ТОО Дитсманн

Сферы деятельности

Нефть и газ

Химическое производство, удобрения

ТОО Дитсманн
Dietsmann is the Leading Independent Specialist of Operation and Maintenance for Oil, Gas, LNG and Power Plants leveraging over 30 years of cumulated know-how of plant and equipment, the evidence of which is its long term partnerships with many IOC’s and NOC’s. In our organization, the recruitment of personnel for all contracts is coordinated by Dietsmann's International Coordination Centre in Monaco and supported by the senior management of our offices worldwide. We have been present for more than 25 years in Nigeria, Angola, Congo and Gabon, and we are proud to work with thousands of highly motivated and well-trained local staff, some of whom have been promoted to senior management positions. In our operations in Kazakhstan and Russia, we are close to 100% local employment in our maintenance organization.
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