examining of technologists, supervisors and coordinators, managing the team of the supervisors, statistics. Performed work database maintenance.The work of company supervisors’ service was created and organised.
Октябрь 2006Январь 2010
3 года 4 месяца
NEKKO Company Ltd.

Екатеринбург, nekko.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Regional projects coordinator (supervisor)
Ruling the project maintenance activity, coordinating and controlling the work of technologists, cooperation with Clients’ and contracting agencies’ representatives, equipment logistics, creating, approving and adapting the technologic working plans, organising and controlling economic activity, everyday reporting. Toolbox, labour protection talks. The working regions: Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous District(Nizhnevartovsk, Raduzny, Kogalym, Pokachi, Langepas), Yamalo-Nenents Autonomous District (Noyabrsk, Gubkinsky), Tomskaya Area (Strezhevoy).
Июль 2005Сентябрь 2006
1 год 3 месяца
NEKKO Company Ltd.

Екатеринбург, nekko.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Engineer-sales manager
Selling the company services to gas and oil Russian enterprises, presentations, searching new clients, controlling and organising the project’s success, accounting, negotiating with client’s representatives, reporting.
Декабрь 2004Май 2005
6 месяцев
TNK-British Petroleum Ltd.

Нижневартовск, tnk-bp.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Oil and gas extraction technologist
Everyday monitoring of the mechanized equipment of the oilfield, controlling everyday oilfield activity, coordinating the extraction operators’ work, reporting
Октябрь 2003Ноябрь 2004
1 год 2 месяца
TNK-British Petroleum Ltd.

Нижневартовск, tnk-bp.ru

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

Oil and gas extraction operator
Controlling the mechanized equipment of the oilfield team, selecting tests, level making, starting the wells operating, economic activity on the proxy bushes, controlling the works of the contracting agencies, elimination of the emergency situations (outbreaks).
Октябрь 2001Август 2003
1 год 11 месяцев
Armed forces of the Russian Federation

Владикавказ, mil.ru

Государственные организации... Показать еще

The second in artillery reconnaissance command, responsible for characters building – reserve senior lieutenant
Personnel moral and psychological controlling, teaching social state training, patriotic training, organising mass culture events, cooperating with the physiological service on guard duty access.


Уровни владения навыками
Sales Skills
Project management
Organization Skills

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

Specialist in sales of industrial equipment and services, and have an experience in the area of perforation, drilling and workover rigs, technologies of enhanced oil recovery, Geology, development and exploitation of oil and gas on land and offshore, electricity and nuclear energy. I have experience with both large and oil and gas producing companies of the middle tier of Russia, Kazakhstan, Denmark and other countries (representative office in Kazakhstan). I have good connections in oil and gas production, gas production, gas transportation and service companies of Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The experience of driving the car since 1998 (category BC). I like traveling and doing sports (soccer, swimming, rafting, etc.). In my free time o study english and practise it.

Высшее образование

Ural State Mining Geological Academy (Ural State Mining University)
Mountain and mechanical, Mountain machines and oil and gas complexes
Nizhnevartovsk oil college
Oil and gas fields operating, oil and gas fields operation technician

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

КазахскийA1 — Начальный

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

USIB, Managment of companies - mini MBA
Conducting negotiations in sales
Corporate time management (Microsoft Outlook)
Traning company Time organisation
Personal efficiency
Training centre SUCCES LINE
Ruling sales in the competitive environment
Training centre Polinom
Emergency situations industrial security

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан, Россия

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не более часа